The Play of Light by daisymiller

The Play of Light

I like how the sunlight plays along leaves in the garden. The sunlight creates highlights and shadows in each leaf. The sunlight also reveals hidden leaf details.

This study of light upon the rose leaves is for my March study of the book, Extraordinary Everyday Photography. In Chapter 8, the authors talk about how light can help us see everyday things differently ("see things in a new light"). Since there was a cold bite to the air, I decided not to study one object throughout the day, but to take one short photo walk to find objects that had "a light play" on them. The rose leaf was my favorite.
Great shot of the light, colors and patterns of this nice leave`s
March 29th, 2015  
Wonderful focus and great Dof Daisy...Fav
March 29th, 2015  
The light looks very pretty on this leaf.
March 29th, 2015  
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