Barcelona - photo opportunities and pickpockets?

May 19th, 2013
Off to Barcelona for a brief visit with the kids next week and getting really excited! I've got guide books and know about the Cathedral, Las Ramblas and of course all the Gaudi sites but I'm wondering if anyone has any other tips? The kids won't want to trog up and down for my 365ing so I need to be organised and one step ahead!

Secondly, and almost more seriously, we've been warned by everyone-and-his-brother about pick-pocketing & scams in Barcelona, seems to be a real problem. I can think of ways to keep my money safe but how about my point-and-shoot and dslr? I have a cross-body strap with a quick-release catch... do you think it's best to keep the camera under wraps in a bag (which could just get nabbed) or keep it on view and to hand?!

It's not a big problem in rural Bedfordshire so I'd be very interested to hear how you keep your equipment safe in the city...
May 19th, 2013
we went to barcelona a couple of years ago and i must admit i was pretty paranoid before going that my hubby and i with our 4 young kids would be an easy target. we had no problems atall, but were always aware. we never took loads of money or all our passports out, but i always had my dslr round my neck. i loved barcelona, and by the end of the 4th day there, was happy to walk around the place with my daughter on my own. it is a fab place, infact my favourite place i have visited. have fun, but just be aware, my only advice :-)
May 19th, 2013
Just keep your wits about you in Las Ramblas. The Dali Museum is a must too. Its a bit out of town but well worth the trip.
May 19th, 2013
We were there a few years ago and my Mum had her camera stolen from her backpack and our friend had hers stolen by someone on a bike. He grabbed it from her hand as he went passed! As with everywhere you go just be aware but I understand it is easy to be distracted when travelling with children.
May 19th, 2013
I would carry as little with you as possible in the tourist areas. I wouldn't even take a bag and keep your camera in your hand. I had my bag stolen with everything in it. Won't make that mistake again!
May 19th, 2013
huh, just read some advice on this - go to a local supermarket and make some purchase and get one of their shopping bags. From then on use there bag for your maps, cameras ......, per article you will look more like a local.
May 19th, 2013
Spent a few days there, the only scam I experienced was the taxi when we arrived. It took for ever to get to the hotel and I'm sure we passed the same place three or four times. I wore my camera on my chest, there are so many photo opportunities, I was almost constantly looking through the view-finder. Street performers, produce stalls, artists and people eating and drinking coffee.
May 19th, 2013
I am due to go there tomorrow so thanks for the warning! I will let you know if there are any problems
May 19th, 2013
When I travel I keep money etc in a wee flat bag under my clothes. I keep a little cash in a handy pocket. I often carry a cloth shopping bag holding essentials like sun block and lip balm. No handbag. I keep my camera in my hand (has a hand strap) or in the cloth bag rather than a camera bag. That being said, the camera after 5 years of this kind of daily abuse is feeling the wear and tear.
May 19th, 2013
How fun hope you had a great trip. A back pack on your back is a big no no, it makes you a big target. I have not been to Barcelona, but to a lot of European countries and the thieves are very crafty. Especially the cute little kids, don't be fooled by their sweet faces. My husband got his wallet stolen from his front pocket. Luckily I had read about the little rascals and I had just warned him about them when he stuck his hand in his pocket and realized they got his wallet. It had just happened, so we searched the train station and found them. We threatened them with an umbrella and they handed it back to us. We were lucky, most people would not notice until later. I kept my camera in a pack and wore it on my front instead of my back. I kind of kept my hands rested on the pack as well. I had no problems. I think being aware really helps they seem to prey on people who are distracted. Also be very aware if you are in a crowded spot. They seems to do there best work in crowds..
May 19th, 2013
I've been a couple of times Phil without problems. It's probably not much different to any big city in any country so normal sensible stuff applies like keep a wedge of cash and a cash/credit card in your pocket instead of purse, like wise phone in pocket not bag then if something does go you don't lose everything. Your camera will obviously be in your hand most of the time...not much point taking it you can't disguise the fact you're a tourist. When I stop for coffee, the camera goes in the bag, on the floor with my leg through the strap.
Just take care, make sure you're insured and don't let paranoia spoil your holiday :)
May 19th, 2013
I keep my wallet and small stuff in a fanny pack worn in the front and carry my camera. It;s not the mist fashionable look, but so far I've never had anything stolen. Try not to look daydreamy -- hard for me but i try to stay alert to my surroundings while I'm taking pictures. I also take along several camera cards so you won't lose all your pictures if someone snatches your camera.
May 19th, 2013
I went every year from about 2001 to 2009 - never had any problems - as long as you're as careful as you would be in any big city or crowded environment, you should be fine. And as others have said, just make sure you don't take all your money out at once, keep an eye on your stuff, and keep it well attached to you - cross body, under body - whatever makes you a tougher target that the careless person with a bag casually hanging off a shoulder.

Photo opps - you've already mentioned Gaudi - my fave Gaudi photo places are Parc Guell and the top of Casa Battlo. La Boqueria food market off Las Ramblas is a total must. And the Sunday morning Sardana dancing if you're there at the weekend. If you can spare a day trip out, Montserrat, fabulous outlandish mountain scenery.
May 19th, 2013
One other thing people never think bout and I never did until it happened to a friend of mine. When coming home form Mexico, someone working the airport check stations stoled one of her SD cards. I felt so bad for her, it had half of her pictures on it. So, you may want to put the cards in your pocket if they let you or have one of you travel mates go first and watch you stuff at the other end.
May 20th, 2013
Oh so excitting. I love barcelona. Been 8 times so far and have familly out there. Barca gets a bad rep for pickpocketing for some reason. We have never had a problem at all. Just be aware and keep you wits about you. As for photo ops I can recomend heading to the spanish village its called pabol espanyol. Basically a little town with cafes and shops but all the buildings are based on arcitecture from all over spain. Segarda famillia is a must amd I can recomemd paying to go inside. The main hall is in a very advanced stage and the most amazing place. Also you can no up the main spire in a lift now for amazing views. There is also a cool little square off la rambles called placa real. It has lots of bars and restuarants which are good but a bit more expensive but is lovely to have a drink at some tapas and snap away especially on a sunny day when tha parots are busy flying around. Parc guell is also wonderful but a little bit of a walk to get to from th metro stops but worth the effort. We also went to the top of the columbus statue at the bottom of la rambles which the kids will like and you will get some great views to shoot. I could go on all day. I always recomend getting off la rambles though. Be aware that as you stand on the rambles with place de catalunia to your back the left side of the city is wonderful. Gothic quarter is stunning. But the right side can get a little scummy especially were the sex shows are. All the times we have been we never spend much time there. The city church is a great spot to walk around in the gothic quarter.
May 20th, 2013
We had no problems with pickpockets there, but I think a lot of that is just being aware of your surroundings, and only carrying what you need. Zip-up bags that loop crosswise over one shoulder to the other hip (along with your camera strap), makes it pretty hard to "grab and run".
As for recommendations, we bought the two day open top bus tour, which is quite reasonably priced. The first day we just enjoyed the ride and listened to the history along the way. We marked on our map which places were of particular interest to us (it stops at all the major destinations) and spent as long as we liked at each stop. There's another bus every 15 minutes and your pass is good all day for both days, so there's no strict regimen to stick to.
Have fun!!!
(Also, not really for the kiddos, but we found the sex museum in La Ramblas quite entertaining, not to mention informative;-)
May 20th, 2013
Las Ramblas was the worst place I have experienced for pickpockets in over 60 countries. That being said I love it.

I only keep what I am willing to have stolen in my pocket, a little coin purse with 10 euro or so. Everything else is locked in the hotel or in a "Neck Wallet" under my shirt.

Keep your camera where you can see it. A cross body sling can be cut, but if you keep the camera in front you're probably ok. Lately for walking I keep my SLR on a wrist strap or a harness like this one:

I have matching clips on the wrist strap and my regular strap so it is easy to switch around.
May 20th, 2013
been robbed in Barcelona, which has left me totally paranoid and that was 15 years ago! Haven't read all the comments but Gaudi Park is great..all depends on what you like to photograph really. Have a great time.
May 20th, 2013
Have you have an iPad and a safe to keep it in, in the hotel? We have taken ours and downloaded our photos everyday. If sd cards do go missing then you have them. We bought the "dongle" which you just insert into it and put your card in that each time. Just depends how secure place is to leave ipad! Have a great time, love to go there again.
May 20th, 2013
i was in Barca a few years ago for 3 nights and didnt have a problem at all although I had also heard alot about others having a problem. I think that it essentially boils down to this - how much of a target do you look like? When i walk around, i have my camera in my hand and make sure the strap is wrapped around it a few times so it cant come off. I generally have my camera bag with me and they even have exposed zips but no problems because i'm pretty aware of my surroundings

@bluefirebucket gives good advice to when you put your bag down... always always always have your leg through it so no one can run and snatch it. the other big thing is not to leave your valuables on the table. Typical trick is for someone to come up with a map, put it over your valuables and ask for directions. While you're trying to be helpful, they steal the stuff from your table. Generally they all work by distraction / misdirection... so just make sure that you're in contact with everything at all times and that theyre somehow connected to you so they cant just be ripped off. easy.

Last thing i do is have my wallet say in one pocket and small change in the other - say EUR 30 or so. As i walk around and buy things - i'll take the money out of my small change pocket, which limits my potential loss if anyone makes a grab for it.
May 20th, 2013
Oh Phil, not sure if you wished you had asked. I think all the advice is good but just be extra careful with what you do. When I visited Barcelona I had no problem but then I had my best mate with me. Currently serving lord knows where but at 6ft 5in and the disposition and a face like a bear with piles I had no problems!!! You will be fine and the city is a photographers paradise. Just thought don't feed the kids for a week that should help protect you.
May 21st, 2013
@jaynspain Thanks for that Jayn, I think that sums up how I feel though I have heard so many people say it's brilliant. Fingers crossed...!
May 21st, 2013
@bobolaf Thanks Bob - I think you're right...and thanks for the tip on the Dali museum, we're there for 2 full days plus and if the weather isn't great (it's colder than England at the moment!) we might well be glad of a trip out.
May 21st, 2013
@thirtysevenways Oh how awful - I'm sorry to hear that. I had been half-wondering if they would only be interested in stealing money.. now I know for sure! I hope it didn't spoil their trips too much. Thank you for telling me, I'll be more prepared now
May 21st, 2013
@fueast Thanks Alison, I plan to be Mrs-no-bag for the trip (though as the usual packhorse in the group I'm not sure how successful I'll be!) Sorry to hear about your bag - I can imagine how it feels and how horrible it must be.
May 21st, 2013
@sianipops Great advice Nia, thanks. I was looking for a see-through bag (for drinks etc) but think I'll wait 'til I get there now and get double retail therapy!! :)
May 21st, 2013
@tonydebont Thanks Tony... I had been thinking of taking a taxi from the airport to save the risks of public transport with all our belongings but you've made me think twice now! Certainly plan to keep the camera to hand! Is there anywhere you haven't been?! :)
May 21st, 2013
@carolinedreams Thanks for all that, Caroline. Yesterday my friend lent me a little bag for under my clothes, and I plan to carry as little as possible. I checked, the hotel room has a safety deposit box, so I can travel light around the city. It's only a couple of days so with luck the camera will survive outside its bulky case :)
May 21st, 2013
@catwhiskers Oh Nan how lucky to find it and get it back! But what an experience... my friend said when they were visiting a hoard of children ran up to them and 'danced around' but her husband spotted one feeling under his shirt for a money belt and chased them away... hopefully my schoolmarm voice will help...?! I've bought an extra SD card and will keep them safe :)
May 21st, 2013
@bluefirebucket Thanks Mick - with any luck travelling light and aware will keep me safe. Like the idea of threading my leg through the bag... I usually keep it all on my lap but that sounds much cooler! (temperature I mean!)
May 21st, 2013
@catwoman2 Thanks Mary - good advice. I will certainly worry less about what I look like and more about keeping it all safe. With luck the camera will be used more than carried..!
May 21st, 2013
@boxplayer Thanks for all the ideas, we arrive Sunday morning so will look out for the dancers! A trip out might be good if the weather is too cool to sit out and relax. I think your tip to make myself less of an easy target is the one I will remember best :)
May 21st, 2013
@brav Wow eight times! That's brilliant, and such a boost to my cold feet, thank you Richard! I'll make a note of all your suggestions and check them out in the guidebook. The kids are quite good at city-breaks but it's great to have lots of ideas up my sleeve. The cathedral sounds like a first port of call! :)
May 21st, 2013
@westcoastwallis Hi Paula, thanks for all that - it sounds great, especially the bus tour, I'll definitely look out for that! I think cross-body straps will help big-time, I bought one for the dslr a while ago (for comfort) and it's the first thing to pack!
(PS Sex museum?! !!)
May 21st, 2013
@mcrt Thanks for that Mike... I would rather be aware and prepared. Yesterday my friend lent me an under-clothing bag and your links took me to a little bag that clips onto a bra ... might get the sewing machine out before we go! I'm hoping that my modest little dslr won't attract as much attention on a cross-body strap, well it's the safest I can do I think. Fingers crossed..... :)
May 21st, 2013
@houdiniem Oh Emily how awful - I'm so sorry to hear that. I will be doubly vigilant and try to enjoy the handbag-free-from-choice few days. Not sure how we'll get from the airport to the hotel room but once there I'll unload as much as I can. Thanks :)
May 21st, 2013
@jennywren Hi Jen - thanks, that's a great idea. George has an i-pad but I'm not sure how big the safety-deposit box in the hotel room will be... in Paris it was just big enough for a purse & our passports. You've got me thinking though, and I bought a huge sd card as an extra spare yesterday :)
May 21st, 2013
@toast Hi Weng, thanks for all your thoughts - good advice. I'm hoping that if we go out there with a savvy attitude and with our valuables chained to us the pickpockets will decide it's not worth the bother... I don't tend to think I have anything worth stealing but of course they pinch first and look later. Fingers crossed :)
May 21st, 2013
@padlock Haha Padlock your description made me laugh! (One day you must tell me what your name is!) Actually although I was a little disheartened about the number of folk who have been robbed in Barcelona I'm still pleased I asked as it's helped me to get my head around the problem and work out what to do. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst" is a good motto, this trip I'll do extra prep for the risk too. Thanks mate :)
May 21st, 2013
@scrivna Didn't really ever think about security for cameras before now... might it be worth an article one day about accessories including how to keep your stuff safe in the city? I bet there are loads of clever gizmos out there & cleverer ideas from the community too..! :)
May 21st, 2013
@filsie65 Have fun! I loved Barcelona.
May 21st, 2013
I would say that public transport was easy.. and we got there at like 11pm or so! Just dont chain yourself down too much.. its mostly about the attitude - be aware. Ie if one person in the group is taking out money at the ATM, or needs to stop to get something out of their bag... the others should just turn towards the crowd to watch out. Know where your things are at all times etc..

Besides when travelling you dont really need to have alot on you - camera, water some money, all good. Actually what i do is build in some redundancy in my travelling. I have a separate travel wallet which contains money, travel insurance card and my caxton FX card. If you dont know about the caxton card its amazing. Its basically a debit card that you load money onto and then can withdraw it anywhere in the world without having to pay annoying bank fees. There's a few different types but I have a world traveller because i travel other outside the EU as well. To load it up, you just set up the details of your bank account in the system, then sms a number with an amount to load - this will automatically transfer the funds so you can use it immediately. For me the most important thing though is that it puts a cap on my risk when i'm travelling... i'll load a few hundred at one time and leave my normal debit card in the hotel. When i'm travelling i use this to withdraw money and if someone steals it well then at least i still have my bank cards.

On another note, if you're in the Eixample area and looking for a place, this has AMAZING tapas
May 21st, 2013
@filsie65 I an super jeleous that you are gonna see sagrada familla. Its a must especially inside. I have seen this progress over a 12 year period in person. Sue went with her mum last year and all the attention has been on the inside main hall area. The organ is ment to be amazing which I aint seen yet.
May 21st, 2013
@toast Hey thank you so much - that's all brilliant. Our hotel is in Eixample so I'll definitely check out the Cerveceria, I lurve tapas! You are very kind to take the trouble :)
May 21st, 2013
@brav Hi Richard! I think it will be our first port of call either after arriving on Sunday or on Monday... thankfully the kids loved Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur in Paris so I think they will be well up for a visit there. I'm not good with spiral steps so the fact it has a lift gets my vote straight off! Thanks for the insider-info! :)
May 22nd, 2013
Oh I'm so jealous of your trip... You enjoy yourself and make sure you get lots of pics to share with us. I guess it's the best next thing! As for pick pockets, don't put money or wallets in your pockets, that's for sure!! Keep it in your front jeans pocket if you carry it. As for your cameras, keep them close to you in the front. Have a great time, Phil!
May 22nd, 2013
I arrived yesterday to Barcelona. Went walking on the Rambla last night and it was very nice. Wherever I go I try to be alert but not look scared. Be one step ahead. I use my handbag across my shoulder and towards the front. I brought also the cross strapped for the camera. I will be here until Sunday in case you want to ask something.
May 22nd, 2013
@brav thank you Richard. I'm in Barcelona right now and will take advantage of your advice.
May 22nd, 2013
@anazad511 Gosh it seems this thread was perfect timing for you! We arrive Sunday lunchtime. The weather looks lovely right now, hope you have a smashing time and keep safe :)
May 22nd, 2013
Not enough time to read the previous threads, but from experience... avoid having a hire car, stay clear of street entertainment crowds, and hold on tight to your possessions, carry the bare minimum. Despite this I'd love to go back and be able to re capture all the shots I lost along with my camera (stolen from a hire car jacking incident)
May 22nd, 2013
@filsie65 you may want to do some research and just make sure that the segrada familiar is open on a monday? from memory i think alot of museums etc are closed mondays?
May 22nd, 2013
@anazad511 oh exciting! Have fun fun fun.
May 22nd, 2013
Have been twice like any capital it has some problems didn't see any myself just be careful no rucksacks on back and wallets in front pockets.Send the kids to the beach .Enjoy the Ramblers they are great for people watching.
May 25th, 2013
@prttblues Thanks Bev, I think I'm prepared as I can be. I bought a diagonal-strap for my camera for comfort but I think it will be very useful on this trip! Not sure I'll ever catch up with my 365ing but you can be sure I'll give it a try :)
May 25th, 2013
@lorrainerb Oh Lorraine that sounds awful - I will certainly avoid hire cars that's for sure. I'm hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. Thank you for your tips :)
May 25th, 2013
@toast Will do, thanks Weng. Just printing out the directions to the tapas place now...!
May 25th, 2013
@leighton22 Thanks Roger, that has made me feel a little happier about it - part of me has forgotten the fun part of the trip because of the theft-threat but I've coped in London, hopefully Barcelona won't catch me out. Sending the kids to the beach sounds a great idea! Fingers crossed :)
May 25th, 2013
@filsie65 You just get ready for your trip and have fun. My photos aren't going anywhere. ... Although I think some have forgotten about me (but not you!!)
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