You know me, I am a bird lover. A bird fanatic. I spent most of the day on a hike with my husband going to beautiful place called "Indian Seats." The trail had many interesting things to see (flowers, insects, an birds (mostly blue jays and woodpeckers!)). And then you get to the top and have an amazing view!
Anyway, this evening as the sun was going down, one of my neighbors posted on Fbook that they found a baby bird on the ground but could not find the nest.
I was determined that all my years of birdwatching could help them locate the nest. And guess what? I did! I waited to see if any "parents" showed up, chirped, did "diversion tactics," and acted erratic--yup (a pair of sparrows). Finally, one of them made a back entrance in one of the bushes we had already searched real well. I found the secret entry hole and there it was! So this little fella/gal is back in the nest--here's hoping it was just a little bit too excited and flopped out of the nest (and was not pushed out by a parent).
Anyway, this was a quick phone shot before he went back into his safe nest (WITH A SIBLING!!).
I love birds. I really do. I really like happy endings too, so I'm saying a little bird prayer right now for this little sparrow family.