Obviously this is a fairly rubbish photo but it's in the spirit of 365 I think and not something I see everyday - so it's included. This chap is sporting the bright red jacket of the Lady Margaret Boat Club (St John's College). This is the original blazer 'invented' in 1825 and named because of the colour. It's still worn as part of St John's College School uniform and you see young university students out and about in them off to sporty events (not in great numbers - I think they are probably pretty expensive) but you don't often see them in this age group! The Lent Bumps are underway at the moment (though I was by the river this morning and it was really quiet) so I'm guessing he was off to a Boat Club Breakfast or some other (possibly pretentious!) event. I will try and get some Bumps photos tomorrow as they are usually fast, fun and furious. In the meantime I have to give Adam credit for this - though not much credit - I made him take it 'subtly' through the car window this morning and he managed to have the flash go off at which point he tried to shrink his 5' 10" frame to below window level. Still - you can't miss the blazer....
Well he should have been proud to have been recognised I would have thought! He doesn't look as if he had a clue that he was being caught on camera though.
@bpaquette They are rowing races where the boats line up behind each other and each one tries to catch the one I'm front and 'bump' it before the boat behind catches them - can be chaos on occasions! They are Lent because it's Lent Term - next term we have the May Bumps held in June :0)
One would presume that this fine gentleman is on his way to a suitably pretentious event when he is sporting about in his Lady Margaret Boat Club blazer. Fabulous and fun capture...love the story behind the shot. A nice, if not subtle, collaboration. :)
@janellemc Thanks for all your comments - really kind of you to take the time. It was my son who nearly got caught - I can still threaten not to feed him if he doesn't obey my photographic requests!!