August 9th, 2012
Hi Everyone.

Liam my son ( who is on the 365.) has been chosen as a finalist in his Digi Ed animation video ( clay animation.) For Liam to win...we have to vote. Below is the website where you can vote. Please vote for movie 4 Winston Heights Public school.

Anyone can vote. Thank you to everyone for your help. You ALL are so amazing...THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR VOTES....keep them coming. :)

Thank you everyone. Liam and His friends WON the competition.
August 9th, 2012
@veg66 Hi Joanne

Need to edit the link, the one you show isn't the one to vote with. Voting buttons are on this one. What a great project for the kids, have voted for Liam.
August 9th, 2012
Done - using @stuey link!! It was very creative - he is quite a talent!
August 9th, 2012
Voted...what a great project
August 9th, 2012
Yes I visited.....Nicel ........I voted.....Joanne!!!!!!!!! I wish him for the success......Liam.....
August 9th, 2012
Done good luck
August 9th, 2012
@stuey Thank's'd done. :))
August 9th, 2012
@kellc @swilde @pawar_ramesh @tigerdreamer You guys are amazing...thank you so much.
August 9th, 2012
Voted.... Great animation and wishing him the very best of luck!! ♥
August 9th, 2012
Haha, very cute; voted :)
August 9th, 2012
So sweet! Voted!
August 9th, 2012
Very well done. I've voted. Liam's animation is currently on 51% :o)
August 9th, 2012
done :)
August 9th, 2012
Voted :) Good luck to him!
August 9th, 2012
Done-good luck!
August 9th, 2012
Got a 20% Adv. so far ... Awesome " Little Brother " Peace to You ...
August 9th, 2012
@lonewolfman Thank's Wolfman...your one sweet man. :)
August 9th, 2012
cool clay animation.. my vote is in..
August 9th, 2012
Fabulous concept, my vote is in
August 9th, 2012
what a great idea - all the movies were very creative - my vote is in for you!
August 9th, 2012
Voted- they were really fun.
August 9th, 2012
lots of work gone in there, happy to vote :)
August 9th, 2012
voted! 53% for him so far!
August 9th, 2012
Voted! 54%
August 9th, 2012
Voted. This is pretty cool. Very fun.
August 9th, 2012
Done...he is in the lead.
August 9th, 2012
@edie Thank's so much Edie for voting. :)
August 9th, 2012
Done. I'm following him, he takes great photos
August 9th, 2012
Done! He's a clever boy, your son!
August 9th, 2012
Done voting. He has a commanding lead at 56%. Keep it going guys!
August 9th, 2012
Done! (And I thought #1 was pretty cute too!)
August 9th, 2012
August 9th, 2012
I voted for him too!
August 9th, 2012
Voted! Very cool ...
August 9th, 2012
Voted they are up 57% now!
August 9th, 2012
Very neat project, I had to watch all of them!
August 9th, 2012
Voted....he has 58% of the vote at this moment.
August 9th, 2012
@jdonnelly Thank you so much Joseph...the 365 family has been amazing.
August 9th, 2012
Voted. Cool video!
August 9th, 2012
Voted :-)
August 9th, 2012
@ladyjane @socalgal Big hugs to you both. :))
August 9th, 2012
August 9th, 2012
Voted! 59%
August 9th, 2012
voted - still at 59% but way, way ahead of all the others! i looked at all of them and would have voted for your son no matter what. what a neat competition. thank you so much for sharing this. so enjoy viewing things like this. my son is a teacher. very enjoyable.
August 9th, 2012
Voted. Liam is very talented. Good luck to him and his team.
August 9th, 2012
Voted. :)
August 9th, 2012
Voted and he is leading at 60% - very cool stuff!
August 9th, 2012
Did it! Judging by the bar he has a great chance! I bet your proud of him! He is very talented!
August 9th, 2012
August 9th, 2012
DONE! 60% and growing!!
August 9th, 2012
August 10th, 2012
Done! 60%
August 10th, 2012
Done :)
August 10th, 2012
Done. 61% now!
August 10th, 2012
August 10th, 2012
Congrats! Hope Liam wins!
August 10th, 2012
So cool!! Voted!
August 10th, 2012
voted : ) *crosses fingers*
August 10th, 2012
wow at 63% I think they are blowing the comp out the water... pun intended.. :)
August 10th, 2012
Voted! Good luck to Liam! :)
August 10th, 2012
Voted. Good luck to him!
August 10th, 2012
Voted, heis well in the lead. good luck to him :)
August 11th, 2012
August 11th, 2012
Done. Good luck Liam.
August 11th, 2012
Voted! good luck :D
August 11th, 2012
there seems to have been a big serge in movie 3 votes as they are now ahead but i put my vote in for movie 4 :)
August 11th, 2012
voted. Hope he wins. And like others have siad you must be very proud!
August 11th, 2012
I voted for movie 4 but we need more votes. Movie 3 is ahead. Good luck to Liam. Just making the video and entering says WINNER to me.
September 13th, 2012
@veg66 Thank you to everyone who voted for Liam and his friends.They WON the competition....8 movie tickets are coming their way.
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