Whenever another 365er from Oz has posted a pic of a Crimson Rosella, I have had a bad case of bird envy. Ever since I was an ankle biter, they have been one of my favourite birds. Unfortunately, we don't get them at all in Brisbane.
However they are found in the ranges to the west and there was plenty of them at the Queen Mary Falls cafe yesterday. The fact that the cafe sells seed for visitors to feed them with may have something to do with it. Get some seed in your hand and they are all over you trying to get a feed. They were sitting on the camera, my head, my shoulder while I was taking pics.
Unfortunately they are in the middle of their post breeding season moult and most of them looked a bit scraggy. Nevertheless, lots of shots were taken.
Best on black
Fav Poppo and isn't it a great spot with the birds. Thanks for the info about the platypus at Browns Falls. Must admit to not visiting Browns Falls. The Condamine River Road with the 14 creek crossings is a great place to visit but does require a 4x wheel drive, platypus are in the pristine creeks according to a friend who used to own property in the gorge.Beautiful capture BTW :))
Wow, he is gorgeous what a great shot. If you have still got your I Spy Book of Birds from when you were a kid you can now cross it off your list, ha ha.
@gigiflower I concentrated my pics on this one as I figured he was one of this years birds and his plumage was fine. They didn't all look this good though.
So much color on one little bird! 'Brilliant' doesn't begin to describe him sufficiently. I envy you, having them clamoring all over you while you photographed them.