@agima Thanks so much, Brenden. Just didn't know why the clarity was off. I used a tripod and a remote shutter release. Perhaps it was too difficult to focus in the dark sky. You did a great job!
Great shot! It really was awesome to see. I wasn't as happy with my clarity either although I'm sure some of that was that I was maxing out the lens on long exposure. Did use delay release at least. Love your shot though!
@ladygator I do have a remote shutter release. I hadn't planned well...decided at the last minute to set up the tripod, tripping over things in the dark, where is that remote shutter release? I couldn't much focus, given there was nothing to actually focus "on". I set it to infinity. Maybe that wasn't accurate. It looked good blown up on the little screen. I see some people used shorter time and a higher ISO. There wasn't much time to play, and I had thought I got some decent shots. Live and learn.