HDR photos

August 27th, 2013
hi folks saw these photos thought i share them with you all.
i love his work..

August 27th, 2013
yep, Trey is Mr HDR, always worth a look at his work.
August 27th, 2013
HDR photos can be beautiful ...IF done right...:)
August 27th, 2013
some of his are too cartoon-y, but the vast majority are great -- a good reminder that these can be done well. I went though an HDR phase and quickly abandoned it as I only have 1-2 shots that I think are decent. Back to the old fashioned way!
August 27th, 2013
Those are stunning!
August 27th, 2013
Thanks for sharing them Jim. I really like the ones that are done more subtly.
August 27th, 2013
Some incredible shots indeed!
August 27th, 2013
Very interesting but not too much please!

This one intrigued me - the shadows are pointing different ways, how is this possible?
August 27th, 2013
I think I just ate some of my own vomit
August 27th, 2013
I'm amused by the variety of responses. Most are waaaay too overprocessed for my taste. I wonder how they would have looked with basic exposure corrections and little more?
August 27th, 2013
Trey is THE hdr photographer, yep... not one, is THE hdr phtotographer. I follow him work since 2 years ago and it's AMAZING, day by day perfect work.
August 28th, 2013
Incredible work, incredible talent.
August 29th, 2013
Amazing. Thanks for the link.
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