Meteor shower

August 12th, 2013
Oh brilliant!!! thanks for the advance notice!
August 12th, 2013
@ciarran You'll need to be up into the wee small hours to see the best of it, and the bit about it only usually being one per hour is complete nonsense: the Perseid shower is always impressive. One per hour is possibly what you might see on *any* night of the year though.
August 12th, 2013
@smalbon actually I think it says 60 an hour ! but yes not sure when as monday night to tuesday morning is a little vague !!
August 12th, 2013
Anyone got any advice on how to capture these? Biggest lens I got is a 300 mm. As I cheekily tag @abirkill!!!
August 12th, 2013
@lbjefferies the best way to do it is with a long exposure between 15 and 30 seconds on a tripod. with a high ISO of about 3200 upwards. Keep the aperture as wide as you can without generating too much noise. (F3.5 - 4)

And point the camera towards the Perseus constellation (which is eastward btw for us in the UK).

Oh and use as wide a lens as you can. 18mm would be a good start.
August 12th, 2013
You can check out a couple of my photos from the weekend on my page with the setting info and a few decent shots if you like. The best viewing is around 2am - dusk but i saw about 10 - 15 an hour from 22:30 - midnight over the weekend in Kent
August 12th, 2013
@lbjefferies Sure -- check out my post about five down in this thread for some detailed instructions:

If you're not familiar with how to focus the camera in very dark conditions, you can also have a look at my star photography documentation, which goes into some detail on how to focus to infinity (which will also be the correct setting for meteors)

Here's a meteor 'train' I captured earlier this week, which shows dust and ionised gas from the meteor dispersing in the high-altitude winds:

And here's a shot I took last year of a Perseid, using settings very similar to those I've described in the linked post. This was with an oldish crop-frame camera, so don't think you need all-singing all-dancing equipment:

At the moment in BC it looks like conditions are pretty much a no-go for the peak this year, sadly :(
August 12th, 2013
@abirkill thank you for those tips Alexis - I will certainly give it a go tonight
August 12th, 2013
@abirkill thank you so much. I knew you'd be the go to guy for advice. Thank you the time to reply.
August 12th, 2013
It's been so overcast here lately with the nearby forest fires and such; I think I will be missing it this time around :(
August 13th, 2013
Amazing stuff @abirkill, unfortunately I didn't see all this before I left, but I caught three meteors between 23.30 and 00.30 last night-very chuffed! My first proper go! I could have stayed all night, but my boyfriend was my chauffeur and had to be up for work this morning (I work from home!). I'll check out your tips and keep them in mind for the next shower-Draconids on the 7th Octber.
Thanks @smalbon it was just a case of convincing the boyfriend to drive me out of town for the smaller hours-success!!
August 13th, 2013
Well I waited and waited, took loads of photos, saw three shooting stars (or equivalent !! ) but unfortunately couldn't capture any. Great night though
August 13th, 2013
Here's what San Diego county looked like this morning!

I followed Alexis' tips and this is what my old d90 was capable of. Not perfect, but I'm pleased nonetheless. What a wonderful event to witness!

August 15th, 2013
@abirkill i've just read your Star Photography Tips from the link above and it not only answered some questions i had but also showed my some ways of shooting stars i never even thought of before.
I love shooting stars but the focusing drives me mad!
Thanks for that!
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