Saga by anothab


Popped up Barclays on lunch to see what the crack is with resetting Lysh's bank account login. On the way back work, there was a woman sat in a car with it's hazard lights on, stopped by the multi-storey carpark exit. As I'm walking down, I hear a god awful screeching, look back and see her attempting to drive the car. The back driver side wheel is totally seized and isn't turning whatsoever, and plumes of smoke are billowing out as the rubber tyre is dragged mercilessly across the tarmac! 🤯😬

Tesco has taken so long tonight. Jeez. Finished work at half-5. Spoke with my Mum until 18:00. Went in Tesco... came back out at 19:45... bruh. Taxi got me back home for like 20:10. And it's been mainly because Lysh has asked for loads of stuff I don't typically buy so I have no clue where it is... so I've just been wandering aimlessly around aisles looking for random shit! 😂

First my work PC lockscreen was Goðafoss... then my home PC desktop was Skaftafell... I guess the Universe was telling me to book Iceland today, and I am not one to argue with fate! And thus, voila! Roll on 60 days! Now one aught celebrate this monumental achievement with a little tipple me thinks! The countdown is afoot! 🧊🛫
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