Their Hidden Lair by taiwandaily

Their Hidden Lair

Mormon missionaries are usually found riding around the cities on bikes, stopping to try and convert people. On a walk today I stumbled across their lair. It's actually quite a large complex with a church, and what seems like an office/school building behind it. As well as seeming to own some of the buildings around the complex as well.

On whole I find it interesting that there are mormon missionaries here at all. Seeing that mormons had the debated belief that only white people could go to heaven. So why try to convert people to a religion where those converted couldn't go to heaven. Then again a change in this belief was made a few decades ago, but that always seems curious to me since religions are very against changing any old and outdated rule, yet they change that one. If they change that, why can't they change other ones?

Since I generally equate missionary work with poorer countries, I also find it baffling that the Taiwan government would provide missionary visas to the mormons.

However just like uh...more formal christian religions, there are a surprising amount of taiwanese mormons. but again I take issue with the fact that in Taiwan only the "good" parts of western religions are taught, and they are never told about bad things or made to follow most if any of the rules and laws of the religion.

It's not all hypocrisy and annoyance though. I do admire the mormon missionaries for one thing...their Chinese ability. Before coming to Taiwan they undergo a six month intensive Chinese program, and then are able to come here and speak enough chinese to convert people. Very impressive.

I should close by saying, as much as don't agree with parts of mormanism, and as much as I dislike the fact that western religions aren't completely honest with their Taiwanese congregation, I do hold a great respect for those Taiwanese who have the courage to go out and discover which religion they feel is right for them.

Also calling it their "lair" might seem a bit harsh, but i'm also trying to capture the feeling of the average Taiwanese person towards mormons. As much as the mormons themselves think they are helping, the average taiwanese looks at them with suspicion and distrust, as if the mormons are trying to trick them. I think if anything, the mormons definitely need to rethink their approach, and not just roll up on their bikes to people on the street. And they should especially stop going door to door, as it's extremely rude to knock on a stranger's door here.

If anything it seems like even with their decades of being here, they haven't learned how to do things in Taiwan, and instead expect Taiwanese to just adjust to their way of doing things. This kind of arrogance makes not just the mormons, but all foreigners in Taiwan look bad.
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