Nostalgic by anothab


Charlie telling me he now has £210 (and pulled a wad of notes out of his wallet to prove it). I asked where he's had it all from - apparently he's now getting £10 a day pocket money. My head falls off at the absurdity of it. He then tells me that they're trying to defraud CAHMS into giving them £600 a month which Charlie is allegedly having transferred directly into his bank account. It would not even surprise me if that happened at this point. I then recall Stace telling me that the other day, Charlie had been sent the shop with £5 to get some bread, and instead went the gym with the money 😤 I told him we need pop up the Potteries this afternoon and he replied that he thinks he's banned from going in there... apparently the other week he was with Jayden and they tried to shoplift some perfume and got caught, resulting in security dragging him out by his hood and telling him he's not allowed back inside. So I naturally become very dubious about the origins of this £210 - either he's stolen it, sold stolen goods to accrue it, or he really is being paid £10 a day pocket money. Each of those scenarios are maddening. I messaged my Mum and asked her, but she left me on read. Hmm. Claims he lost his virginity in November last year, but couldn't tell me the name of who it was with... then after scrolling through his phone "remembers" that it was some girl called Tilly and shows me a photo of the back of some random girl 😂 After telling me he's bought a gas-powered BB-gun again off John down Stoke, he also showed me a video of him handling what appears to be a real revolver which he apparently found in Jayden's backgarden. He's defo going to end up in prison because he glamourises all this and thinks it's cool. I tell my Mum what he shows/tells me, and she dismisses it. Says when Charlie brags about stuff like this, they just say "that's nice" because they think he makes it all up and leave him to it. I'm sure that's going to turn out great in the long run. Jesus.

Just been across Subway with Char and saw Kev Titley try to shoplift and get body tackled into the wall by the female cashier who climbed over the counter and chased him! 😂

Went up Primark to exchange some leggings for Lysh, then went to the Museum for a nostalgic wander around. Some timid female worker accompanied us all around the ground floor conversing with us as though she were our personal tour guide 🤣 we left to catch the bus, and Charlie insisted we go to the bus station rather than catching it from the bus stop right by the museum, so we walked up... and subsequently missed our bus! 😐 I suggested we run across Hanley because we could catch back up with the bus by the Spiky Man if we're quick enough... Charlie reluctantly agrees, then promptly gives up running after around 100-metres because he is completely out of breath to the point he cannot run any further! 🤯 so we end up catching a different bus to Burslem and walk up Moorland Road... which Charlie is dying from as it's too far and too steep 🥴 it frustrates me no end that they've let him get like this. He was such a young and healthy lad, we used to go missions everywhere, nowadays he gets out of breath just walking around the house! I honestly don't think I will ever be able to forgive them for ruining him how they have... it's infuriating. And they just continue to take no accountability and blame it all on PDA. No discipline, structure, routine, or accountability. No control over his sleep pattern or diet. No concern for his education since he goes a special needs school who just take him for meals and daytrips rather than giving him an actual proper schooling. No oversight over where he goes, who he associates with, or what he gets up to. They seemingly just let him do whatever he wants without any involvement. He's an impressionable 14-year old for fuck sake! 🤬 And he thinks this is what life is always going to be like - just all fun and games, more money than you know what to do with, and zero consequences for your poor life choices! Such a misguided and malformed world view!

Second "10k" Just Run complete. Not entirely convinced tracking a 10k based purely on time is accurate. All I can categorically state is that I've ran for 4x 10-minutes interspersed with 1-min walks between "sets". Definitely looking lean though! 😅
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