Three Valentine's Days by taiwandaily

Three Valentine's Days

If you know me, than you will know that I'm not a fan of most holidays. I feel that if you need a day to show somebody you care about them, then you are kind of a jerk and you are not making them feel special. It's better to just do something nice or special on a "normal" day to truly show somebody you care. So imagine my frustration living in a country that has three valentine's days.

Why three? Well since Taiwan is essentially a mix of Chinese, Japanese, and American culture (I'd say 60, 30, 10), you have to celebrate each country's valentine's day.

The first is the most obvious one, February 14th. It is celebrated the same was as the west, with expensive presents and restaurants offering special valentine's day meals.

March 14th is something called "white day" in japan which is a valentine's day for men. Basically the girl is supposed to give some gift to the guy. I can kind of respect this one, as valentine's day is supposed to be for couples, but I think we all know that it's pretty much for women. Unfortunately white day isn't really celebrated as much as it used to be.

Finally on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calender is chinese valentine's day. because it's based on a love story between two lovers who can only be together on that day each year. This day is celebrated pretty much the same way as the february 14th day. Meaning a couple has a great time, but then the next day the lady goes to work and hears some story that happened to her coworker that is even more romantic, and then feels upset and jealous.
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