Today marks the two year anniversary of the devastating tsunami in Japan. My daughter takes Japanese at our local public middle school, and she is preparing for international night by making large origami flower balls. This one uses 60 sheets of origami paper and it's really quite lovely.
We are also very excited and honored that a group of Japanese students and dignitaries will visit our school today. It's such a wonderful thing to see a child so in love with a culture different from her own and to embrace all the beauty of it. We have to credit her amazing Japanese teachers (senseis) for being such wonderful ambassadors!
She made stunning flower balls. You are fortunate to have a school that teaches Japanese and to have a daughter who takes full advantage of that opportunity to learn about another culture.
@jo13 Jo, her school has an origami club too--how great is that. I wish the photo would do it more justice in showing "the whole thing" but it came out pretty good for a quick shot before dashing off to school! Last night, Japanese students came to visit and give us a presentation on the Tsunami rehab efforts they have been involved in (in their own country), and I got to meet the consul-general for Japan and so many others. My daughter is one very fortunate girl to have such amazing cultural opportunities! Sorry, long message there, hunh?
@jyokota You should have seen the students who came to visit us and tell us of their relief efforts to those most affected. Not a dry eye in the place and such wonderful and loving exchange between all. I went to Japan when I was 10--hope to go back with my daughter some day. It's such a beautiful and lovely country. So much more to do in terms of recovery too. Thanks for your comments.