Discovery Channel by taiwandaily

Discovery Channel

Since cars in Taiwan are rather expensive, most people will stop and take a look at a car whenever they see even a somewhat decent car. This is not because of the car itself, but they want to take a look at the girl who is in the car. This is because in Taiwan, just like the rest of the world, rich guys like pretty girls and pretty girls like rich guys.

When I see a rich guy with a pretty lady, I always wonder how they met. Do pretty ladies come with the car? Once you are rich, is there a place you go to pick out the girl you want? The infrastructure of all this fascinates me.

While out at one of my previously favorite restaurants (more on this later), there was the guy and the girl in the picture. It was obvious that not only was it there first time to meet each other, but also the first time for both of them to be in this situation. As the guy wasn't that rich, and the lady isn't that pretty (i'm using the Taiwanese view of pretty, and by that standard she is low level pretty), it was interesting to seem them starting off in the kiddy pool. Perhaps he will get richer and she will get prettier but for now they are training for the big leagues. But since it was their first time to meet each other, there must be some association that sets people up. Perhaps the association for newly rich people, calls up the association for pretty ladies to say "hey we have a new member just starting out, do you have a starting lady that you also want to get some experience?"

It was more fascinating to see them slowly come to grips with their situation. The woman slowly became more and more uncomfortable as she started to realize the things she would have to do to earn her money. While the guy seemed to be getting bolder with each moment with a look on his face like "i know i'm going to have to pay for this lady, but i want her to at least pretend that the money isn't important."

Alas all good things come to an end though. The waiter told them they had to move as somebody else had requested that table. Perhaps somebody even richer? And also my enjoyment of this restaurant came to an end a week later. This is a place I have been to well over 100 times, with there being one two year period where i went there at least once a week. but the week after this picture was taken the food was horrible, and the staff seemed very unapologetic about it, and gave me no assurances that this was just a one time thing. Perhaps it's a sign that they are changing their style to one that is rather horrible.

But it's ok, it gives me the opportunity to hunt down other restaurants where new members of the rich people/pretty lady guilds go to meet each other for the first time. you can't beat dinner and a show!
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