A little project for Winter perhaps?

November 19th, 2013
November 19th, 2013
what's winter? Didn't drop below 22ºC here in the past 12months.
November 19th, 2013
@bobfoto Show off! Better just stick with spiders, you have some awesome macros of them already!
November 19th, 2013
Wow! That is very creative!
November 19th, 2013
Splendid shots - it makes you wonder what he could do with some expensive equipment!
November 19th, 2013
Wow. The world is simply amazing. Hard to imagine that these are natural shapes and not created by man.....beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
November 19th, 2013
Fabulous shots. Amazing how each one is so unique.
November 19th, 2013
@silverlight - even my fridge struggles with the concept of winter....
November 19th, 2013
They almost don't look real. Thanks for sharing.
November 19th, 2013
Amazing shots. @northy did some amazing macro shots of snow flakes last winter. I might try it this year.
November 19th, 2013
@bobfoto PNG certainly has its attractions but change of seasons not...
November 19th, 2013
Wow...love the genius of it all...very cool and beautiful!
November 19th, 2013
Aren't they amazing? I started capturing snowflakes last year and it's not easy - many numb fingers! ;)

Here's a photographer in my area who also captures them:
November 19th, 2013
Wow, those pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing the link.
November 19th, 2013
@kass Amazing captures...who would have thought. It brings to mind somehow of the Obijwa Indian saying “Sometimes I go about pitying myself when all the time I am carried on great wings across the sky.” There is amazing things happening all the time right under our noses. Thank goodness photography brings us back.
November 19th, 2013
Holy macro batman! These are crazy talk! Thank you for sharing them! Im super uber inspired.
November 19th, 2013
Amazing! Thanks for sharing!
November 19th, 2013
Thank you for sharing this link! Only God could make something so intricate and beautiful, and the photographer has captured them stunningly!
November 19th, 2013
shows you don't need expensive gear, that helios lens often goes for £10-£20 on the Bay.
November 19th, 2013
November 19th, 2013
It's amazing to see what he did and how he did it!
November 19th, 2013
Incredible and beautiful.
November 19th, 2013
Wow! These are amazing! Most beautiful snowflake photos I have ever seen!
November 19th, 2013
Wow! I'm sorry my camera is not up to this but I will continue to cut out of photocopy paper for Christmas - I hope to see some similar shots on 365
November 19th, 2013
@frankhymus - consistency has it's rewards... no need for decisions when waking up and looking at the wardrobe.
November 19th, 2013
very cool!!
November 20th, 2013
@k1w1 not me - but there are lots of folks who have done this ...
November 20th, 2013
@northy Oh sorry. I thought it was you.
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