My Public Shame by taiwandaily

My Public Shame

I've often commented about how Taiwanese can be quite selfish and rude when out in public. Just the other day I was in line to get dinner and a Taiwanese woman cut in front of two high school girls. Normally I would speak out, but I've learned that doesn't change anything, and true change means that Taiwanese have to stick up for themselves. So I tried to encourage the high school girls to say something to the woman, but they didn't. Oh well.

The reason that Taiwanese are allowed to be like this is because there is no public shame. What I mean is nobody will yell at them or embarrass them or do something even more drastic. Being the hero that I am, this makes me think that I need really up the public shaming of bad people. But unfortunately with my first act of heroism, I have to shame myself...

Yesterday a friend was kind of enough to take me to one of my favorite restaurants. It has the best cake in town. In fact I ordered my meal in reverse, having the cake first, and then my entree, as I wanted to make sure I had room for all that delicious cake that i scarfed down in under a minute.

As nice as my friend is, she does have a bad habit at restaurants. Since she starts out hungry, she orders a lot of food, but then quickly gets full and can't finish it all. This happened yesterday when she ordered her dessert at the same time as her entree, to which i asked if it wouldn't have been better to just order her entree first and then see if she would be able to eat more after that.

Of course she was full after the entree, but out of spite, didn't want to cancel her dessert order. Finally enter my heroism, I decided that I would take a picture of her unfinished dessert and put it on my blog so she would feel publicly shamed for not being smart in her food ordering. It seemed a good way to repay her for her treating me to a meal.

To prove herself right, she decided to eat all her dessert, despite being full. I must admit, it was extremely entertaining to see somebody torture themselves just to prove they are right. It was like dinner theatre to watch her go through the stages of being stuffed.

1. your tongue loses its sensation of taste
2. you can't remember what it's like to not be full
3. your heart tightens up
4. lungs feel like they are getting smaller
5. anger and wanting to literally throw the food
6. acceptance that your life is now being full and you will probably never eat food again.

But as you can see she finished all the food. So instead it is me who is publicly shamed and I must say that she is a very smart and talented at ordering food. Granted I'm off to go have other wonderful foods, while she won't be able to taste food for the next few days, so you tell me who came out on top.
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