R&R by anothab


Been a very relaxed day. Absurdly so in fact! 😴🀣 Got up at 11am... then Lysh facetimed Ava at 11:15 and stayed on video call practically until she went home! 🀯🫑

They've just been playing Dress To Impress on Roblox, listening to music, and chatting away happily all day. Admittedly I've felt a little left out, but I'm so glad she has such a good friendship... wish she'd stop bloody falling out with most of her other friends though since she fell out with Amelia and Gracie last night! πŸ™ˆπŸ˜€

I've just been sat here beside her, working on Lightfade, reading the Quran in English, playing Pokemon Go, and watching Tik-Toks... really lazy day! 🀳🏼

So now she's gone home, I'm going for a walk down the park to get some sun and fresh air 🌞 then it's going to be a Just Run 10k πŸƒπŸΌ then sit down for some tea! πŸπŸ€—

Sad to see Choo-Sung Hoon eliminated by the Punishment of Sisyphus in Physical 100, he was one of my favourites! πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸͺ¨
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