Christmas Effect?

December 30th, 2016
In years past, I have seen the posting daily count go up after Christmas, usually into the 1200+ range. So far, 600+ has been the counts I have been seeing. Is it just me, or am I too early.
December 30th, 2016
I think we are losing more of our old members than we have in previous years. I notice myself not posting as much as previously. We may get a kick January 1.
December 30th, 2016
@byrdlip How can you see the count?
December 30th, 2016
I am aware that a few people who were following me have dropped out. (Hope it's nothing I said or did!!)

December 30th, 2016
Seems to me that there's definitely a clique on here - a group of people that dominate - it's not a bad thing per se because their pictures are amazing, but sometimes it leaves the little folk out that also have some fantastic pictures. Normally it's the same people you see on the Popular Page and the Top Twenty - again, not saying their photos aren't worthy because they are, but it would be nice to see some different names at times. I used to be an Ace member but decided not to renew. I still post photos but don't get many views or comments so it doesn't motivate me. I get more feedback from Facebook. Anyway, I'm not going to stop and I enjoy perusing the photos on here, but it's not as much fun for some of us on here as it is for others.
December 30th, 2016
What count? Surely people drop in and out?
@not_left_handed says a clique, but are they the most active and supportive of competitions?
Popular and trending photos are great to achieve, no idea of algorithm used to calculate, but seems linked to speed and quantity of comments and those with more followers have more comments so do get on pp.

I have followers and as a result tend to follow them and some of their commenters and followers, so do I have my own clique??

@quietpurplehaze sorry Hazel planning on haunting you for 2017!!
December 30th, 2016

Jackie, please haunt away for 2017. Reassuring!
December 30th, 2016
@cottiac When you select the "Browse" feature, look for the "by day". You can see the count at the bottom of the grid of picture (along with the number of pages)
December 30th, 2016
Ah thanks!
December 30th, 2016
@not_left_handed Am inclined to agree there does seem to be the same names popping up time and again.

I do take a somewhat cynical stance now that if any of my pics make it to the finalists for challenges, it is only so folks have something NOT to vote of all the many times I've been privileged to make finalist, I've never won!

However I do try to remind myself that being on here isn't about getting accolades (very nice though that is) - it's more about keeping 'photo active' and learning and improving.

Knowing I'm not one of the clique I do try to reach out to others that aren't, in the hopes of encouraging them a little.

Pretty sure those with 200+ followers don't need any support from my quarters.

Sorry to take this a bit off topic :-)
December 30th, 2016
yeah I've noticed a decline in followers and comments, but I'm finding myself not interacting either on here like I used to...I agree with the clique comment and I'm just not feeling the social side like there used to be on here or the support and critique. in fact I was going to wipe my account in January
December 30th, 2016
My anecdotal experience after five years on 365 is there is a big bump at the start of the calendar, which gradually tails off through year. I think there are noticeable drops after Easter and summer when people come back from hols and lose the habit of posting. Post-Christmas, there's usually a few people back-posting who weren't on the internet over the holidays.

As for it being the same people on the Popular page etc, that's true - but who 'the same people' are evolves over time.
December 30th, 2016
I know that I've been slacking lately. As my 2nd year here draws to a close, I've faded quite a bit. But it's not specific to the site, I just think my muse is taking a break. A year ago, I'd've probably slogged on, now I'm kind of rolling with it. I expect I'll snap out of it soon.
December 30th, 2016
I've had a couple of stops and starts mainly through unexpected life events but am really hoping to get back on track this year. Its true that you have to take the time and participate, the more you do the more feedback you get it seams to me. I just enjoy looking at everyones fantastic pictures which I find very inspiring, lets hope things pick up in the new year.
December 31st, 2016
Just finishing my 4th year and this conversation comes up once in awhile. Everything goes in cycles. I know I haven't been out much to take photos since the weather turned bitter cold. I'll get my mojo back eventually. Just hanging in there with a picture a day - will probably do another year as I've no reason to quit and still love it.
December 31st, 2016
I have times when I am just not able to post or comment due to time constraints. I keep popping into 365 once in a while even if I am not active to check in and issue get-pushed challenges even if I don't participate because I know that it is only temporary and I will be back in the saddle soon.
I am sure that everyone doing 365 is mature enough to understand that life happens to everyone once in a while and cut some slack to those not able to devote time. Blank days in a calendar sometimes tell just as much of a story as a photo does.
All I know is I sure miss 365 when I get really busy- hope to start posting again soon!
December 31st, 2016
Today I reach the end of my first year! I have loved every minute and have become a bit addicted to it, so I'll definitely be back for a second year! It is sad to see people drop out, although I understand that people are just busy and at times it is hard to keep up! I started with my sister and another friend who have both fallen by the wayside!! I have gained so much knowledge from the other users on here and I genuinely enjoy looking at how & what people photograph. It's so inspiring. Looking forward to challenging myself a bit more on 2017's 365 project! Happy new year to all! 🎉
December 31st, 2016
I am just about to start my 4th year and still enthusiastic. I may not take a photo every day but I always fill up my calendar. I try to make a point of commenting on as many of my followers photos as possible and resist the temptation to follow too many people as I know I could never keep up with the comments. Its certainly a two way thing I think and this is one of the things I like about the site. That and seeing life in all parts of the world and learning camera skills
December 31st, 2016
@30pics4jackiesdiamond @not_left_handed You could say there is a clique... or you could say that there are some hard core supporters who shoot, post and comment every day. We all have limited time but you reap what you sow so if you want feedback on your posts, you have also to return the favour. Personally, I try to visit and comment for everyone who comments on my daily post... it's the least one can do. I also look at the trending, popular and curated pages everyday to make sure that I don't miss any deserving images. I'm not saying that this is what everyone should do, but I think you have to give in equal measure to what you would like to receive.
December 31st, 2016
@vignouse @30pics4jackiesdiamond @not_left_handed Richard, you explain this well. I'm starting my 5th year tomorrow, so have personally experienced all the different patterns from lots of (new and continuing) followers, to followers dropping off, to daily posting and commenting (and seeing my own photos receive attention) to no commenting but posting (and seeing my posts receive a few comments) to no posting/commenting (and none in return). From my experience, I have had what I thought to be well composed interesting photos that received very little attention while others of mine that were less worthy (in my opinion) get more attention. But most of the time what I've found is that a good picture in combination with commenting on all who have commented on mine (sometimes going back a week or more if I've been 'off' for a bit) in combination with what Richard does -- checking out trending, curated, and PP -- and commenting on those leads to the most comments in return. I hope you both feel it is worth continuing and remaining active -- it can take a while to build up your group. It was my first year that was my most special in many ways, as we had a 'cohort' of folks who started at the same time and got to know each other through the site. I was sad to see most of those folks leave at the end of year 1, but every year have 'met' new and interesting photographers from around the world whose work has been a joy to find. And there are about a dozen or so of us left from 'way back' then who come in and out. It's fun to reconnect when that happens. Last thought...what kept me going in the beginning was realizing that I was doing this for myself and could quit at any time. I have yet to get to a point where I would leave the site -- breaks sometimes help if life interferes, but without 365, I do not stay consistent either in taking or processing photos. And I miss my 365 friends when I'm gone.
December 31st, 2016
@cookingkaren congratulations, I'm at 9 months and also addicted!!!
December 31st, 2016
I have been here for 6 years officially today and i keep coming back, I don't always post or comment as I would like due to either forgetting or being busy but I always come back :)
January 3rd, 2017
Hopefully there will be another influx of new users making a 365 new year's resolution.

Just coming up to a year, but from what I have seen so far I have to agree with @vignouse @taffy that those who put in most seem to get the biggest response back but can also understand that this might appear like a clique as @30pics4jackiesdiamond @not_left_handed say. When you begin it takes a while to find out how the site works.

When I started I did not generally follow anyone with over 100 followers - mainly because I thought they had enough and wanted to support other newbies. However this changed fairly quickly instead looking at the new faces, trending and popular pages and just choosing projects to follow. I like to comment back when people have commented on a picture of mine & will often look at that person's project too. You have to remember too that not all the followers of long standing members will be active by any means. It would be good if the count was active followers rather than follows.

Like @taffy some of the photos that in my opinion were good got little response, others that I didn't rate so well did.

To me it is really important to focus on why you started doing the project. In fact I think it is a good idea to write that down as you start. Mine is in my profile. Was it for the feedback? No. Its lovely winning a competition, getting on the popular page, or getting a constructive comment. Really lovely, but I think it can get in the way if it becomes the focus, rather than the by-product of the photography.

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