Flashback Friday - 12 November 2021

November 11th, 2021
PHOTOGRAPHY QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.” ~ Don McCullin

This challenge is open to everyone. Once you have taken 30 or more photos the flashback link will appear in the box below "View this month" under "Photo Details" on your page. Hopefully, as we go back in time we will see that our photography skills have improved and maybe even have a laugh or two at what we once thought was good enough to post.

About posting, as long as it is Friday somewhere in the world you can post. Or if you would like you can wait until it is Friday where you live, that is fine too.

How does it work?
Click the Flashback View link and it will take you to one of your past photos.

Use the first image it gives you, even if you aren't too fond of it! That way we can see how much you have progressed in your photography skills while on the Project.

To share: Underneath your photo is a curved arrow to the right (➦). Click on the arrow and there will be an "Embed Code". Copy the code then paste it in the comment box below adding any comments if you wish to do that.

Thank you for participating. I hope that looking back stirs fond memories as well as possibly bringing a smile to your face!
November 11th, 2021
September 2021
November 11th, 2021
Back to June 2020. A Bird in the Hand.
November 11th, 2021
I still find this very funny (July 2020)
November 11th, 2021
Steamboat Rock State Park, from across the bay. 2016:

November 11th, 2021
May 2015 for me - can’t remember taking this one.
November 11th, 2021
My flashback is a recent one for once! 16th Oct 2021!
November 11th, 2021
December 2013 Galileo reflection
November 12th, 2021
September 2016
November 12th, 2021
About a decade and half ago. I'll have to try this again sometime.
November 12th, 2021
November 12th, 2021
My daughter, youngest grandchild and oldest grandchild in November 2017

November 12th, 2021
November 12th, 2021
September 2019

November 12th, 2021
18th November 2015 - An Apple a Day........

November 12th, 2021

Poppies, Hadrian's villa
November 12th, 2021
This time it picked one from just a few months back:

November 12th, 2021
March 2020 -- Oh, Lord! It took all the willpower I could muster to follow the rules and post the first thing that came up. I had taken a selfie and then started messing around with it in the "Tiny Planets" app. Having gritted my teeth and put this here, I might as well post (in my project) the "Tiny Planets" version of my screenshot of the Pigmania group with forks. They said I could.
November 12th, 2021
March19 2017 Who to believe
November 12th, 2021
June 2019
November 12th, 2021
A trip back to March 8 years ago

November 12th, 2021
From 2018...looks pretty much the same today!

November 12th, 2021
quite an old one - but feels older
May 2017
November 12th, 2021
@granagringa elegantly minimalist
November 12th, 2021

This is interesting. After so many months I stumbled on this activity. Great. This is what came up. I like the texture and colour of the photo but above all the activity that surrounded the boulder.
November 12th, 2021
Aug. 2014, One I did for a theme.
November 13th, 2021
Posted in July 2018 as a counter to the summer heat!
November 13th, 2021
March 2017
November 13th, 2021
November 13th, 2021
@sudweeks - There is a new one every Friday throughout the year.
November 13th, 2021
@rosiekind - Hi Rosie
I was notified that you made two different comments for this week's Flashback Friday and yet I don't see any posts from you.
November 13th, 2021
K for Tomato Sauce 2018

November 15th, 2021
@anniesue thnk you so much for your comment on my shot on the flashback page!
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