Never Eating Fish Again by taiwandaily

Never Eating Fish Again

The many rivers that dissect Taipei are a double edged sword. On the one hand the riverside parks and bike trails are very peaceful and pretty. On the other hand the rivers are highly polluted and smell pretty bad. I will never forget the one time my dog thought it would be a good idea to go in the river, and came back out covered in what seemed like tar. Since then she has stayed away from the river.

Every time I'm out by the river, I will eventually think to myself "oh this is so lovely" and then stop for a bit to admire the river. Only to see the pollution in it and be brought back to reality. However one question I always have is just how polluted is the river?

Well on cue the river answered my question. A few days ago while walking over a bridge I noticed that the river was having it's very own parade. A parade of dead fish. You can see in the picture there are many that have gotten caught on the bank, but in the river itself were so many dead fish just floating on top of the water.

The truly scary thing is that even the fishermen weren't collecting them. Everyday fishermen will go to the riverside to catch fish to eat. Which makes me shudder cause that water is practically poison. Yet they still will eat the fish they catch. However all these fish they just ignored. So if even they are ignoring these fish, these must be the most deadly fish in the world.
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