New Years Resolutions

December 29th, 2022
With only three days left in twenty-twenty-two, I was wondering if any other 365ers have made any resolutions yet for 2023 as far as photography?

I know we all struggle to keep those other resolutions we might make especially if it contains that four-letter word, DIET!
Did anyone get any new photography equipment that they are just itching to put to use?
Looking to improve upon your photography skills in any particular areas?
What would you like to see happen this year that you might not have had a chance to do because of COVID lockdowns?

I'll share one thing I am looking forward to getting into. Snowflake photography.
I have come across some unbelievable photographs of beautiful ice crystals since late last year and early this year that I hope to get more practice as we are heading into the best winter months in my area for snowfall.
December 29th, 2022
2022 has been a tough year for me. It was very difficult to post regularly with moving and travel, computer issues, and then Lightroom transfer problems once I did get new computer up and running.
Consequently I lost my enthusiasm for photography as it became a chore. Thank goodness for the Weekly SH*T list which kept me involved with this wonderful site!
Now all is back to normal and I resolve to post regularly once again, and then my passion will return. Maybe even learn Photoshop!!
December 29th, 2022
Best of luck with your ice crystals endeavor, Skip. Sounds like a fun challenge to do.
I actually haven't even thought of a New Years Resolution and will probably not make any. LOL
December 29th, 2022
@farmreporter - I can empathize with you, Wendy. I have been dealing with the same feelings. At one point in time, I was ready to sell all my equipment and look for something else to do.

There are bunches and bunches of Photoshop courses that you can pay to enroll in, but there are also bunches to be found on YouTube for free. HAPPY NEW YEAR and Happy Photoshopping in 2023!
December 29th, 2022
Good morning and thanks for stimulating me to clarify resolutions for 2023. I have so many whirling around in my head, mostly revolving around what I should have done in 2022. My resolution is, therefore, to ditch all previously half-thought-through resolutions and simply resolve to enjoy without feeling that I have not done as much, as many, as often etc as I should have.

I wish all the people on this site a wonderful year in photography,
December 29th, 2022
I’m really looking forward to 2023. We’ve had a tough 2022, but things have been resolving and it is looking like we’ll have much more time in the coming year. I’m pondering doing the “true” 365project again, at least one photo per day. I’ll be learning new software, as my old computer isn’t supported as of Jan 1. I’d like to come up with a meaningful organization method for my photo files. And I have a room full of decades of physical prints to scan to digital…
December 30th, 2022
@ankers70 - There is nothing at all wrong what resolution Suzanne. I hope 2023 is a rewarding experience in your life as well as in your photography!

December 30th, 2022
@mittens - Never the less Marilyn, I hope you have a great New Year and a lot of photography fun along the way!
December 30th, 2022
@lsquared - Sounds like you have your work cut out for you Larry. One day at a time! I hope that the New Year is good to you and that you accomplish what you want to do in organizing all those prints!
December 30th, 2022
In the past my resolution was to get out and shoot more often. Since joining 365 I have been inspired to go out and shoot almost every day, whatever the conditions (well, maybe not if it’s raining sideways) so thanks to you all I no longer have to make that resolution. However, despite filling several hard drives with image files and posting daily I have not one image of mine printed and hung on the wall. In the past, when I have done that, I have pulled it down within a month after deciding that I picked the wrong one, it’s an awful picture. So my resolution this year is to just get over it, print some, hang them on the wall and be proud of them. I hope I can pull it off
December 30th, 2022
I love taking photos of flowers. I would like to branch out and get more variety.
December 30th, 2022
@cdcook48 - I think we can be our own hardest critics Chris. I do the same thing. Sometimes I think a problem is that as we work on photos we are looking at them on a back-lit monitor that makes colors pop more so than is accomplished in a print and we feel disappointed. Do you do your own printing or have them done somewhere else?
December 30th, 2022
@shutterbug49 - I read on your profile that you primarily use your iPhone for your photography. I was going to suggest birds, but phones aren't the best choice for bird photography. There are websites that deal with iPhone photography, maybe you can find some and check out what other iPhone photographers like for subjects. Plus it will inspire you with their submissions.

Whatever you choose to do, I hope 2023 opens up a whole new world of photography for you!
December 30th, 2022
I have always believed that Normal is a simply a setting on the dryer. Now, I did get a new dryer this year so, I guess that I can say that I have a new normal. Anyway, I plan to enter some of my work in local shows which will hopefully expand my photographic skills. I hope all members of this fabulous 365 community have a most exceptional 2023.
December 30th, 2022
@joysabin - You are absolutely right. Normal is always changing. We can never truly go back to what used to be considered, "Normal." We might get close to it, but it won't be exactly the same because whatever changed, changed us too.
I wish you well in your endeavor to promote your photography in the new year. May your work be appreciated by the judges and viewers. HAPPY NEW YEAR, Joy!
December 31st, 2022
@skipt07 Thank you so very kindly.
January 1st, 2023
@skipt07 I wish you look with your snowflake photos. I need to follow you and see how that pans out.
@cdcook48 What a good idea Chris. I've only printed photos for cards. I would also like to print something to frame but I'm chicken. Worried how it will look when it becomes life size on the wall and not on the computer monitor.
My resolution to take & post several photos a month sooc. I have become too reliant on post processing and am not paying as much attention to what I'm doing.
January 2nd, 2023
@skipt07 I don’t do my own printing, partly because my printer can’t print larger than A4. I am going to try and find a good professional photo lab and get some prints I can be happy with.
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