Street art by wakelys

Street art

I not sure is the piece of sculpture approves of this mans reading material and the lady looks like she is having a cosy chat.
Both amused me so it was a bit of covert photography.
This stainless-steel sculpture created to say thank you to key workers in Chichester.
The sculpture created by Singleton-based fabricator John Gillespie.
I love this sculpture, the workers on the keys are so diverse, and all essential. Fab collage
September 2nd, 2021  
It’s strange isn’t one person can barely sit on the same seat, another seem quite happy having a conversation with the statue. People are interesting.
September 2nd, 2021  
LOL! I love the one with the lady sitting next to the sculpture!
September 2nd, 2021  
Very nice collage. I thought the lady was set-up
September 2nd, 2021  
A great collage and fabulous sculptures.
September 2nd, 2021  
I like he sculpture and to see the lady having some interest in him. haha.
September 2nd, 2021  
Love this, I bet lots of People sit & talk to “person”!
September 2nd, 2021  
A wonderful conversation piece. Nice collage.
September 3rd, 2021  
I like the woman having a conversation with the metal man.
September 3rd, 2021  
Great collage, fun shots
September 3rd, 2021  
Fun shots! I especially like the lady :)
September 3rd, 2021  
Fun collage!
September 3rd, 2021  
@valerina hi not seen you in a while. Hope all is ok.
September 3rd, 2021  
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