What do seasoned photographers really think of newbies?

February 22nd, 2012
Let me preface this by saying I AM a newbie and have felt a little insulted today and I was wondering if it was something random or pervasive. I was taking photos at a party I was at with my family and a professional photographer was there and told his wife, another pro, that I was a "fauxtographer" and then proceeded to rip my camera and shooting style and pretty much everything else to a pile of sad little shreds. Then I was visiting a Facebook page that is supposed to be pros and amateurs helping each other out and the phrase came up again, in reference to another newbie. I enjoy taking photos and I know that I am not a wonderful photographer and honestly, I don't even really consider myself a photographer, just someone who loves to take photos. But is that the way I am really seen by those who have wielded a cooler camera for longer?
February 22nd, 2012
Honestly, to hell with them. People like that have a serious chip on their shoulder.

Photography is something I've only recently really gotten in to, and I am not a pro so I cannot answer that question for you, but I used to be a rather popular graphics and web designer- featured in magazines, finding articles about me that I didn't know were being written etc. I LOVED brand new designers & artists. What they made sometimes was awful, but if they were REALLY trying I was impressed, because they'd throw their hat in the ring with the best. I loved supporting them and praising them and giving them the help they needed.

These people you are describing sound petty, small, insecure etc. What jerks.
February 22nd, 2012
That was beyond unprofessional of that "professional" to be openly talking about you like that! Definitely insecure and a jerk off.

As a professional, I have privately poked fun at others, but NEVER in their presence, or around those who might know the person. It's called being classy, and not a "photo douche."
February 22nd, 2012
@bookcasefrenzy @echoia

Mate don't let it get you down it sound like the guy is a dick. I love helping others as we all have ideas that we can share. The only real time I get short so when I am trying to get the shot and I am being interrupted but I just ignore or excuse myself and get on with the job.
February 22nd, 2012
Though I am most definitely seasoned, I am most definitely NOT a seasoned photographer... However, I would say that though the people you came into contact with may be excellent photographers, they certainly are not excellent people! Like Echola said, they are petty, small and mean... and putting others down is probably the only way they have of making themselves feel more important, I think REAL seasoned photographers are only too willing to help the newbies learn... through positive, constructive critiquing, not criticism.
February 22nd, 2012
wow. what a dick.

i don't see anything in your project that makes me go "bleh" or think "fauxtographer." if you're just doing snaps, you're doing a damn good job - you have some pretty amazing frames already in your project.

the hell with that guy. his attitude is an embarassment to us all.
February 22nd, 2012
Veronica, I too am a newbie, and like you, thoroughly enjoy the art that is photography. I have been blessed to be embraced by my friends who are semi-professional photographers, and have spoken with one or two true professional photographers. Not one of them has ever said anything remotely insulting to me, but rather, have been excited to share their knowledge with me, and have patiently guided me when my thought process was a little off-base. Don't let this guy get you down, or let him take what you enjoy from you, by his unkind words. People like that aren't usually happy in their own lives, and do things like this to fill a sad void. Keep right on hitting that shutter button and forget about him...
February 22nd, 2012
He's a putz. Anyone who behaves like that has no credibility as a photographer...or a human being for that matter. Enjoy what you do - that's what's important.
February 22nd, 2012
For the most part on this site, I've come across nothing but supportive people, including professionals, who are more than willing to share their knowledge along the way. But yes, occasionally I come across a professional or otherwise that feels the need to make sure everyone else feels inadequate in comparison. I honestly have no idea why someone would want to do that, other than complete and utter insecurity. It always reminds me of my first job, when I was "new girl" and one of the older staff who had worked there since the dawn of time constantly made fun of the way I did things, and I even caught her snickering about it to other staff members a couple of times. I finally stopped and asked her if, instead of wasting time making me feel crappy, how about showing me how to do it the right way. It just made sense to me. But I guess some people are just small.
February 22nd, 2012
I have only one rule when there is a professional photographer at an event and that is to stay out of their way and let them work. So I take my photos around them. I make sure I'm not in the background of their shots and know that what ever I shoot will supplement the professional photos.

When it is a family event, I know that I will be sure to get at least one smiling photo of everyone. And a few candids that will makes us smile or laugh.

When a professional has the time at an event to mock me or call me a "faux-tographer" I figure he/she isn't getting their job done.

And just so we are clear, the term professional means you are being paid for your work. Clearly that is the definition by which he was working. He was being paid.

Not everyone has the kind of professional standards or polish that we see here from so many of the 365- photographers. The ones that go out of their way to help us and provide critiques and technique advice.

I don't want to stoop to name calling but I thinking:

Faux-tastic Dick. (Oh, I really couldn't stop myself)

Am going now to check out your photos!!
February 22nd, 2012
@bookcasefrenzy one has to wonder why he felt the need to do this! The only reasons people generally lash out are they are threatened, they have no manners or they are special needs and are having a melt down (added that last one cos my 4 yo is ASD and will lash out for no earthly reason other than that :) )

He sounds like an idiot and please don't spend anymore of your time thinking about why.... I'm a professional midwife, I love teaching up and coming midwives. I find most 'professional' photographers (using the ' ' because I don't know if they're getting paid so I'm judging by quality etc, are more than happy to teach up and coming amateurs. Maybe they're just experienced amateurs? ie not getting paid, not amateurish...)

February 22nd, 2012
wow RUDE!!! I say do what you love & do it for you. Everyone starts somewhere & that "pro" did too!
February 22nd, 2012
you should've got his contact details so you can send this thread to him. This isn't an issue of professionals vs amateurs. Professionals who are truly passionate about photography would be more than happy to give constructive criticisms and support. What you came across was a couple of disrespectful arseholes.

Also, keep in mind that photography as a profession has very low barriers to entry. start a website with "firstname lastname photography" and you're on your way. So just because you're professional doesn't mean you're good. in fact, statistically speaking, he's most likely to fall into the not good category :D
February 22nd, 2012
My facebook page is actually called, "Point-N-Click Fauxtography" because people gave me SO much shit for taking pictures! When I started I wasn't even doing it to make money. I just love everything about photography. Making something so tiny, be the main show. Or something so large, like mountains, and putting filling a frame with with. I have seen people with huge "fancy" equipment, who have NO idea what they are doing. They leave their camera set to auto, then turn around a bark judgements at me. It gets more giggles then anything.

If I were you, I would take it a compliment. I am willing to bet that this "professional" was intimidated by your work!
February 22nd, 2012
I have learned in life to simply walk away from people like that. I enjoy taking pictures just because it is something I love to do.Keep taking pictures and have a good time doing it
February 22nd, 2012
@scatochef The flipside of the low entry level is that some professional photographers feel understandably threatened by people willing to do work 'on the cheap', which is seen as a threat to their livelihood...

But sheesh, how about some humility? Everyone starts somewhere, and anyone who is genuine about their photography should be more concerned with how they can be better tomorrow than they are today. Teaching and learning is all one and the same. What you describe is just bullying. I pity their clients!
February 22nd, 2012
What an idiot, just don't take it personally. He probably was intimidated by someone else owning a dslr.
February 22nd, 2012
I can't stand it when so-called professionals and experts, in whatever field, put down newbies, conveniently forgetting they were also newbies at one point.
February 22nd, 2012
They are just feeling threatened...the new media (i.e. digital photography) is very scarey to anyone with a living to make...somehow it is now possible for you to do what they have spent a lifetime perfecting. Of course, you'll get one super shot in fifty and they'll make every shot count, but that message gets lost in translation (enough from me, retired from all that and just having fun on this site)
February 22nd, 2012
They feel threatened. Brush it off and don't let it get to you! There is nothing wrong with a person wanting to learn photography!
February 22nd, 2012
He has a tiny penis and was jealous you were getting better shots.
February 22nd, 2012
I came across this once at a friends wedding , the photographer was a douche and was really rude to the sister of the groom when she wanted to take a photo , he snapped and said he was the professional and no one was to take photos but him . I told her to ignore him as it was her brother that was paying him the $7000 to take the photos. Unfortunately the so called professionals photos were crap and they actually ended up using mine and his sisters photos to enlarge. Seems that some professionals are just egotistical jerks !
February 22nd, 2012
Although I haven't had a professional comment on anything I hate that when I am out shooting and have my big camera big with two lens people assume that I think I'm some hot shot photographer and make comments like "oohh here comes the 'photographer'. I would never put myself in the realm of "photographer" - I feel I am more "someone who likes taking photos" I don't want to be a professional - too much pressure to get the perfect shot every time you walk out the door - I am much more of a hit and miss kind of gal. I have taken some photos at a friends wedding and was feeling very sheepish around the "pro" as I didn't want her to think I was trying to step on her toes but at the same time I really wanted to get some nice pics. In the end we had a great conversation about cameras and what she does - making me even more determined never to walk the professional route. I agree with what others have said.

If you were just enjoying taking photos and having fun - they were being the idiots. My idea of a fauxographer is someone who is taking horrid shots and trying to sell them for more then they are worth
February 22nd, 2012
@tammeray I hope they didnt pay him for his photos if they used yours and they gave him $7000 just for his time....
February 22nd, 2012
$7000 was just take photos and get proofs , they did not buy any of his photos
February 22nd, 2012
People like to belittle and demean as a way to bolster their own importance when they feel threatened.
He sounds like serious jerk who need a personality transplant!
Sorry you had to hear that but honesty don't let it worry you they are not worth it!!
February 22nd, 2012
quite unprofessional of them to behave that way really. you keep taking pictures and take the high road. I'll be a fauxtographer any day over being a jerkwad!
February 22nd, 2012
I am a newbie - I did do photography many, many years ago at College but starting out again now. I totally agree with the replies you have received above - let this rise above you, you are talented in your own right and photography is to be enjoyed by the one behind the lens. If you are happy it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Like @mummarazzii says above some like to belittle others to bolster their own importance. Carry on doing your wonderful photography and enjoy every minute. :-)
February 22nd, 2012
@bookcasefrenzy - Honestly, he isn't worth worrying about, and if that is an example of how he connects with people, he can't have been very good - your attitude always shows through in your pictures!
(@johnnyfrs- Wot John Said!)
February 22nd, 2012
@hmgphotos Quote "As a professional, I have privately poked fun at others, but NEVER in their presence, or around those who might know the person. It's called being classy, and not a "photo douche."

I wouldn't call someone who talks about/pokes fun at others, "classy"

Being a professional only means you make a living from photography, not that you're a better person.
February 22nd, 2012
all of the above! if you see him again take his picture and put it on here.
February 22nd, 2012
You will always find people like that.
You know what? That is lack of self esteem or self respect from the person.
It means they only feel reassured with themselves and what they do by mocking others. Next time you might as well state that.
"good to know that you are so good that in some sort of self reassurance NEED to mock the work of others just in order to feel better with my choices"
February 22nd, 2012
Haha It's like @dieter said. I pity their clients!
February 22nd, 2012
@bookcasefrenzy I have zero training...use a point and shoot camera albiet in manual settings...I do not consider myself a pro...far from it to be honest...but I am amazed at what I am able to create with my camera....we all have to start somewhere and have a lot of room to grow...I would say F that jerk...shrug it off...its just about your relationship with your camera and the light...do not ever let another person get you down...and to be honest that jerk was a noob at one point
February 22nd, 2012
The man is a fool. In multiple ways, ignore him and his kind.
Fauxtographer is more properly used towards professionals who are less than competent. I do not care for the term even then. To use it towards an amateur is stupid as well as ignorant.

Note: professional vs. amateur is a descriptor for how one makes a living, not skill level.
February 22nd, 2012
@lilbudhha well said!
February 22nd, 2012
@bookcasefrenzy Hi Veronica, if it had been me I would have removed his largest lens from his bag, and shoved it where the sun doesn't shine. Then I would have taken a pic of it taking great care to get the lighting, rule of 3rd, lead in lines etc absolutely spot on, and posted it as a warning to all Phosnobraphers (this is my made up word, anyone can use it, no charge!) to not take themselves too seriously. For all you professionals, keep up the good work, this isn't aimed at you, just those who pop themselves up on a pedestal from which they pontificate at us amateurs who take photos with a smile on our faces.
February 22nd, 2012
That's disgusting. I suppose they were never a 'newbie'. Very childish.
February 22nd, 2012
Just wondered - did you tell the hosts of the party about the behaviour of the 'pro' photographer? I think I would so that they can complain.

I say 'pro' because it's not very professional is it? :/
February 22nd, 2012
Hmmmm .... sounds like he was trying to justify himself at your expense. Not cool!

This particular discussion has been played out over and over here, too. It's not going away because the world of photography and photographers is being redefined. This is a direct threat to those who are trying to earn a living being a 'professional photographer'. The only difference between a 'professional' and an 'amateur' is money. That's it! Many of them feel their livelyhood is threatened and that may be true. However, it does not give them the right to belittle your efforts to join the ranks or just have fun. It serves no purpose except to make you and others mad and makes them look like a jerk. They are doing a disservice to the profession.

David duChemin is a professional photographer and a fabulous teacher. Read this.

Work or Whine. A Rant. http://www.pixelatedimage.com/blog/2012/02/work-or-whine-a-rant/
February 22nd, 2012
Was he drinking or just socially inept? Blow him off, people like that don't deserve any respect at all.
February 22nd, 2012
I know several "seasoned photographers" aside from 365, and they are happy to share a love of photography with anyone. Seriously.
February 22nd, 2012
Gosh, everyone has a right to a hobby....geesh! My pro friends are more than welcome to help me, but I also am not looking to steal their business away. I do believe that at weddings and such, the photographer has the right to tell family members to put their cameras away, but even that should be in the contract. To me, fauxtographer is one trying to be a pro but has no idea what they are doing, not someone learning and loving the art.
February 22nd, 2012
Whether it's photography, cooking, whatever the business is, there will always be people like this. I don't know if they feel threatened, just don't have good people skills, low self esteem, really hard to say but just keep doing what you are doing. I "know" someone on another photography forum who has the absolute worst bedside manner, but he really knows his stuff. So, for him anyway, I tend to look the other way when it comes to his gruffness as I know I'll learn something from him once I filter out his words and listen to the message. It isn't always like that, but once in a while you have someone like that in your life. You just have to figure out if that person is worth your time or not.
February 22nd, 2012
The truly great photographers never rip someone to shreds like that. They love giving back and recognize someone gave to them to get them where they are. They build newbies and middle-learners like myself up, challenging them to improve without making them feel small and inadequate. My guess is this man and his wife are not as good as they like to think that they are. They put people down to make themselves look better in their own eyes. IGNORE THEM!! You will find people here on 365 that are amazing photographers and won't think twice about sharing what they know with you. They will allow you to be you without any belittlement or superiority complex. Enjoy what you do they way you do and learn from them. Forget this so-called pro.
February 22nd, 2012
professional duff is what he is
February 22nd, 2012
I do know that when my friend shoots photos for weddings (paid professional hired for the event), she hates it when family and friends get in the way trying to snap a picture after she's posed everyone. They interfere with her lighting equipment and slow down the whole process (that most agree is long enough already). She's not rude about it, but she's frustrated by it. There's a feeling that people don't appreciate her expertise and think their pictures will be just as good as hers. The mentality that "I can do it just as well" is the reason many people think photographers are overpriced.
I'm not a professional, but I can see where they're coming from.
February 22nd, 2012
@dmortega this "work or whine: a rant" post made my day. Thanks.
February 22nd, 2012
thanks, I cannot tell you how much better i feel. I was not in the photographer's way at all. he wasn't there to take photos, he was there with his wife as a guest. and I was taking photos of MY KID. the reason i know he's a professional is because he and his wife own a studio here in town. and the kicker is that he is friends with my husband. the other professional on the facebook page happened to be somewhere and saw someone taking photos, took photos of the photographer, then posted it online calling her names. I have to be honest, I was actually considering going back to a point n shoot and hanging up the slr.
February 22nd, 2012
Its a shame in life that some people feel so inadequate that they have to belittle other people to make themselves look better, there is a difference between newbies and fauxtographers, fauxtographers are those that without any training or little experience set themselves up as professional purely because they have a camera, anyone worth their salt will know that it is not the equipment that makes the shot but the talent of those behind the lens and how they use the equipment they have to hand, the guy sounds like a bit of an ass . Shrug him off you are obviously the better person
February 22nd, 2012
I occassionally fly off the handle when people (dicks) post links to the website which shall remain nameless but which pokes fun at non professionals, oh we're so ace, we charge £2000 to rob somebody on their most precious day...if you see that guy again smack him in the face with your tripod, I'll tell the police you were with me the whole time. Its fear, cold, unimaginative, technology reliant, capitalist fear.
February 22nd, 2012
I don't like the expression "fauxtographer". It's demeaning.

Anyone who has to talk down to (or about) others in their field, in order to make themselves feel big, is not a professional at all. Professionalism is about more than just the fact that you make money out of doing something; it's about your attitude.
February 22nd, 2012
what a douche bag. I've looked at your photos, and you have a lot of talent. I'd go with the idea that this fun loving (sarcasm) dude had some insecurity issues.
February 22nd, 2012
Let me get this straight: you're at a family gathering and a couple of professional photographers were there. Were they guests or were they hired to take photos. If they were guests, they shouldn't be invited again, and if they were hired, they shouldn't be hired again. Profoundly rude. I think people only diminish themselves when they try to diminish others. Stick with 365. I find it to be the most supportive community in the world! And I'm new too!
February 22nd, 2012
@dmortega What a brilliant blog. Thanks for the link. Have just bookmarked it to read again at a later date.
February 22nd, 2012
@bookcasefrenzy Don't hang up your slr because some whack job, self professed professional had to put you down to feel better about their (lack) of skill, finesse and respect. Keep on shooting because you love to shoot.
February 22nd, 2012
I didn't read through ALL of the posts, so if this has been said before, please just discount me! LOL!!

Most of the time, when people wield ugly comments, it's because they are insecure about something themselves. Maybe they were jealous of something you had, something you did or maybe they remember being their once too and were just uncomfortable, it reminded them of an insecure time in their lives.

I'm older and wiser now (well, not that old and not that wise) but I just shake my head and laugh. I'm having fun. And my fun is taking pictures. At least I'm not sitting around criticizing others. When you have time to sit and moan about someone else, you must have a pretty boring life. don't even pay two seconds of attention to them. Regardless of pro- non pro, I find myself attracted to those with a camera in hand at an event, party or whatever and I would rather go have fun and talk cameras and photos with them than lament on anything else.

Go rock your camera and realize that they are just an unhappy bunch of people!
February 22nd, 2012
I hate people like sounds the kind of thing someone on a forum I know would say his latest gem was.... I don't edit ever! I never have to delete a bad photo I don't have to I have an amazing camera and I am good at what I do.. You know what his pictures are like a 2 year old took them, in fact my dog took a better picture than that when she asleep on my camera
February 23rd, 2012
ah bollox to him... everyone has to have a start...! No one starts an expert...
February 23rd, 2012
@dmortega very interesting blog... change is HARD... but whining about it won't make it go away... in the words of gunnery sargent highway, one must improvise, adapt and overcome...

@bookcasefrenzy Veronica, do NOT let the turkies get you down... if the only way someone can make themselves feel good is by tearing someone else down, then they are not worth investing any energy or emotion in...
February 23rd, 2012
Just shows you how UNprofessional he really was. Fluff it off and move on to enjoy your love of photography. Remember...it's an artform and all in the eye of the artist.
February 23rd, 2012
please don't let anyone rain on your parade - it's YOURS
February 23rd, 2012
@tammeray "$7000 was just take photos and get proofs , they did not buy any of his photos" - holy crap! What a complete rip-off!!!
February 23rd, 2012
@dmortega Loved that article, rang so many truths, and love that it highlighted the fact that we have so many opportunities this day in age to really do what we want - we just need the drive and the hard work to back it up. :)
February 23rd, 2012
I think mostly, pro photographers see the digital revolution a threat to their work and believe me, wedding photographers aren't paid a lot for the amount of work that goes in (if it;s being done properly anyway). There's always going to be some photographer who gets hoity toity about it but if I had let anyone put me down when I first started out where would I be now?! As long as you're not getting in their way or using your flash when they're trying to get a shot then just get on with it and don't worry about him!
February 23rd, 2012
I think what happened to you was very unprofessional. What a CAD! I was taking a few shots at my nephews wedding a couple years ago...being careful not to walk into the photographers shot...it was his job to capture the wedding and I didnt want to mess it up..although I wanted to get some shots too. He was VERY accomodating! Later he said...so where can I see your photos...embarrassed I said "uh facebook" LOL
February 23rd, 2012
What a terrible person. I have seen folks like that. The last two months in our local camera club I have had the good luck to place in the monthly competition. Now the only prize is bragging rights, but I was very thrilled. Well, last years overall winner didn't compete in either contest but her and her husband made little faces at the winners and in general seem to look down on other lesser photographers. Beats me why anyone would be this way, but they are out there. The best bet is to just keep doing your thing. You are the better person. I'd rather be a good person than a good photographer and in my humble opinion you are both.
February 23rd, 2012
@bookcasefrenzy "I was not in the photographer's way at all. he wasn't there to take photos, he was there with his wife as a guest. and I was taking photos of MY KID."

Wow. He's even more of an ass than I originally thought.
February 23rd, 2012
I worked in banqueting, what I fail to say is that the whole UK wedding industry is overpriced, I saw about 300 weddings over 6 years and they were being fleeced, by us, by their chair cover hire, by the car hire, by everyone. I know its like that because of the televised media weddings, famous weddings and peoples I-want-that mentality. That said, my brother just got married, he paid £1500 for a woman to work for 2-3 hours, she gave him 10 pics with the chance to buy more. I could have bought all the equipment she used on the day and come away with £100 in my backpocket at the end for that price. I'd call that overpriced - but I suppose you can't make generalisations.
February 23rd, 2012
weren't we all new once?
February 23rd, 2012
@chewyteeth Jeez what a rip off... he should've checked out the WPJA site.!
February 24th, 2012
I'm new to photography, but not to jewelry making, and used to moderate on a jewelry forum, where as a newbie I was given tons of advice and support, and the more experience I got, the more I would want to return the favour, and would be more than happy to encourage and support newbies. The photographer sounds like a very sad insecure chap.
February 24th, 2012
I would try to ignore them if possible. As someone else said they must have some insecurities they are dealing with.

I still have a hard time calling myself a photographer. I just consider myself someone who likes taking pictures and I hope others enjoy looking at them. I have no problem sharing information either if someone sees something I shot and wants to know how I did it. After all, most of us learn things from somewhere else, we are not born knowing any of this stuff!

I have been taking classes since 2008 and I probably always will because I feel I have so much more to learn.
February 24th, 2012
@chewyteeth I take 5k of kit to a wedding, then there's the running costs of my car, my time (approx one full week for each wedding because of editing), the time for the pre consultation, all my overheads, tax, insurance, photoshop, computer, other software etc etc. But the main point is... you can't put a price on someone who knows what they're doing on a wedding day. Not to mention the money that went into marketing so you could find said person. It's not about kit, it's about what the photographer creates and you are paying for their art, passion and experience. I agree that some wedding photographers charge over the earth for prints but these days people are savvy to it and check before booking.

Wedding photography is the ONLY lasting thing from your wedding day. It's worth investing in.

February 24th, 2012
I guess its challenging making a living from photography these days, as everyone is a photographer & people who have worked hard, and made large investments of time and money to go pro can feel threatened.

Some of them will choose to respond like caged animals instead of higher beings...and this can feel disappointing. I have had 'friends' who once I became more serious about image production (film & photography) who became subtly or aggressively competitive...I guess that is one side of human nature.

On the flip side - I also know some amazing photographers (e.g. David Wachenfeld/ Triggerfish Images) and filmmakers (including BBC cinematographers) who have been generous & supportive.

My aim is to focus on what I am doing, and spend my time around those who are genuinely supportive and collaborative.

I wish you well.. keep going, and keep focused ;-) on your goals, dreams and interests.
February 24th, 2012
This is funny but has a bit truth in it. http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/7.htm
Being a professional photographer doesn't mean that you are creating anything meaningful or valuable, for me it only means that you make your living by making photos. Nothing more.
I want to believe that being an inspired amateur you have better chance to advance your art than professional photographers do.
February 24th, 2012
@andycoleborn thank you for saying that "werent we all new once" I do feel as though I must be the only person thats ever picked up a camera and had to learn everything from square one (I'm currently on square 2 as I have learned how to turn the camera on:) ) while everyone else picked one up and suddenly became a professional.

@bookcasefrenzy even on my worst day of taking photos I dont consider myself a "fauxtographer" because every photo I take is a real photo...something that is important to me for reasons maybe no one else will understand. There is nothing faux about that. :)
February 24th, 2012
I think it is all about having fun taking photo's and the joy of make photo's you like and try to make the best photo's you can. That is anyway how I make my photo's, for I do it for my hobby so it must be fun to do isn't it?!
February 24th, 2012
i would be offended - at the end of the day even the pros had to start somewhere, like anyone does when they learn - Pro's just deal with it, people have a hobby you should encourage us not bash us - we can't all afford to go to college or scam the system to pay for us to go, and not all of us want to be pro's like you. for us its fun and relaxing
February 24th, 2012
yeah the same arguments i hear, can't put a price on it, its your wedding so its worth it....that's what they say yeah. I mean I'm an amateur, what do I know?
February 24th, 2012
Rude behavior is rude behavior. The best thing to do is walk away from it and realize that, while it speaks very little about your ability, it speaks VOLUMES about their character. 'Nuff said.
February 25th, 2012
@gailwf exactly... No one's born a brain surgeon :-)
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