The white cherry tree that stands on the corner of next doors drive is trying to flower. The sub zero temps over the last few days has not helped, it was -2c last night with 3 inches of snow yesterday. Today is sunny, the snows gone but temps are only 8c so still very cold. It’s battling on but not a good year for flower.
Best on black
Thank you for all your lovely comments and favs all are appreciated and welcome.
I think all the blossiom trees are struggling this year. We have been putting a small portable heater out under our apricot tree on frosty nights to try to prevent the loss of fruit again this year.
The blossoms don't appear to be frozen. Hopefully they will do ok. They grow a lot of peaches just south of where I live and will often spray the trees with water if there's going to be a hard freeze. It protects the blooms by keeping them at 32 F but the water has to freeze.