There was a bit of a commotion out the back; grabbed my camera and raced outside in time to see a lone White Cockatoo standing up to a couple of Rainbow Lorikeets. Pressed the trigger and held it down for burst mode. One shot!!! !!##**##!! I'm on the wrong setting. No time to change just keep taking single shots and hope for the best. This was the first pic I took.
See for what happens next.
I already had my pics for the day but they all just got bumped.
Awesome action shot. Isn't that always the way, silly camera setting getting in the way of a good shot. At least this one came out great.
I nearly got the elusive Lorikeet shot on Friday but the stupid lend focused on the leaves in front of it grrr. I will get that shot. One day.
I nearly got the elusive Lorikeet shot on Friday but the stupid lend focused on the leaves in front of it grrr. I will get that shot. One day.
Nice action shot.