back soon

April 24th, 2013
A bit about myself

At school thought I was not to bright, fail lots of things at school i.e. my english, maths and other subject, just could not interested in any of the work! But give me home work I would go to the library and read and copy things down about the subject, but ask me to write about anything my spelling and gram was bad, working things out I could not do.

Years later went to college to improve my self , english I pass my self but my again my spelling and gram was bad, I pass all the basic things, I went to maths and the teacher sad down and show me the basic and then I was shooting through. Still was something missing?

Use to do a lot of hill walking with a group and love it and saw some lovely landscapes but could not pain wish I could. So I bought a cheap camera press and shoot and took some nice shots, but never took it up just play at it, still was not the same as painting?

Met my wife 10 years ago on line and she came to know me , she told me I was dyslexic and I got tested and I was, explain a lot! Also she had a canon camera and we talk about things like painting and photography and then started taking photography with a canon power shot, got some great shots and love it, just over a year ago got my first SLR and I love it, still learning a lot that why I join this group for see what people say about my photographys! For first time I can express myself and show people what I see out of my eyes, not all there yet still trying. In the last couple of weeks I found HDR and this open a new world just like painting love it!

But at last my friends I have to hold back for a couple of months before I can take any more photographys ! In my job i'm a support worker working with people with learning problems love it, but I was put with one lad full time there was of us with him all the time because of him, I ask to be move to someone else but never happen and I got attack last september and hurt my shoulder and not been ably to work since, taking photography now I got use a tripod most of time, because hold my camera my hand shakes so it hard. Now my camera is dirty and we about to move soon I hope so I have to wait before I can get it clean, that the problem being out of work, anyway just like to let my friends know, if you don't see many of my photography up any more that why but I be back soon. I want to thanks all everyone for being kind and fun to work with, sorry can't do any projects yet but soon as im back I will take care guys, I will look in everyday
but for now just have to hold back thanks.. jim
April 24th, 2013
Good Luck Jim
April 24th, 2013
Hi Jim

Obviously you need to start re-contributing when you feel able - but in my experience some of the greatest art, writing, photography, thought, etc come from people at the times of greatest adversity and stress - maybe because it becomes a release, or small slice of normality.

Look through some of the projects here, many document a gritty real life, don't feel you need to contribute great works of art - just what seems right to you.

We'll catch you when feel able mate.


>>Feeling Blue - my 365 days of one colour
April 24th, 2013
Hi Jim, we will miss you and your photos, i hope your move is an easy one and will catch up with you when you come back to 365. see ya!.
April 24th, 2013
Hi Jim,hope you'll find things get easier for you soon.You're not under pressure on 365,so come back,as and when,you feel up to it.
Best of Luck.

April 24th, 2013
Good luck with it all Jim, hope to see you back soon.
April 24th, 2013
Good luck Jim - come back soon!

(I am dyslexic too - thank goodness for computer spell checks!)
April 24th, 2013
Good luck Jim, see you soon :)
April 24th, 2013
So wonderful that you have discovered a love of photography Jim. It is such a great way to express yourself especially when written words don't come so easily. Undiagnosed dyslexia must be such a frustrating thing. Thank goodness yours has been identified, and good for you for not letting it hold you back. I really hope that your move goes well and you can soon get back to snapping and posting your photos on here. Take care until then :0)
April 24th, 2013
Good luck! I love your hdr work and hope to see it here again when you return ...
April 24th, 2013
Good luck and I hope to see your photos soon
April 24th, 2013
Please don't care about your sounds funny
I was a nervous wreck trying to clean my sensor the first time...There are ways just google.
iI'm just gunna come right out and say...don't stop...keep going is obvious you are capable of it, the keep going part and photography, show us your moves in all ways....k I've gotta go try for my photo for the day...I could quite easily get deep and meaningful at the moment.....but I'm being direct....keep posting all u feel too much, I see and hear that ...last time don't stop
April 24th, 2013
It's all good, Jim.

This community supports you in whatever way you want to be here.

But if the only reason you're not continuing is a dirty SLR and your point-and-shoot's still working fine, I agree with the sentiments above: let 365 be a place to keep expressing those feelings!
April 24th, 2013
The best thing about this project is that it is your 365 days with no real rules, so if you need 100 days between your photos, then take the time and focus on what you need to do and then you will be all that more happy when you get back to taking photos.
April 24th, 2013
Thanks for sharing your story, Jim. Don't feel pressured by 365 and just post whenever the opportunity arises. This is a very understanding community.
April 24th, 2013
I hope all works out soon. Looking forward to more of your work.
April 24th, 2013
Take care; hope to see you back soon.
April 24th, 2013
Jim, come back soon.....hope the move goes well :)
April 25th, 2013
Wow- Jim you have a great story! Don't worry about 365- shoot and post when you can. I hope your move goes smoothly and your shoulder heals quickly. In the meantime- don't be afraid to go back to your point and shoot if it's easier to hold, and keep using the tripod. It sounds to me like you are a very determined person and you'll be back in no time. Best wishes!
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