Your Favorite Photo of Somebody Else – Jan 7th to 13th. Or Your Favorite Fav

January 13th, 2012
This discussion chain is to highlight the work of someone else and show a photo that you marked as +FAV (on the top of the screen) this week. Having people FAV your photo lets you know that what you did really connected with other photographers and for the new members, it really helps get that photo to the popular page. We do this post every week and it is a great way to see work you might of missed or find someone new to follow.

So find a fav from this week and include their user name and why you connected with this photo.

There are two easy ways to add pictures on to the discussion.
The first is a full size photo: 1) Click on your favorite photo and bring up its page. 2)Look at the right side of your monitor, and go to the word SHARE (it is below tags) 3) go to the box and copy the long address 4) Come back to the discussion, and then paste. 5) If it is not your photo also tag the person who it belongs to so they know you love it (@name) remember no punctuation on either side of the @and name.

The second is to have a smaller file size so to keep the site from getting overwhelmed.

Also this may be a great time to mention, but the latest discussion feed can only hold the last eight topics, so before you post a new discussion for a question, check to see if there is another discussion already started through the search feature.
January 13th, 2012
@seattle If you have not checked out Constance's Street Photos you really are missing out. She achieves what many of us may be too scared to try.
January 13th, 2012
This is just stunning, by our new member Jie Zhou @scatochef Someone to follow!
January 13th, 2012
Love this one by @veekay !

January 13th, 2012
Makes me howwlllll!

January 13th, 2012
I love this by @sbanford. The lines and layers of color are divine
January 13th, 2012
@lluniau I saw this but am so behind on my commenting that I have yet to get to vicki's photos
January 13th, 2012
So many amazeballs pics this week - I have lots of favorites, but the one that resonated the most with me is this by @luvthyclassics:

January 13th, 2012
@brumbe Thank you for calling this to my attention. This is one of my favorite discussions.

@twinsplusone I love the contrast of textures in this photo.
January 13th, 2012
This one took my breath away. @gabrielklee
January 13th, 2012
@herussell my pleasure. I enjoy being able to find new people to follow with this disucssion and see what else everyone connects with.
January 13th, 2012
from @myla - for the simplicity and the sentiment, along with the technical merit of the photo.

January 13th, 2012
@brumbe yeah, I'm a tad behind these days too. And because I often have a quick look on my phone during the day, I feel as if I'm up to date, whereas I'm actually cheating myself! I think I've seen, commented and faved, then I'll see a shot in a thread like this and realise that I only saw and "thought" it all!
January 13th, 2012
Tough choice as always... but I decided to go with this one from @trishcreative I just love it!

January 13th, 2012
Easy peasy - this one by @janmaki
January 13th, 2012
@janmaki hooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwllll!! you are a pleasure to my eyes sir!
January 13th, 2012
@crittersitter LOVE this!!
January 13th, 2012
January 13th, 2012
i have faved so many this week but i'm going with this simple yet i know it's not easy to capture shot of @espyetta
January 13th, 2012
@angievega Awww...thank you, Angie! For me, it was more the process to get it than the actual results as to why it is one of my all time favorites of mine...that, and I did get the face in focus. :0) Thanks again!
January 13th, 2012
I had two, two that I could not choose between, even after some deep thought and clicking back and forth between the here are both:



January 13th, 2012

@michelleyoung finished her project this week. I love her final picture. Michelle has been someone I've been happy to have found here. I hope to see her around for another year!
January 13th, 2012
I recognize several of these from my FAV's this month also. Adding another. @edpartridge this is a nice emotional capture.

January 13th, 2012
@shadesofgrey I had a tough time choosing between Constance and Stacy this week. Thank you for loving my photo as much as I do.
January 13th, 2012
@russianblue 's - loved the simplicity and the linen finish

January 13th, 2012
This one taken today by@crittersitter Her work is fabulous!
January 13th, 2012
The first fav I ever did on 365 was by Eleanor Muller (@eleanor) She lives in Cape Town, South Africa and consistently has shown us beautiful photos from that area. The latest (shown below) is no exception.
January 13th, 2012
January 13th, 2012
LOVE this one from @autumnseden

January 13th, 2012
@alk1991 Love this.
January 13th, 2012
It was a tough decision this time..but I loved the processing on Elizabeth's photo and it is so unique a scene (for me anyhow).
January 13th, 2012
@lisjam1 hey, thanks a lot!
January 13th, 2012
@emmar84 inspired me to do my own water shot. Hers is AMAZING! Check out her work if you haven't yet!

January 13th, 2012
Loved this one!

January 13th, 2012
@cfitzgerald Wow, thank you Courtney, I'm really flattered.
January 13th, 2012

@brenny did this and it looks so delicious.
January 13th, 2012
for sure this one by @cbawernsen
January 13th, 2012
Such a wonderful week for fabulous faves - can't possibly choose just one (unusual for me.....) A couple of my faves have been on the popular page - here are a couple which haven't but I think they are just beautiful. Yesterday was a cracking day - here's the shot from Norwegian Helge Erik Storheim @helstor

and Planet Thanet's Jeni @jenirainbow who says she hasn't started yet....!

January 13th, 2012
Wow, Phil, I'm absolutely thrilled! Thank you so much. I'm speechless (friends will confirm that that is a very rare event indeed)! I guess I will have to start soon, just need to gather the courage to try a selfie! :-)
January 13th, 2012
by @capturingToday
Maybe it's because I'm a coffee addict, but this photo is the most calming, serene photo I've seen on 365 so far. It's simple and beautiful, but also homey and comfy. Love it :) and I love the rest of her work as well!
January 13th, 2012
This is my fav for the week because although Nic @rainbowsnic42 added it as the photo for the 14th it really appeared today, the 13th! I love it... the color and the apparent simplicity.

January 13th, 2012
AHHHHHHHHHH! I can't choose this week! :(
January 13th, 2012
This one by Sheralee @bella_ss from the 9th January. The timing is impeccable and the shot is stunning

January 13th, 2012
Cheers for the heads up @brumbe

There can be only one, @chewyteeth

January 13th, 2012
fabulous picture
January 13th, 2012
Gossipping Gummy Bears by Stephanie Nguyen (@attraversi)
Because it brightened up my day!

January 13th, 2012
Thanks for tagging me in, @brumbe - you're awesome! @sassykat had my favorite this week...

January 13th, 2012
January 13th, 2012
his is just amazing...and with a cell phone cam:)
January 13th, 2012
This one by @bec01
January 13th, 2012
@4stories Liz you always have such beautiful shots of your spectacular little bunch you make this a very hard choice! I chose this image because I love the big sister teaching the little sister and the whole idea that they are the best of friends. Thanks for your wonderful photos you never disappoint! please keep up your amazing work
January 13th, 2012
love this ons from Francois... the lighting, framing and background are just perfect for a flower pic... plus I love the texture he used here. not much seen, not much faved, so I chose this one to spread around.

January 13th, 2012
@sparkle I had a tough time choosing one this week but I just love this photo and the processing on this one:

January 13th, 2012
My favourite has to be this one by @woot.
I love it.

January 13th, 2012
@twinsplusone Love this!
January 13th, 2012
My favourite fav this week is by a new member to the 365project - @pwaterman

January 13th, 2012
I had several faves this week, including a couple by @rumonkey a 365er who lives somewhere in my area...
January 13th, 2012
January 13th, 2012
@copperheadglass Thanks Meredith
January 13th, 2012
@chriswang Thanks so much Chris!
January 13th, 2012
So many favs this week - but I'm so impressed with Jesse's project (and creative talent)! I have to go with this one @luvthyclassics

January 13th, 2012
@thebluegnu I'm so in shock that someone chose one of my pics for their week's favourite. Thank you so much - you have made my Friday! :)
January 13th, 2012
this one by my niece, Gina @bungalowbean
January 13th, 2012
Thanks Paula! I totes would have missed this! Busy week! My fave fave HAS to be this hilarity from @ crittersitter
January 13th, 2012
Please let me post this picture of Anto's in Patagonia, even though it's from the 5th Jan. He is travelling the world and only posts when he has Internet access so this is from his most recent upload. I faved at least three of his pictures and I usually do, he is an amazing photographer and deserves more followers. @zetoune
January 14th, 2012
Loved the vivid colours in this one @bmnorthernlight
January 14th, 2012
@bruni Thanks Bruni
January 14th, 2012
Loved the business, life and take of this iconic place @melissapike
January 14th, 2012
@herussell thanks so much!! Wow! Made my day!
January 14th, 2012
@amers79 Amy, thanks so much!!
January 14th, 2012
@russianblue I like the processing and perspective on this one.
January 14th, 2012
I want to give a shoot out for one of our younger members. She's an up and coming photographer with lots of with good ideas. I love her confidence and smile in this shot. @melee09
January 14th, 2012
@melissapike Ahh! Thank you!
January 14th, 2012
@polarvrtx Thank you so much Sara! That one is growing on me! :)
January 14th, 2012
I loved this one by @lorihiro Just reminded me that it looked like Mr. Spock was getting ready to be eaten by some kind of weird bokeh monster from the planet bokeh. Live long and prosper.

January 14th, 2012
@jasehoad Do you know what it feels like to scroll down a thread waiting to see ones own arse? This must be how Scarlett Johansen felt when she woke up to those nude pics in the press - I'm ringing my lawyer!
January 14th, 2012
Wow, there are some great shots on this thread. This is my favourite FAV of the week:

I grew up by the sea and miss it now that I live inland - the serenity in this photo is perfect.
January 14th, 2012
@peterdegraaff Aww, thanks Peter!
January 14th, 2012

For the second time this week I've been surprised by the impact of anthropomorphism. In one instance, it was arranged, but in this instance simply the tight crop, light, connection, and the gorgeous b&w treatment with subtle texture - the image looks to be one crafted, as one would an art portrait of a person, and for me such causes it to connect in the same way.

I still have not commented on the photo, because I still can't think of what I want to say. Hmm, maybe I just did - I'll think on it some more. ;)

January 14th, 2012
@cavemonster Thank you so much for your fav on this picture. I love the sea and the coastline and I'm sure I'll be photographing lots more of it this year. Thanks again.
January 14th, 2012
@jannkc Thanks Jann! Greatly appreciated!
January 14th, 2012
@louisefrance totally going to check out his work now! Thanks:)
January 14th, 2012
Jane @aromatic She has not been posting for a while and came back with this sheep on a tightrope :oD

January 14th, 2012
@kbradbury - thank you so much for your wonderful made me smile BIG this am!!:)
January 14th, 2012

So many to choose from this week but this has to be my favorite! Peter @sleepdozer57, this shot is tits! That's a California term! :P The HDR on this is perfect not to mention the stellar composition!
January 14th, 2012
@orangecrush laughing over the Cali Slang of Tits. You must share what it means with the rest of us.
January 14th, 2012
@rufus430 Thank you so much Ruth :-)
January 14th, 2012
Just love, love, love that edit by @tabbycat

January 14th, 2012
January 14th, 2012

@grecoloca...I like the movement and contrast in this capture...
January 14th, 2012
@itsonlyart I looooooove his mushroom photos -- I love ALL his photos!!!! xxx

January 14th, 2012
@webfoot Thank you Paul! :-)
January 14th, 2012
Sheralee's photo knocked the wind out of me--if you have ever tried to shoot lightning you know this is insanely awesome!
@bella_ss BRAVO! :-)
January 14th, 2012
January 14th, 2012
It's still 'holy crap' when I look back at it. Totally ace :) @fueast
January 14th, 2012
@shutterbugger Wow cheers ears!
January 14th, 2012
This was taken by @sleepysmurf81 who is a newcomer (ish) to 365 and her work is truly amazing ♥

January 14th, 2012
@aromatic Thank you SO much. Daftly excited that someone liked my photo enough to post it in this thread! Thank you also for your lovely comment about the rest of my project :)
January 14th, 2012
This week my fave has been from @sdpace

January 15th, 2012
@hollandcrew I love the simplicity of the is shot and the brilliant red contrast to the background--and the cardinal is a personal favorite.
January 15th, 2012
@bmnorthernlight Thanks! Sadly, I can't take full credit as my finger literally slipped on the mouse pad while playing with curves and created this! True true...
January 15th, 2012
@tabbycat I am yet to be convinced that playing with curves would be done any other way, so that's quite alright ;-)
January 15th, 2012
I love this picture! Pepita Liang. @pepitaliang
January 15th, 2012
It was really hard to choose one this week but I really liked this one from @siroccojade :)

January 15th, 2012
@katybell1992 I love this one, because our cats climb in drawers all the time. :)

January 15th, 2012
@pintopony Thank you! I'm flattered! :) I have to thank that silly little cat for being so cute too! :)
January 15th, 2012
January 15th, 2012

this one makes my day
January 15th, 2012
@lorihiro @psychographer Thank you both so much!
I really loved this one from Stephanie

January 15th, 2012
January 15th, 2012
@angievega - I just love this. Especially the captured shooting star. Just makes the photo so much more to me.
January 15th, 2012
Hey, just caught up with myself I just love this shot from @semoor
January 15th, 2012
@ulpiphotos thank you so much for the mention, Ulpi!! You just made my day. :))
January 15th, 2012
My favorite of the week by Pepita Liang: @pepitaliang

January 15th, 2012
@ebdubay My good friend has joined 365 project this year and she is blowing me away with her mad skills! Here is my favorite from her last week photos. I think you should follow her!
January 15th, 2012
This shot by @faeriequeen is just beautiful. I love the simplicity but it screams out with a story, no faces, just a gorgeous hand/wrist and a little daisy chain bracelet.

January 15th, 2012
@elke I'm so glad to hear it sweetened up your day ;o) Thank you Elke!
January 15th, 2012

This one of Amanda's because I have never seen this happen before. A really spectacular capture.

January 15th, 2012
@Laura Campbell (@crittersitter)

All of her pictures are amazing, but this one speaks for itself.
January 15th, 2012
Love the composition and summery feel of this one by Veronica
January 15th, 2012

this photo has only been posted an hour ago but I love it so much. The processing, the tones and the way the eye is drawn up that road by the balloons and beautiful!
January 15th, 2012
sabrinaromahn.... This one is for you!!! You inspire me!!!!
January 15th, 2012
Adore this by Sondra Sarra. Beautiful work!

January 15th, 2012
@ozziehoffy Wow, thank you very much! :-)
January 15th, 2012

Just love the amazing colours by @lluniau
January 15th, 2012

I am so in love with this photo by @shanne
January 15th, 2012
@5unflow3r Aw Trina, (Paula) thank you so much

Partly because I was taking pictures there around that week, this one from the week really stands out: @adeakinyede

January 15th, 2012
@laynesgram Thanks glad you liked it.
January 16th, 2012
@shanne - Woow~! Thanks a lot for that Shanne :D!!
January 16th, 2012
I have 2 favs to share:
@michaelelliott because I'm consistently amazed with his city shots day or night.

@jgill because it is beautifully warm and inviting and after a day in frigid temps I wish I were here instead

January 16th, 2012
I really like this one by a newbie. @belphenstone

January 16th, 2012
@buffy - thank you Buffy I'm honored :-)
January 16th, 2012

This is from @veekay. Beautiful and brave shot.
January 16th, 2012

This by @north_ender, just love it!
January 16th, 2012

This is really my favourite sort of shot.....@beba8162
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