They've Really Got It All by taiwandaily

They've Really Got It All

There is a junior high school in the middle of the city that always blows me away when I pass by. It looks less like a school and much more like a vacation resort. Not only are the buildings beautiful, open and bright, but they also have nice running track, and their own indoor swimming pool.

The thing I don't really understand though, is why this school? In Taiwan schools are ranked, so it seems as though the number one boys' high school should be the one to be so incredible. But that school is quite old and falling apart.

My guess is it's because this school is in a very wealthy area. But then it makes me wonder, how does a school get higher on the high school ranking? No doubt this schools' facilities are incredible, but could they also spend some money on hiring better teachers? Couldn't they spend enough money on resources to become the new number one school?

These thoughts were in my mind when I suddenly saw this one part of the school which hadn't noticed before. Some old traditional style house is on their property and instead of tearing it down, they left it up and it just sits in the corner of their campus. This school really does have everything.
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