Weekly Themes?? - ROSS

August 24th, 2015
Perhaps this has already been asked but I am wondering if the weekly themes will return or another form of it? @Scrivna
Does anyone know if this is a temporary delay or if other changes are taking place on 365?

August 24th, 2015
August 24th, 2015
Hi Kathy, I have taken a break from the weekly themes for the time being, you have been the first person to mention it so I was starting to wonder if anyone is still interested in them running. If you do like the weekly themes and would like to see them return, please say so in the comments. Also suggestions on if they should be run in a different format or other ideas, please let me know!
August 24th, 2015
I would definitely like to see the weekly challenges return! :)
August 24th, 2015
I loved the weekly themes the exact same way you had always done them
August 24th, 2015
I like the weekly themes, though I am generally too slow to participate. For example, I had a "from a window" shot, but it was after the listed deadline so I did not tag it. I like seeing how other photographers interpret the prompts.
August 24th, 2015
Hoping to see the weekly themes return...love them! Even when I am not able to enter, I always enjoy observing the theme entries and seeing different interpretations.
August 24th, 2015
I'd like to see them continue. It seems that the few times I did enter, the following week didn't mention it.
August 24th, 2015
I enjoy the weekly theme although sometimes by the time I think about it the week has already finished. Maybe run the theme for 14 days instead of for 7. I'm glad Kathy asked the question as I have been wondering what happened plus there was never a voting thread for the coffee theme.
August 24th, 2015
I am interested but have never participated since I am a new 365 user.
August 24th, 2015
@Scrivna they are definitely don't missed. I think someone else was asking about them just a couple of weeks ago. It'd be awesome to have them running again.
August 24th, 2015
@Scrivna Being relatively new to 365, I hadn't participated but always got a lot out of viewing the entrances. I would like to see it return, as now I'm feeling a little more confident, I'd like to have a 'crack'.
August 24th, 2015
Love the weekly themes and hope they'll continue. I've participated a couple of times, but even if I don't have an entry I always look to see what others have done with the subject. It is often inspirational.
August 24th, 2015
I've always liked the weekly themes and vote for their return.
August 24th, 2015
@Scrivna I think the weekly themes are a great feature for a couple of reasons.

1: It helps introduce people to other's pages, another's photography.
2. Gives inspiration for those days when there is no inspiration for a shot.
3. Allows someone to think in a new direction in which they never thought of trying.
4. Adds a bit of healthy competition

In the same thought, for you Ross, it must be time consuming, granted enjoyable, but time consuming non-the-less to go through every photo and pick 5 every week.

Changing the format to every 14 days is an idea, and seems to work. More then that though, and I think you risk the notion that people will lose interest or just outright forget about the competition.

Another idea, as crazy as it sounds....is maybe having someone else help Ross host the challenge? Ross you created and maintain one of the greatest photography sites ever.....its gotta be a lot of work. Having someone else assist, even a small section like the weekly theme, might ease some of the workload. Just a thought.
August 24th, 2015
I miss them too! :) Would love to see them continue! :)
August 24th, 2015
I like the idea of the weekly themes, but haven't participated often. Maybe if it was "bi-weekly" theme? To allow a bit more time?
August 24th, 2015
I enjoy the weekly theme, but I don't always participate. I think a bi-weekly theme would allow me the extra time to participate in the theme.

August 24th, 2015
@Scrivna I recognise how much effort this web site must be for you. The theme is one of the highlights in my opinion. You have no idea how many people you have encouraged to develop a passion for photography through this site. Thank you.
August 24th, 2015
I would prefer to have them stay weekly rather than biweekly. The response to these challenges have been very good - sometimes 4 or more pages. I think having new ones each week makes it more interesting.
August 24th, 2015
I enjoy the themes even when I don't participate. I love seeing the ideas everyone comes up with.
August 25th, 2015
I love the weekly themes, especially when I'm lacking inspiration!
August 25th, 2015
I have seen several comments and questions in the last few weeks about what happened to the weekly theme but no one actually started a thread until Kathy did. there was some concern about your well being Ross, or speculation that you were just taking a break! good to hear all is well and I hope you continue the theme for all the above mentioned reasons. I feel every two weeks would actually require more effort on your part because of the number of entries so I would like to see it remain for one week at a time!
August 25th, 2015
what everyone else has already said... i love the weekly themes and have really missed them... they are one of my "constants" on this site... glad to hear you're ok - i was worried! thank you so much for all that you do!
August 25th, 2015
Yay - so good to hear from you - I was a bit worried. I love the weekly themes. Thanks for all you do, Ross.
August 25th, 2015
@losthorizon well said! I would like to themes to continue.
August 25th, 2015
glad all is well, resounding continue..
August 25th, 2015
I like them too. I had just begun participating with the "from a window" theme. Sometimes I really need an inspiration.
August 25th, 2015
@Scrivna I have missed them also and would like to see them continue
August 25th, 2015
@Scrivna - yes, i, too, miss the weekly themes and would be in favour of its return on a weekly basis.
August 25th, 2015
I also enjoy the weekly themes, particularly seeing how other people interpret them.
August 25th, 2015
@Scrivna -- I also miss them. Did we ever take a vote on the through the window one?
August 25th, 2015
I was just about to start participating in the weekly themes, but then the "From A Window" week was never completed. I thought maybe something had happened to the person running this, as it is still showing on the main page, and there are several comments dating back to July 31st regarding this stalemate, but no one responded.
August 25th, 2015
@Scrivna .....are you kidding me?!! Everybody here loves the weekly themes, and I think they provide inspiration and a sense of participation, not to mention a feeling of joy and pride when one wins, or even when selected as a finalist!! The weekly themes have really been missed, but we all assumed that you were either on vacation or not feeling well, and we did not want to bother you!

All that being said, I have always wandered how you manage to do it all. Having won a few 6-word story challenges, I know that the hardest part is going through all the entries, and whittling it down to a few finalists. I do not envy you that task, and I know that the weekly themes attract so many more entries. As someone else mentioned, I think having them biweekly would just generate so many more entries to go through, even though you would not have to do it as often. I guess the real question is, how can we help you with any of this? I noticed that you have someone assisting you on the FB page. Obviously, we would all like for the themes to continue, and would like to know what it would take to make that happen.

Again, thank you for everything that you do for this site!! We all love and appreciate this community that you have created!
August 25th, 2015
I think Beau and others are on target here. We love the themes (there have been notes posted about it in the Weekly Theme announcements for the window theme) and they serve so many of the purposes others have mentioned. Given the number of entries, it would make sense for you to have help, though. Maybe you could have a committee that rotates. Each member can narrow their 'page' down to a set number (e.g., 3 - 5) and then you could choose the finalists from a reasonable number. If you had a two week window, there would be plenty of time to submit, choose, post, and move on to the next theme. Just a thought -- I'm sure there are a lot of ways to structure it so that the burden doesn't fall to you to choose the finalists (unless that was something you wanted to do). I think the message from this thread's contribution is that people would be very willing to help if you were open to bringing them back.
August 25th, 2015
@Scrivna Ross, I really look forward to the weekly theme but appreciate it must be lots of work for you. I'm happy to be involved to take on some of the work ito make this happen?
Also this isn't the first thread about it, I know that jdM @joemuli mentioned it a week or two ago.
August 25th, 2015
me too! I like the weekly themes... even if i don't get around to doing much with them! and what everyone else said.. thanks Ross - we value this site a lot :)
August 25th, 2015
i like them
August 25th, 2015
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Good to know people still enjoy them, I'll get back on it!
August 25th, 2015
@losthorizon hit the nail on the head (as usual)
August 25th, 2015
@Scrivna There are quite a few comments actually associated with the last theme 'From a window' wondering if you were ok and what had happened to the voting? Yes please to continuing them!!
August 25th, 2015
Yes, I like them, too. When I first started, it seemed to be the one to enter.
August 25th, 2015
Oh I love the weekly themes - was just wondering why that last one was lasting so long haha. Thanks Ross for all that you do here.
August 25th, 2015
I just started with the coffee the then entered one into the window theme And was so disappointed when the Weekly themes seemed to just stop :-( I liked them as it gave me some photo mojo when I seemed to be lost on what to photograph. I hope they will return.
August 25th, 2015
Please continue!
August 25th, 2015
I've asked the question on the discussion few weeks ago but deleted it cause I thought u were extremely busy, not feeling well or occupied - love the weekly theme, so kindly bring it back!!!:)
August 25th, 2015
@Scrivna I'm just back from a year long major illness but I would love to do the weekly theme again. I was just looking for it. All of my albums were deleted while I was sick. I do plan on having a paid membership as soon as I get paid this Friday.
August 26th, 2015
i didn't always do them, but i enjoyed them.
August 26th, 2015
Oh please continue them when you're ready! I loved them. Participating, voting, discovering new people and getting new ideas... it was wonderful. And if you look at the last two themes, I think you'll see several of us were wondering about them for quite some time. :)
August 26th, 2015
I am going to disagree with the general consenses. With all the work Ross does for the weekly theme and then to have winners not respond in a timely manner to keep the themes going without interuption is the main thing that has caused me to stop caring about the weekly theme.

It is not good to enter any challenge or theme without knowing the requirements of the winner and having plans to meet those requirements if you win.

It does not happen all the time, but it does happen enough to discourage any enjoyment of participating in the weekly theme.
August 26th, 2015
@joemuli @Scrivna I saw your discussion on the weekly theme, Joey, and replied in it but when I went back to check on the comments the day after you posted it, the topic was gone. I was wondering what happened to it.

I, too, like the weekly theme and participate it when I can but when I don't I still like to look at the entries and like to vote on the finalists.

If you don't want to do it every week, Ross, less often would be fine with me. You do such wonderful things with this site. I appreciate all that you do.
August 26th, 2015
@mittens @chapjohn @Scrivna Anyone could take up the the Weekly challenge, or start a variation of the weekly challenge and go from there. If I was at home, I would do it, but I'm currently on the road with not guarantee of connectivity.
August 26th, 2015
Hey guys, thanks for all the comments. I will be starting the themes again next week, so keep a look out for it and make sure you enter!
August 27th, 2015
I'm a bit late here (as usual!) but even though I don't enter the weekly themes, I do enjoy voting for them! I love seeing the creative way people approach the subjects. Thanks for inspiring us and showing us some of the best of the best with your weekly themes Ross. Glad to hear all is well- and you definitely deserved the break!!
August 27th, 2015
I did not want to be difficult about the weekly theme but I was sure waiting to see what happened to the window one. I was disappointed there was never a vote for that one. I do not usually get picked as one of the top picks but I had some hope for that contest.
August 27th, 2015
I have never participated in the weekly theme, but would love to start!
August 27th, 2015
I love the weekly themes!!!
October 17th, 2015
@Scrivna I really don't mean to pressure you or anything but when do you anticipate they will start up again? It seems to me that there was always so much participation with them but I know it was probably a lot of work on your part.
October 17th, 2015
@myhrhelper Hey, I've been thinking about a slightly different format for them, I will start again Monday!
October 18th, 2015
@Scrivna I have just started my project and was looking for something to get involved in, I'm with @myhrhelper as I was a little disappointed to see that the 'weekly theme' seems to have died off? I am hoping for it to return too.
October 19th, 2015
That is great news, Ross.
Do shout if you need to 'farm' out any of the work.. I am happy to help in anyway that I can...

I am quite active on FB and look after a number of pages for other organisations. Would you like me to try and keep that one up to date? Drop me an email if you want to chat further if you are interested.
October 19th, 2015
@Scrivna I am so pleased the weekly themes will start again. I do enjoy both participating and being motivated by everyone's images . Thanks for deciding to start them up again.
October 19th, 2015
Yay!!! So glad!
October 19th, 2015
Slight delay on the theme front, will get something up ASAP!
May 9th, 2016
i,too,would like the weekly themes to come back :)
July 20th, 2016
I loved the weekly theme. It seemed to be a way to connect everyone on the site.
July 21st, 2016
I've been waiting, waiting, waiting, I look at the blog all the time hoping to see 'the weekly theme', I need a subject, just wandering what to photograph doesn't work for me, I don't want to do weekly comp. titles.
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