fav fav of another 365er- December 2022

January 4th, 2023
Pick one or two.... or three.....of the photos you loved on 365 over the past Month or so

Here is where we give kudos to the photographers that inspire us every single day.And if you will, give a shoutout to a new person here to give them encouragement and exposure. .

To share your top favs, go to your favorites, open the photo , click the share arrow beneath said photo, click once in the embed link box so the words go blue, copy and paste that link in this discussion, below, and dont forget to include the @name of the photographer so they know you loved it.

You may find a new project to follow by looking at someone else's favorites !

@mariuspopa365 so classy!

she's done it again, so perfectly composed @mona65

@theredcamera love a good still life and the black and white has brought out the textures beautifully

January 4th, 2023
@wendyfrost got a gorgeous deer

@fotoblah fabulous contrast

@dkbarnett soft seascape

January 4th, 2023
Love this hand portrait of @wakelys .
January 4th, 2023
I love the minimalism and elegance of @jo63
January 4th, 2023
@sporenmaken posted an image that spoke to me for its black and white street photography with high dark/light contrast and interesting composition:
January 4th, 2023
January 4th, 2023
January 4th, 2023
January 4th, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Thank you very much Jackie for fav.fav. my December deer very much appreciated.
January 5th, 2023

@happysnaps took this picture of a rosella bird with a group of rainbow lorikeets. I like to see pictures of these colorful birds! We have had many grey, cloudy, cold days in a row here in my part of Chicagoland, and this picture cheers me right up!

@koalagardens took this picture. I can't quite get my head around it sometimes - this is a koala up in a tree. @koalagardens gets to see them every single day! And I get to see pictures of the koalas as often as I want just by clicking on the pictures! (these pictures reinforce to me why the climate and the environment are so important)
January 5th, 2023
I love this one by @haskar

January 5th, 2023
this one by @maggiemae

January 8th, 2023
@jyokota thankyou, so kind!
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