Another Of My Failed Business Ideas by taiwandaily

Another Of My Failed Business Ideas

I pride myself on coming up with great business ideas. Then say to myself "man this is a great idea, Taiwan really needs this!" for a few years, until somebody else eventually does that thing and i say "see! it works! now why was I too lazy to do that?"

Walking along the street one day, seeing these hair extensions reminded me of an idea I once had. It was after seeing the movie "Good Hair" about how black americans pay a ton of money for weaves and wigs made from Indian hair, but how the true prize is Malaysian hair. Well Malaysian hair, Taiwanese hair, not a big difference.

If anything it just made me curious. I wondered if you paid people a hundred bucks for their hair, would they be willing to cut it off? Surprisingly most people wouldn't do that. Granted many women here feel a lot of pride to finally have hair freedom. Meaning students have rules on the length and style of their hair, so once people graduate out comes the individuality!

Note: "Individuality" means every single person from age 18 to 80 wears their hair long and with brown highlights. With maybe one time perming it and instantly regretting it.

So there was a quick death to my great business idea that i only halfheartedly considered and more than anything was just curious if people would actually sell their hair. But this story does have a happy ending in which it lead me to stumble across a charity which has people donate their hair to give to make wigs for cancer patients. Taiwanese aren't much for charity so finding out about this really put a smile on my face.
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