Snail cafe! by bigmxx

Snail cafe!

Day 180 - I've never seen so many snails on a plant before - luckily this was out in the woods and no where near anyones garden!
fabulous ecosystem
June 28th, 2024  
They are making a meal of it !!
June 28th, 2024  
Never seen so many snails in one place!
June 28th, 2024  
Wow, looks like they find these leaves very tasty!
June 28th, 2024  
So many! Cool find and capture.
June 28th, 2024  
Eeek, I suppose they are very necessary in the woods.
June 29th, 2024  
Too many on just one plant. Well spotted and captured. I wouldn't like to have them in my garden
June 29th, 2024  
June 29th, 2024  
I've never seen so many, what an infestation!
June 29th, 2024  
I like your title. Well spotted and captured.
June 29th, 2024  
Great capture
June 29th, 2024  
A bit small for escargot!
June 29th, 2024  
Super capture, it’s obviously a plant they love!
June 29th, 2024  
@busylady @mittens @bkbinthecity @k9photo @craftymeg Thank you everyone for the comments
June 29th, 2024  
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