On a cold winter's day  by beryl

On a cold winter's day

The winter saga continues as the snow still comes gently down . Roads are blocked with fallen trees, fallen cables ,accidents , The local bus services have come to a halt . Pantomime shows cancelled for the day and warnings not to go out unless absolutely necessary . The white stuff is starting to be a nuisance by now , I have not been out since Thursday and have no intension to go out till this has cleared and it is safe under foot ! At least it has given me the space to get my Christmas decorations sorted . Arranged two of my birthday flower bunches to make one lovey display -- shame it is rather early for them to last me for over Christmas !
PS Alfie not keen on this white stuff , and has kept off the lawn !!
Lovely seasonal collage
December 10th, 2017  
Great snow captures and collage Beryl . We have our share of snow today hope it melts very soon.
December 10th, 2017  
Great collage of snow shots...I'm like you in that I can only take so much snow.
December 10th, 2017  
Lovely collage - wish we had had more snow! Only because I am retired now and don't need to go to work in it!
December 10th, 2017  
Wow -- you really tell a story here. Good luck with the snow...and enjoy the indoor time.
December 10th, 2017  
So jealous of all that snow. Beautiful collage, really lovely 😊
December 10th, 2017  
Hope you are keeping warm Beryl. We are not venturing out.
December 10th, 2017  
Wonderful collage of all your pretty snow.
December 10th, 2017  
We've had very little snow compared to you Beryl. Something to do with the Pennines I believe.
December 10th, 2017  
Nicely done. (Alfie is the best!)
December 10th, 2017  
A lovely collage. Daisy is just the same, too cold for her feet
December 10th, 2017  
oh now that's snow!
December 10th, 2017  
A lovely display of seasonal shots
December 10th, 2017  
A lovely collage. Looks like the situation in our region, accidents, slippery roads etc.
December 10th, 2017  
You have got it bad there Beryl. We haven't got any here even though it was snowing yesterday morning & I thought it would disrupt our plans it's all clear now. Snow looks pretty but my word it's lethal stuff!
December 10th, 2017  
You really have winter.
December 10th, 2017  
You certainly have it bad with you, lovely snowy collage. Fav
December 10th, 2017  
FAVtastic collage :)
December 10th, 2017  
that's a lovely snow montage beryl
December 10th, 2017  
A great collage of all beautiful winter pic.`s. We did have a start of it to day. Stay at home like you. Save and warm.
December 10th, 2017  
Oh Beryl it looks so bleak. Stay indoors and stay safe and warm.
December 10th, 2017  
Everything is so white. Stay warm.
December 11th, 2017  
It does look cold... a lovely collage!
December 11th, 2017  
Now is the time to visit your country, Beryl. It looks so beautiful all covered in white. Great selection of shots.
December 11th, 2017  
Great collage.
December 11th, 2017  
A great collage Beryl. Please could you tell me which program/site you use. I’ve always used picmonkey and been happy with it but since I’ve been ‘away ‘ it no longer seems to be free. I don’t mind paying but it’s a commitment because you have to pay for a year up front so I need to ask around.
December 11th, 2017  
@susiemc Like you Sue , I used to use Pickmonkey -- but now it is fee only , but as ace members of 365 you can use it free once you have uploaded your photo onto the site which I do not find convenient ! So at the moment I am using another prog , but I do not find it so good and more and more of its prog are pay only ! Shall come back to you when I have looked it up as I have forgotten its name !! -- senior moment !!
December 11th, 2017  
@susiemc Just looked it up - its BeFunky !! when you find a good -- do let me know !
December 11th, 2017  
@beryl Thanks Beryl. I know you can edit photos with picmonkey on 365 but I don’t think you can do collages. I’ll have a look at BeFunky.
December 11th, 2017  
You have so much more snow than we do! Hope you can get out soon. Nothing worse than 'cabin fever'.
December 11th, 2017  
It looks so pretty...
December 21st, 2017  
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