the resurrection of the great hate debate

January 18th, 2012
several months ago, we had a heated thread about all things hate. things we hate to see in pictures, that is.

some folks got up in arms about it. while others enjoyed to read, pipe in and share what they're no fan of.

there's a lot of newcomers here... so figured, why not give them a chance to also share what they can't stand in pics.

here's just a few from me i can't stands...

- baby/kid pics, in general. i actually have faved a few on this site... but for the most part, not a fan. that's what Facebook is for, imo.
- anything with words on the actual pic besides a logo.
- hipstamatic shots. getting to hate these more and more i see 'em

(actually, i hate a lot more than just that but figured i'd get the ball rolling...)

so, please... do share. what do you hate? don't be shy... we're all in the circle of trust here!
January 18th, 2012
I know we are not supposed to be hating, but looking back on my own photos i dislike almost all Food Photos I have taken.
January 18th, 2012
i never hate, hate is a crucial ingredient for self destruction. But if you must know sometimes I see attempts at street photography and they capture an image of a persons back and walking away, this does not please me.

January 18th, 2012
@grecican I heart you.
January 18th, 2012
I'm really beginning to hate HDR.... :/
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing i definitely do NOT hate you, Shelly... or your photos! :)
January 18th, 2012
1. Maternity shots. Make me feel queesy, man. Ick.

2. Anything I've seen more than zero times before.
January 18th, 2012
i cannot find my food photo that included selective color and a quote. Oh well, must have deleted it for good reason
January 18th, 2012
HDR, Babies, HDR, "Bokeh", HDR I will get back to you when I think of more.
January 18th, 2012
@eyebrows lmfao... brilliant... maternity shots are up there for me in the hate department, too!
January 18th, 2012
HDR is awesome when it's awesome... but man it SUCKS when it's overused
January 18th, 2012
@eyebrows don't forget texture overlays.

i hate all the hearts and rainbows and unicorns here. get real. i have seen some shitty photos with "good job" on them. no.
January 18th, 2012
Photos with long, thought provoking quotes. The photo should speak for itself.
January 18th, 2012
watermarks - I find all of them distracting and pretentious
January 18th, 2012
some people are gonna hate me for this one but fuck it... stuffed animal pics

this is almost as bad as having to sit through ugly baby pics
January 18th, 2012
@jasehoad what about HDR babies?
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace I suspect your feelings about Kindles would come close :P
January 18th, 2012
Extras. Unless I'm photographing people, I don't want to see them..
January 18th, 2012
I hate HDR with a passion! Not really keen on quotes on photos and selective colouring either.
January 18th, 2012
@faeriequeen what's an extra in this sense?
January 18th, 2012

The word bokeh. And all discussions and depictions therein.

Watermarks that are as big or bigger than the focal point of the photo. Dudes. Come on.

Weird maternity shots - like where you draw hearts and smiley faces on her nekkid pansa and stuff.


Shots that are, like, OMG, totes SOOC, except for the crop, and the border, and the watermark, and the frame, but, after that, TOTES straight out of camera. Dudes. Come on.

Man, I was able to think of a lot more of these last time. I must be getting soft in my old age.
January 18th, 2012
I hate close ups of food because really who gets that close to something they are going to eat?

That and rainbows, mostly because after a certain age I realized there was nothing at the end (or beginning) of them. I think I was about 5.
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace I love visiting historic places, I must wait until all tourists are out of sight before I snap.
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing lmfao about the SOOC... so true!

@chudi and shit, Chudi... i get pretty damn close to something i'm about to eat!
January 18th, 2012
@faeriequeen ah - so you mean people wandering about who are not part of the composition. i guess sometimes you can't help that....but I know what you mean.
January 18th, 2012
framed pics. i've been wanting to follow several people but can't bring myself to because they frame the shit out of all of their pics
January 18th, 2012
ooooooo eye macros that show all the juicy bits. i think i did one, and i hated looking at it. blech.
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace Yeah, sorry. No, I don't mind seeing them in other people's pics, weirdly. I just cannot stand them in mine ;-)
January 18th, 2012
@mcdougall So is it safe to assume that your office is not decorated with posters from Successories?
January 18th, 2012
I hate spiders~ They freak me out, and the close ups of them on this site. I'm not a huge fan of insects in general, but the spiders are the worst!
January 18th, 2012
Borders are the worst thing you can add to your photo. Wannabe artistic or something.
Even worse I'd say is shadow or bevel effects around the photos.

And of course, overdone HDR. You're meant to mimic what the eye sees but end up with a mess of oversaturated colors and grey splotches.
January 18th, 2012
@grecican yes I guess I do too...but I have never given much thought to looking at it since I am always watching tv when I eat. Food up close is not that appealing. It reminds me of those girls on Facebook who are not that good looking so they take all of their pictures up close to hide the ugly.
January 18th, 2012
I'm new to all this - what's HDR, bokeh, hipstamatic, SOOC??? I'm not sure whether I'm doing them or not!!
January 18th, 2012
@hamptanner VERY safe :)
January 18th, 2012
@lauralatham lmfao, Laura... aaaaaaaaaaw... cute!

January 18th, 2012
Ha - I really don't like close-up eye shots either!
I don't like huge watermarks - they totally distract.
My biggest dislike are food pics. I don't mind one item ie, a slice of dessert, but it turns my stomach to see people's 'gravy dinner' plate or their fast food shots of greasy fries etc etc!
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace HAHA. Now I want someone to show me a picture of an HDR baby.
January 18th, 2012
@mcdougall @jasehoad prepare your eyes:

January 18th, 2012
January 18th, 2012
@jasehoad man, i braved the SOPA PIPA jacked interwebs to find that for you!!
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace this makes me want to kick things
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace this is hilarious!
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace Good point, today I am also hating on the SOPA PIPA jacked interwebs, NO Flickr I don't want you to darken my images as they are already dark enough
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace - OMG!!!
January 18th, 2012
1. Watermarks on photos that no-one would ever think of stealing.
2. Anything that's been processed-to-death.
3. Most of the stuff that everyone else has written.

Love that baby shot though. A true fauxtographer at their best!
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace ;)
January 18th, 2012
3. People that don't swear all the time!
January 18th, 2012
@payyourrates No. 1 should be available somewhere stitched on a pillow and on a t-shirt and as a little poster. Good job!!
January 18th, 2012
Smoking! I can't stand seeing cigarettes or people smoking! lol
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace sooo funny! You're evil! lol
January 18th, 2012
@eyebrows haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing @payyourrates no really, i'm seriously worried that someone might steal my self portraits and hipstamatic shots. i really am. really. really.

i almost think that if I didn't put a watermark on a photo, someone would ask why. :-/
January 18th, 2012
it's fascinating how one man's trash is another man's treasure... even in pics
January 18th, 2012
@jlhopgood evil. AND SMOKING!!!!! hahahahaha
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace yeah, but it's thumbnail so that's not too bad! lol
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace But you has GOOD watermarks on your photos. They are wee and unobtrusive. You give good watermark, babay.

Also, I might have to steal one of your Hipsta shots now. Just saying.
January 18th, 2012
I hate duck lips and hand signals... with this sole exception from Davinci

January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing muahahahaha a lot of them are watermarked. i used to also put what lens/film combo i used. meh.

January 18th, 2012
@hamptanner LMFAO Hamp!! aahahahahaahaaaaaaaaa

duck lips. omfg... HATE!
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace I am pretty sure I just peed my pants. Apparently I do not hate HDRed babies.
January 18th, 2012
@egad, can we HDR the new baby? PLEASE??
January 18th, 2012
@jlhopgood ah someone beat me to it, but what the hell :)

January 18th, 2012
@hamptanner haaaaaaaa yes
January 18th, 2012
@grecican 'Frame the shit out of their pics'.......yes, 365 days of that last year is one of my top 10 biggest regrets!!!
January 18th, 2012
@jasehoad @sdpace I hate you both. lol
January 18th, 2012
Nobody said flowers yet? :) There are some rare exceptions, but most of them I could do without. I know it's just me.. Or is it? :)
January 18th, 2012
Am I alone in saying overedited eyes?? I don't know why people do this, it's so creepy and weird, especially when the eye in its natural colours is beautiful enough! And I'm with you on the huge watermarks too XD
January 18th, 2012
@izzymathie This is the one that bothers me the most. Or selectively colored eyes. Creeps me out even more. I admit to at one point being in love with over edited eyes but I see some now that just creep me out.

And I'm guilty of most of the other things people have mentioned on here *shame* so I'm going to hide in my little corner that is filled with giant watermarked maternity and baby pictures :)
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace I feexed it for you:

January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing i just died.
January 18th, 2012
@anzere03 It's not just you, dude! That still doesn't stop me from taking them and trying to do something different. There's only so much you can do with a rose though, ya know? So I go off into much different directions. :)
January 18th, 2012
@grecican It's purty!! Look what a good job I did on the selective coloring and on the HDR and the babby in the corner. Also my watermark RAWKS.
January 18th, 2012
@amorton Angela, we're ALL guilty of doing something someone else hates in regards to our photos. it's all good! i promise you i hate at least one or two photos of just bout every single person i'm following. and you know what, there's nothing wrong bout that!

hate is an emotion towards art that should be embraced, too! i know i've got some shit peeps HATE!
January 18th, 2012
I hate sooc tags... I'm not always sure if the photographer is bragging or apologizing. :)
January 18th, 2012
HDR unrealistic grey skies with the awful lighter halo effect around the horizon or any element that overlays the sky. Trees, lampposts etc. Awful, just awful.
January 18th, 2012
@amorton Uh, uh. You take pictures of whatever it is that you are called to take pictures of! And you tell anyone who doesn't like it to sod off. :) Your photography is your photography. You don't have to please anyone but YOU.

@grecican I actually hate ALL of your pictures BUT one. I will make you guess, though.
January 18th, 2012
@marilyn Yes!! High five! I knew someone once who said that to cover up the fact she didn't know Photoshop.

It wasn't me, though. *whistles and looks at the sky*
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing naaaaaaaaaaw... since i really don't care

January 18th, 2012
@marilyn haaa that made me laugh :)
January 18th, 2012
@amorton i like your kid shots. :)
January 18th, 2012
@grecican Damn you was supposed to get all upset and cry and stuff and whinge and stuff. I suck at being a mean girl. :D
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing hahahhaa i suck at caring bout shit.
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing uh oh, are you claiming stacy's as your own with your fancy watermark? I gostta go tell on you in a discussion thread. Hold on, let me tattle to the public.
January 18th, 2012
@brumbe "Show me your STOLEN photos!"
January 18th, 2012
@brumbe IT IS MINES!! And it is TOTES straight out of camera!!!!
January 18th, 2012
I hate everything......
January 18th, 2012
@mcdougall Katie, you are reading the quotes to these photos? I learned that with most of them I actually understand the photo less. and I insist on seeing baby @egad hdr's
@beautifulthing on watermarks, someone posted an abstract last week that would have been the clear winner other than the watermark that filled the most of the empty space of the photo. Really, why do people throw everything off kilter that way.
@sdpace no one can do a watermark like the one you put on the side of a downtown building as the store name.
January 18th, 2012
@mej2011 amen, sista
January 18th, 2012
@brumbe this old thing?

I also liked this i had an ad at the Rose Bowl stadium. hahahaha

January 18th, 2012
Note to all: THAT is how you do a watermark. Thank you. That is all.
January 18th, 2012
@reba Agree agree!
January 18th, 2012
@brumbe It makes me groan as soon as I see it. And to your point, the only thing I think it adds to the photo is confusion!
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing You SOOC rant made me giggle :D
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace The store one is my absolute favorite of your watermarks and I cannot believe you expected me to notice your watermark with Mike Davis running for what may have been a touch down.
January 18th, 2012
@floriandra I have a LOT of feelings. :D
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace shit, my photos are not spectacular enough to steal, unless your husband stole my photo of Vince Young or my orange converse. Oh wait, converse are always copied, let me go watermark them up. Hence why I have not one watermark. I just wish others would be as creative as you.
January 18th, 2012
@brumbe hehehe football fans unite! (going to find VY photo to steal for the man room)
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace goooooooooooooo GIANTS!
January 18th, 2012
@brumbe i don't think 2 good watermarks out of over 1000 pics on 365 constitutes being creative, but i'll thank you for the compliment and move along. and probably stop watermarking my photos.
January 18th, 2012
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace keep watermarking away, I am okay with them as long as they do not take away from the photo and distract. You actually change yours up to each photo and that is just skill, an eye for seeing the big picture and the end result, and consideration of your art. I actually like to look for each of them on your photos.
January 18th, 2012
I can't stand Creepy Hairy Ugly Naked Pervert pictures.... but that's just me....
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace lmfao

and don't stop watermarking due to someone(s) hating it, girl! shit... it's just an opinion. i just started watermarking mine. don't give a fuck what anyone says bout it, either. i'd rather peeps not steal my shit. which may or may not be steal worthy.

and your shots are definitely stealworthy. keep the watermark. fuck the opinion.
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace I have a picture with him and his son also I can secretly pass along. Oh I am in the VY photo though.
January 18th, 2012
@keithdavid you mean ones with "oops i didn't know you could see my weiner" tags?
January 18th, 2012
@grecican hehe i won't. i just like my name on my shit, probably because it's one of the only things I'm good at other than parenting, and I don't plan to tattoo my kids with my name, so....

@brumbe you should be telling me you'll sell it to me. and since you don't tag your photos, i can't find it.!!!
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace hahahaha ;-)
January 18th, 2012
My favorite dislikes:

1.) Bokeh, bokeh, bokeh
2.) The Water Drop shot
3.) SOOC: For Pete's sake (whoever Pete is) ...shoot film. It's always SOOC. Big f-in deal.
4.) Cloning yourself 4 times in Photoshop
5.) A selfie peering through the lens. Uggggg. I did that one in Second grade.
6.) WCD (Watermark Compulsive Disorder)
7.) The "heart thing" with the hands or in the book spine.
8.) Selective colouring (even though I do it once in awhile just to get people to berate me!)
9.) HDR used the wrong way
10.) Copying someone else's idea because it made the Popular page (see #'s 1-9)

Bring it...
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace Well, why not? That way, if they get lost, they know where to send them back to. And you can't get rid of your watermark after I said I liked yours best so shaddup.

@keithdavid LMAO
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace while not remarkable it is awesome, if you give my your email I will send you the vince and baby photo
January 18th, 2012
@mcdougall @beautifulthing @brumbe man, i also love putting quotes on pics sometimes.

January 18th, 2012
@sdpace i actually like that one.
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace I tried that to copy you. Why is it that every time I try to copy you, it is a fail? Your watermark has POWER.

January 18th, 2012
@cluvlj i'm guilty of all but 8-10. The cloning thing I had to do for school...that place where they teach you how to take and process pics. I know most people think that's 365 or youtube, but it's not.
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace Ok, well that is funny. It is not a long, drawn out dramatic quote. This is awesome!
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace I forgot about hating "Show me". Why don't they just get off their lazy ass and go find it themselves.
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace Hell, we're all guilty of any of these. This thread is absolutely hilarious.
January 18th, 2012
@cluvlj Haha tags, etc. riiiite?
January 18th, 2012
I hate street shots which have no point.
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace I find that is you put down "naked" as a tag you can get 400 hits in less than an hour. Lotsa creepers. Yeah, sure, it's artistic, they say. Please. They just wanna see nekkedness!
January 18th, 2012
I'm not a my 3rd year..yes I hate it when you get a notice of a new follower but never get a comment from them. in other words they're not participating..oh yes I do acknowledge them and look at their photos including sending some comments.. tso this is my only beef...otherwise everything is hunky dory.
January 18th, 2012
@janmaki i hate bokeh farts.
January 18th, 2012
@janmaki i mean love.
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace LOW BLOW !
January 18th, 2012
@cluvlj i'm going to start tagging all of my pics with naked AND nekkid.
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace also, start a thread "I wonder if this is too naked for this site..."
January 18th, 2012
Vacant self promotion, i.e. watermarks, show me your..., endless repetition on discussion pages, repititon of discussion topics, competition and theme appearing in title when it could just be in tags. Comments that indicate the tags, or description have not been read. i.e. comments like "awesome sunset" when it clearly states "dawn".

99% of photography is derivative, but really when i see something I like I just click +fav. If I don't like it I move on.
January 18th, 2012
@janmaki apparently, i missed out on a really good thread
January 18th, 2012
@peterdegraaff whoops.
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace Also use torso, nude, bokeh, water-drop, HDR, and selfie. You could likely take a picture of "something" floating in the bowl, and it would end up on the Popular page.
January 18th, 2012
re: last few new threads....i hate it when people don't read through threads.
January 18th, 2012
I pretty much like most everything, but the only thing I do not get or like of toys. Do what pleases you though...I really don't care!
January 18th, 2012
@hamptanner I'm another duck lips/hand signals hater and relieved that I seldom see them here
I am also not fond of fizzy drink fruit, coloured pencils or coloured pencils in fizzy drink shots
I will join in the dislike of overdone HDR shots, I have seen some excellent HDR shots, but in general not well done, ditto over saturation
I think with any dislike there will be exceptions, some great shots of things I generally don't like
January 18th, 2012
@sdpace oops I forgot how hierarchical 365 is becoming.
January 18th, 2012
@peterdegraaff you know, it blows my mind that the last number I saw from Ross was 40,000+ users, but the very active community is very small, it seems.
January 18th, 2012
@cluvlj Imma gonna try that. Purely from a scientific perspective.
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing I would be interested to hear the result!
January 18th, 2012
I TOTALLY MISSED THIS THREAD. I hate THAT. Must put aside a good 20 minutes to roll around in all the hatred:)
January 18th, 2012
Oh god, I'm never going to post a photo again after reading all this!!
January 18th, 2012
@cluvlj If you tweet your pics, you get like 10 views instantly. I don't know what it is. Imma gonna do that too.
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing You've seen me doing that then :)
January 18th, 2012
@jlhopgood say it ain't so, Jo! don't let the hate get you down... embrace. they're only opinions. ;-)
January 18th, 2012
@jasehoad Once or twice. Brat. :P
January 18th, 2012
i'm not a fan of selective coloring...
and i'm really not a huge fan of eye ball shots, even though i recently took can be done without being overly creepy and grosslike
also not a fan of overdone hdr...i've seen great hdr shots before....but not a fan of the ones where it looks like the hdr option from picnik was used...

but, i do love this thread and threads like cracks me up
January 18th, 2012
What I really hate is people who feel compelled to point out what they hate... to me that is like the kids on the playground who say, "You're ugly!" or "You're fat!" so they feel better about themselves. Photography, like any art, is so personal.

If 365 has so many photos that you really hate... just move on... maybe off 365 and onto a forum where they don't accept any photos that do not meet your criteria of acceptable things to photograph.

If what you are doing with this thread is attempting to be lighthearted and humorous, I think you may have missed the mark with many of us casual photographers.

Personally, I don't care what someone likes or dislikes seeing here... I will continue to shoot what I want to and hope that those who don't like kids, eyes, bokeh, HDR, bubbles, colored pencils, drinks, food, pets, babies, maternity, rainbows, birds, butterflies, frames, textures, quotes, etc. will just stay out of my albums.

I have enough insecurities... I don't need your help, thank you.
January 18th, 2012
Great thread, now I know what to post to annoy all of you! muwhahahahaha!

January 18th, 2012
@marilyn that's the spirit!

@snaggleture Ronnie, bring it!
January 18th, 2012
I am astounded that on this great social site there is this thread. Its supposed to be fun. No-one is perfect, we all have our likes and dislikes, there is bound to be a wide range here. its good that there is, there is something for everyone. Its good to see that there are some tongue in cheek comments here.
January 18th, 2012
@keithdavid Won't see too many of those for a while.
January 18th, 2012
@grecican This is heavy but...."don''t let the bullying get you down son, and stop all that silly suicide talk- now go to bed." Hmmmm something to think about. You think it's just silly talk- but you are truly "hating" all over images that people put thought and effort into....but it is just talk- so nobody should take it seriously- right?
I love this site and I love the is a bit hard to embrace the hate- it ugly.
Just my opinion though. :D
January 18th, 2012
@heidievans73 exactly!
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing I don't tweet. I never "got it". My bro is a Marketing Corp-o-rat. he said I shold get a Twitter acct.
January 18th, 2012
Oh, also - if anyone's having a really super day and thinks it should be a little less so - just search the hatedphotos tag - a few of us did a bit of a series based on the last hatred thread. That should bring up the suckage level in your day.
January 18th, 2012
@pwallis lol... i never did one!! maybe i can make it happen this time around...
January 18th, 2012
January 18th, 2012
i hate myself for loving you.
January 18th, 2012
You may have just become my new favorite 365 person. lol.
January 18th, 2012
@payyourrates hahahhahah 1. Watermarks on photos that no-one would ever think of stealing! fantastic one
@izzymathie i agree with the overprocessed eyes

This discussion is just perfect! hahahah, i enjoyed reading it.

A few more:

If we are talking about pictures in general, I hate people having an album on facebook called +me+ or anything similar, and when someone tell them a compliment they just say that they are ugly.
January 18th, 2012
Things I hate:

Pictures without watermarks.
Pictures with little or no processing.
Pictures without thought-provoking quotes super-imposed on them.

(I was going to go through this whole thread, and put the opposites of all the things people have said, but it's too long, and just full of people whinging, so in the end I couldn't be bothered.)

So, instead, I shall just say this: I hate any photo that's better than one of my photos. OK?

January 18th, 2012
This makes me realize how much I hate most of the stuff I've been doing. haha. With me the case was i started studying photography and learnt about selective coloring and had to try it. Now I find it tasteless most of the time.
Then I learnt about hdr, thought that's a great technique- got to do it. How I find it too artificial and I'm more into simple/natural stuff.
Then of course everybody on here is doing waterdrop photos- I thought that's the way to being popular so I already engraved it into my head, once i have time I will shoot the tap dripping. :)
in the beginning i was always taking pictures of flowers, because it's so easy to take a nice photo of a flower (once I even made it to the pop pg, that was a real encouragement). Now it kind of annoys me, when I see in ppl's comments: i bought a bunch of flowers today to take pictures of. Why? Is there nothing else to photograph?
And I'm guilty of the watermarking my photos (that noone would steal) and framing also. :/// Well this is how we learn. Trial and error... Have to try things to be able to hate them. This thread is great to open our eyes a bit. Although I didn't agree with everything I read above, it still made me realize a lot! :)
January 18th, 2012
@snaggleture THAT'S the attitude people need to have. You're alright, dude. :)
January 18th, 2012
@yogibari I have done everything I said I hated on my list. Except for painting on a pregnant belly. I will probably do them all again. :) As long as you're doing the right thing in your heart, and you're being honest with and to yourself, f*** everyone else. :)
January 18th, 2012
@yogibari yes, I hear you! This place is great for encouragement, but it can also brainwash you into doing trendy/tasteless stuff.
January 18th, 2012
@moonpig Amen. So, uh, does that mean we'll be seeing an overprocessed HDR Waterdrop image off of a painted pregnant belly with bokeh from you in the near future?
January 18th, 2012
Take a photo every day.

""I know it sounds obvious, but each day take your camera out and start taking photos of the things you do, go to the park with the kids? take the camera, go bowling with your friends, take your camera. Start building a photo diary of something special you've done each day.""
January 18th, 2012
@lalola616 totally agree with the +me+ facebook albums!!
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing my sentiment exactly, love... to the mothafuckin' tee!
January 18th, 2012
@hamptanner OMG ducklips. Seriously I agree. My cousin is a huge duckfacer and EVERY time she posts one on Facebook i tell her it makes her ugly.
January 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing @moonpig Yes, this topic was kind of like a cold water splash in my face reminding me to look more closely on my photos: Do I like it or do I want everybody else to like it? I think it's very important. I want my own style to form slowly and not copying other's.
There is a saying I read somewhere: Your first 10000 photos are the worst.
I think it's probably true! For some people it might be a much higher number, but I don't think anyone should ever stop taking pictures as it is the most amazing thing to do. :)
January 18th, 2012
@yogibari i love that saying, and i love your words... so true. beautiful!
January 18th, 2012
@grecican Thank you! ♥
January 18th, 2012
@chasingwishes @hamptanner
January 19th, 2012
@grecican I luvs really are a shit stirrer xoxo
January 19th, 2012
January 19th, 2012
@brumbe @mcdougall Oh, I think that we are going to have to HDR the baby!!
January 19th, 2012
@veekay :) thanks Vicki!
January 19th, 2012
@cluvlj Oh I'm loving this!!!! Posted on FB maybe some duckface girls (i have some among my friends) will realize! :D
January 19th, 2012
@yogibari Wishful thinking. They will think it is "BA".
January 19th, 2012
@keithdavid Well fuck it all you must really hate this shot then......

Actually I just wanted to put it up again so that you can all hate it to death:):)
January 19th, 2012
@veekay i love you for typing out fuck. and for that sweet ass.

good lord.
January 19th, 2012
@janmaki "see above" for the "I wonder if this is to naked for this site" tag.:P
January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing @cluvlj My "Nude Vase Lady" got less views than my boring ass photo of a patio heater and she was tagged with "nude" and "boobie". So your theory did not hold up in that small sample. :-)
January 19th, 2012
@hamptanner I'm sorry. I would reply to your comment, but I'm busy googling "where can i buy my own nude vase lady". :D
January 19th, 2012
@hamptanner Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not "boobie"..."boobies". I hate to say it, but plural is important here! Or, "ta-ta's"
January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing Hahahahahaha. I must agree. This may replace my dancing hula lady on the dash of my car I picked up in Hawaii
January 19th, 2012
@cluvlj What is BA? :)
January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing Or, to save you some trouble, there are probably sites that pertain to Ex Wives that would display this vase. I know if I developed a site like that, this would be the portrait.
January 19th, 2012
@yogibari "badass"
January 19th, 2012
@veekay I hate that shot so much, I made it a FAV so I can hate the shit out of it. :-P
January 19th, 2012
@cluvlj I want that vase for my desk here at work. I want to see how long it would take before someone noticed. :)
January 19th, 2012
@cluvlj Ah shit. The tag says "boobies" but I can haz typos in forumz. It's not like Nude Vase Lady is a cyclops of boobage or a monoboob or uniboob.
January 19th, 2012
@eyebrows @grecican @beautifulthing
I'm new here, and this discussion has given me a great big lol this morning. I'm a midwife, so there will be babies, and with some luck and permission a few pics from the birthing room. I promise not to show any bits that need covering with flowers or butterflies.......but I will tag you to make sure you get to see them......he he he
January 19th, 2012
@onie Leonie, I will expect nothing less! :) If you could manage to paint some hearts on the mama bellies, too, that would make my day. Think they'll go for that. ;)
January 19th, 2012
well - i'm not sure "hate" is the right word ;p i mean, there are definitely things that make me roll my eyes, and some things that i'm just not that into, and some things that get a bit overdone as everyone tries them out... but few things send up waves of revulsion ;p as a newbie, i expect i have committed many of the crimes referenced here... some accidentally, and some on purpose to see if i can figure out "how did they do that?!!?"... and i expect i will commit many more... feel free to tell me if i've broken any of the major rules... but rest assured that bokeh will only ever happen in my pics accidentally... i couldn't do it on purpose if i tried!!!
January 19th, 2012
@onie welcome to 365, Leonie!

confession, i still don't know what a midwife is.


no seriously.
January 19th, 2012
I hate most things I've done that're more than a week old
January 19th, 2012
I commented on the last one and I feel like if I comment again I'll sound like a broken record ("GOSH that Sara really hates those photos that other teenagers take where they hold up a piece of paper with a cute saying and crummy picniked profile pictures!")
January 19th, 2012
@soxfansara lol Sara... i think much of the rhetoric on this thread is regurgitated, including mine... es all gouda! ;-)
January 19th, 2012
@grecican I guess we should just go with the philosophy "say it twice for double the effect" ;-)
January 19th, 2012
@northy Once, on purpose, I made myself do a whole bunch of shots of things I said I hated, which included landscapes, selective color, and HDR. I was right about the selective color and the HDR, but I found that I loved shooting landscapes - I just needed to find the kind I liked taking pictures of. :) I think it's quite a good exercise to do.

@dieter I hate 90% of everything I've ever shot. Srsly. The other day, I was going back through my project for something, and even stuff I shot a month ago that I thought was amazeballs, I'm clicking through the photos going, that's shit, that's shit, what was I thinking, that's SHIT, and that's shit too. Gah. :)
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace Is tattooing our kids w/our names an option? Where do I sign up for that one? This is the type of post that certain types take the wrong way (I, however, am so far from that person I can't even see her). HA

I sometimes don't like the photos of the people I follow. And sometimes I really, really HATE the photos on the popular page.

But who the hell really cares what I hate? I know i'll keep photographing the things I want to: HDR babies (do this all the damn time), maternity shots with drawings of babies being birthed on their bellies (or how they got knocked up in the first place), flowers, birds, moon, kids and all things evil that way. And hell yes they're going to have my watermark--my creation my name bitches :)

Feel free to keep doing your thing too :)
January 19th, 2012
@terek55 "how they got knocked up in the first place". I would SO GO for this. :) I like you - I likes people who can take things in stride and who can also say, you know what, shove off, I'm gonna do MY thing. :)
January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing No doubt! Only way to survive...gotta teach it to my teens ... daughter lives it but son doesn't--weird.
January 19th, 2012
@terek55 i love your take, Terry!!
January 19th, 2012
@grecican I am with you on the frames... but as for your hater attitude towards children and baby pics I will send you the bird :p
365 is about alot of things and one of them is about capturing your daily life. At the moment I am at home with my little ones, so they are part of my life. Maybe kids are not for you, just as cats are not for me... but your comment that photos of children and babies should only be for facebook is crap.
I am going to send you some links of wonderfully talented photographic mummas :)
January 19th, 2012
@hamptanner Hahahahahahha!
January 19th, 2012
@bluebell awwwww... thanks, Bluebell!
January 19th, 2012
@terek55 My brother was 90x more emo than any of us girls ever THOUGHT of being. I totally get it. :)
January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing I had a bust of Elvis once in my aw-fus. It got stolen, and held for ransom.
January 19th, 2012
@cluvlj Sometimes people steal my Sackboy and my Dwight Schrute from my desk and it hurts my feelings. Also, they think it's funny to change my wallpaper on my computer to pictures of Tebow on account of how much I hate him, and then I come sit back down, and there's a half-naked quarterback on my wallpaper, and I want to pinch their faces.

Oh, wait. What were we talking about?
January 19th, 2012
You know what I really HATE?
I hate it when people feel the need to write a short story on their love life or lack there of, or have to tell us how happy/heartbroken they are because of their love life...this is not FACEBOOK!!! If you have to do it why don't you tweet 'em or text 'em, or email 'em or WRITE THEM A FUCKING LETTER because i don't give a FUCK:)
January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing @hamptanner I think we need a link from Hamptanner as to where we can get a naked lady vase. It could go viral (Geez, I can't stand that word..."viral")
January 19th, 2012
@hamptanner I actually want to make the Nude Vase Lady my FB Profile photo for a day, just to see if anyone would notice. Asking permission(?) Pweez?
January 19th, 2012
@veekay Hmm. What is this reminding me of? What? Hmmm...can't put my finger on it.
January 19th, 2012
Thought you all might like this! Muahahahahahaha :D

January 19th, 2012
January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing The pottery artist of Nude Vase Lady is Ana Varela and this is the best contact info I can find: I can't find a website for her. We see her every year at our local art festival.
January 19th, 2012
@justpeachykeene omg my eyes.. they're burning............

okay. cute pic.
January 19th, 2012
@justpeachykeene I like that kid. He's sticking his tongue out, which means he's sassy. I like sassy kids. :)
January 19th, 2012
@grecican Thanks for being sweet.... hater! ;P Hehe.
January 19th, 2012
@cluvlj If you took a picture of "something" floating in the bowl it would make the Poopular Page........ Truth
@veekay Oh come on, that's a really tasty...... I mean tasteful nude. Who could object(ify)?
I hate that my commute and work day left me out of the loop and late to the game. Anything overdone is annoying, if it's done very well I'll give it a pass but I want a photo to grab me by the nut sack. Perhaps a poor choice of words given the recent events..... meh...... Carry on folks.
January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing And thank YOU too!! Why don't we just turn this into a 'positive' comment thread for my photo :D Seriously though, I feel bad saying I hate anything. But I WILL say this I prefer to not see photo edits done in cheapo programs (you know edge burn, glow, warm, etc... the easy stuff). I'd prefer they just stay unedited :)
January 19th, 2012
@grecican ah see I have converted you now haven't I
January 19th, 2012
@cluvlj Of course you can use it. Do you want one without my obnoxious watermark?
January 19th, 2012
@bluebell sure... we'll go with that. ;-)

January 19th, 2012
@grecican Oh good! I put up a hipstamatic for you to hate today---take that sucka! :-)
Still absolutely hating on the hands made to the shape of a heart. Most food shots look gross. And pencil crayons and wax crayons arranged in heart shapes...I just don't get it.

@robv I love your remark that someone could take a shot of something floating in the bowl and it would make the pop page---that does seem to be the case for some people!

To any new people--don't be offended by this thread...after you've been commenting for 200 days, you will see photos that make you go,,,Crap, not one of those again! We're not being mean--it's just a fact of life here---we're venting and having fun with it.
January 19th, 2012
@5unflow3r tell it, Trina... and i'm gonna go check out your pic now so that i can say something shitty about it.

January 19th, 2012
People that say, "omg I just bought a camera and never took a picture before"....then post a professional grade, magazine-worthy photo. C'mon.
January 19th, 2012
@john244 I hate that I didn't think of that particular one. Kudos.
January 19th, 2012
@hamptanner nah. I don't care. Thanks!
January 19th, 2012
@john244 Good one!

January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing Don't make me go there.....LOL
January 19th, 2012
@egad yeah!!
January 19th, 2012
i hate that i have to go to bed now... night 365 haters and hater haters~
January 19th, 2012
Things i hate:

1) abuse of HDR, getting it all surreal. I use it, but try to be much more low profile.
2) watermarks: some are so big that can ruin a photo and its pointless.
3) macro of flowers (come on! no need for more of that).
4) babies pics (most are completely pointless too)
5) cheap usage of Photoshop filters.
6) photos of dogs and cats. (just because it's overdone)

Where are the new surprising things? You go to Popular page and it's just flowers, babies and puppies.
January 19th, 2012
I am just now getting to this thread and I am in tears laughing! I'm so entertained. I'm guilty of all things hated on here except for maybe the HDR baby and hand-heart thing. I also hate people who follow you and rarely or never comment...oh, wait! That's me! LOL. Suck it!
January 19th, 2012
@cluvlj Ha! yes. With a drawn smiley face in the navel and a rainbow around it!
January 19th, 2012
@keithdavid I'm with you on the Creepy Hairy Ugly Naked Pervert pictures and I love that you did not use the H word. Obviously even if you haven't been posting, you are aware of what's been going on.
January 19th, 2012
Of course I am up on the happenings here in crazy 365 world, I am all knowing ;;-)) It's actually what drew me back to this pit of ego stroking, you must have missed my thread:

January 19th, 2012
I hate that, a few days ago, I saw a selective colour photo that I actually liked.

My head may explode if I can't process it soon. Pun possibly intended.
January 19th, 2012
@famousamos I agree with you. I do all those things too. I guess its just a learning process. We will get it sooner or later.
January 19th, 2012
@jinximages Be strong. This too shall pass!
January 19th, 2012
I hate that the photo I see in my head isn't always the photo that comes out of the camera.

I hate when I have to wait to buy a new lens/camera/filter/light/or trip to someplace exotic.

I hate when it's freezing outside and someone posts a photo from Hawaii or Austrailia. Or when they post some incredible snow photo.

I hate that everyone else seems to have already taken the best photo ever of (fill in the blank) and it seems like I'm wasting my time.

Scratch the last one. I love coming here everyday and looking at so many amazing photographs and even the less than amazing photographs and just knowing that there is a world of people out there who view life through a lens. Somehow, this just makes my life a little happier... everyday.. and there is nothing to hate about that.
January 19th, 2012
Vignettes. They're usually just horrible. I don't think I've ever seen a photo with a vignette and thought, "wow, that picture really needed that vignette and it does NOT look completely tacky."
I abhor instagram. It's overused and 90% of the iPhone population wouldn't know how to use it in a not annoying way if they had to instagram their way out of a paper bag.
Unnecessary black and white. Sometimes, it's not needed. I think b&w should feel special. It doesn't if it's used for pictures of your shoes and pets.
Mirror pictures with your DSLR. Just seems like a huge no no. Don't know why I hate it, I just do.
Naked pregnant women. Overrated and sometimes, if the photo is done a certain way, it makes everyone feel awkward.
January 19th, 2012
@veekay well said!
January 19th, 2012
@veekay I was fuming with all the hatred building inside me while going through this thread, then I saw your ass. Thinking of starting a love thread now.
January 19th, 2012
@john244 .or worse...peeps that claim to be pro photogs, but their photos are shit!

@janmaki Do it!! "I love my ass" selfie challenge...!! How's that shadowy door going BTW?

Oh, and quin who should be Paula, I'm with you! Down with kid pics! Except for The Pickle. The Pickle is the only official exception to this rule. Eva.
January 19th, 2012
I'm also getting tired of seeing coloured pencils
January 19th, 2012
@onie haha!
January 19th, 2012
4. People who think the contents of this thread constitutes bullying

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
January 19th, 2012
I hate photos of the ocean with squint horizons - they just look plain wrong, like the water's all going to pour off one side of the picture.

And I've only been here a couple of months, so maybe everyone else loves these, but I'm bored silly by the people who do a selfie every day. I thought it was a really cool idea at first, but after looking through a couple of weeks' worth they all start to look the same, just with the person facing a different direction with a slight change of dress-up - how do people manage to keep that up for a whole year?
January 19th, 2012
I hate photos of dead animal carcasses, whether hanging from a tree or in a baking dish! Not ALL humans are into animal cruelty, though I know that most are! :-(

@branwensmith Clearly you are following the wrong selfie people. Have you checked out "The Seven" Shitloads of variety there!
January 19th, 2012
Oh alright, while I have an official sopbox to rant from, I officially add the following:

*preggo shots, weird or otherwise...
*baby pics (except those of The Pickle as previously discussed)
*preggo shots with previous baby in shot too
*flower shots
*preggo shots with flowers
*preggo shots with flowers AND babies (kill me now!)
*people who use the rule of halves. Dudes, it DOES NOT WORK!! You could try the rule of thirds though, if you're feeling really brave...
*Hater threads that force me to sound like an elitist photo-snob
*peeps who fall in love with other barely of age 365ers, then make smutty comments on that person's project day after day about what they want them to do with their balls and other random body parts
*Watermarks. They are for wankers. I don't care what anyone says.
Please note: the above comment is not in any way intended to dispute the excellence of the art of wanking. It is indeed a beautiful thing! :-)
January 19th, 2012
@branwensmith Self portraiture is one of the best forms of self expression, to say that every self portrait starts to look the same is to basically say that every photo is basically the same, no matter the subject its already been done, nothing is original anymore, self portraits are so expressive and have the potential to tell a huge story, obviously not a fan of myspace poses in the mirror buttt self portraits are awesome, just saying, and not attacking you at all, Its just i started a self portrait project so im a tad touchy on the subject.
January 19th, 2012
For all the haters. In the words of the immortal Awolnation, I have love for all your hate!
@grecican @beautifulthing @kjarn @eyebrows
January 19th, 2012
@tabbycat this is the best photo ever!!!!!!!!
January 19th, 2012
lolololololololololololololololololololololol @tabbycat
January 19th, 2012
I don't like the word hate. Thats just me. I try to live my life without such a strong negative emotion. It brings me down, man!!

BUT that being said, I am thoroughly irritated by photos that need processing and don't receive the love they deserve. On the flip side, I am irritated by OVER processing at the same time! LOOK AT THE PHOTO PEOPLE! It's not supposed to be a painting or pop art. Its supposed to be a photo. An interpretation of a real thing as seen by the photographer. No one can tell me that they looked at that hill with sun flowers and the grass was purple and the sun flowers had really dark edges. But adding a little bit of brightness and a small amount of contrast really can make any photo pop.

Other things that irritate me:
Baby Photos - Sure, some of them are cute, but the majority.. Well lets just say that because YOU think they are cute, that we need to see them mid cry all scrunched up and gooey

HDR - When it is over done. Enough said.

Intentional Bokeh and over use there of - Although I have found that the word Bokeh amuses me. It may just be because it sounds dirty..

Creepy Eye Editing - They are creepy. That is all.

Things I love:
Macro - Anything and everything can look fantastic with macro. Just sayin'

Freedom of Speech - I have had a BLAST reading this thread. And while I have been guilty of pretty much everything everyone hates, I don't hold it against them coz it is their opinion and, honestly, I dont give a fuck.

Beer - Because it is beer.
January 19th, 2012
@lovebrittany YES. Why every photographer pic has to be with him/her holding his camera?

HAHAHA I browsed through the thumbs in this thread and i already found 5 or 6 who do this.

What do you need to prove? That you have a nice badass camera? And you need to prove it TO WHOM but yourself?
January 19th, 2012
What I hate are generally pictures of babies... Like, come on. One or two pictures, alright, but the entire project dedicated to a baby? Nothing for me...
Second thing is all the rainbow shots that are popping up EVERYWHERE... They're nice and all, but it seems to me like a very cheap apology for having no real idea...
But otherwise I'm pretty tolerant I guess... ^^
January 19th, 2012
It just dawned on dawn.... what do I really dislike? It's not necessarily the pictures. If I don't like em, I don't view em.

What I really dislike is people that spend a plethora of money on a real real good camera, like a Mark II or a D3 and call themselves a photographer because they have an expensive box. But, they don't have clue #1 about photography. I have a friend like this. He's a digi-head bokeh-meister. Never shot a roll of film in his life.

Hint: Just because you have money to burn does not make you a photog. All the camera brackets, light modifiers, overpriced software packages, and fancy words like Bokeh do not make you a photog. I see these people all the time, and they shoot in Program mode, shoot 6 pictures a minute, and delete all 6. Hahahahahhahahha.

Half the people on this site could blow it away with a Kodak disposable.

Disclaimer: This is not directed at the folks who do have nice equipment, that know how to use it and use it for their living.

Whew, I feel better now. That felt good.
January 19th, 2012
Two things I hate are people who are intolerant of other people's cultures; and the Dutch.
January 19th, 2012
Well, for all the people who missed the last hate debate, here's a summary of the things that were hated back then:

Personally, I hate clowns. And dolls. They give me nightmares.
January 19th, 2012
Zoo shots make me sad.
"Creepy Hairy Ugly Naked [Egotistical] Pervert pictures" make me nauseous.
January 19th, 2012
January 19th, 2012
First off I love good HDR tastfully done.

I hate badly done HDR and HDR done to 'liven' up a boring shot.
Questions about a shot that are answered in the exif info, or in the item description I.E. what camera do you use (doh) etc,

@jannaellen Pmsl great!!!!!!

Oh,oh,oh don't forget replies that just say "thanks". :)

The Canon/Nikon debate -GET A SONY. Lol.
January 19th, 2012
@eyebrows Love to you do know there's room for everyone bullying hater :P ( i added a emoticon to shot light heartedness).
January 19th, 2012
@paintedpilgrim Hahahaah- gotta love Austin Powers...or hate him...jeez I'm so confused, which is cool?
January 19th, 2012
this shit made my morning... loving the hate!
January 19th, 2012
@jannaellen Very cool collection of hated images Janna- Doesn't look like the hate has changed much- but it had been a few months since the previous hate fest- so I totally understand why the "resurrection" was called for ;)
January 19th, 2012
HDR - Hate when people try to hard to make you feel (ie guys with and Army uniform leaving with a girl in the back crying) - anything really cliche. So for example I don't hate maternity pictures but I hate when they put their finger in heart shape in front of belly bottom, etc. I prefer a no posing picture
January 19th, 2012
There's a whole lot of hate on here. I kinda like it and did'nt even know the last thread existed, so I won't go over them all, as they've all been listed.

I use a watermark, well a signature if that counts. But I could'nt give f___k if you don't like it, it's a sign, a sign..... that.... I'm kinda of important round here, it's mine and I that I pwn the photo ;-)

Biggest hate right now.
Internet Groomers. Nuff said.
January 19th, 2012
This thread cracked me up.

You know what I hate? I hate all photos that include rubber ducks in them. I mean, WTF. That's just boring man.

Also, almost all of the things mentioned here could be done tastefully, except preggo shots. PLEASE NO MORE. Nobody needs to see that.

And I hate creepy ugly naked nekkid pervert photos. With tags that say 'I didn't know you could see my schlong.'

Bahahahahaa. @keithdavid
January 19th, 2012
@katiegc24 Hahahahahahahhaa. Rubber ducks. Yeah, all 161 suck. Nice self-slam.
January 19th, 2012
I hate that I have to go wash the tea off my new housecoat. Projectile nose squirt due to HDR baby and that it makes Quin want to kick things. Shit!
@sdpace @grecican
January 19th, 2012
@azza_l amen on all counts.
January 19th, 2012
@tabbycat Thanks for having The Pickle's back:) Also that's pretty much the best photo on the internet.
January 19th, 2012
@jannaellen Love this! And I am with you on the scary clowns and dolls. Eek!
January 19th, 2012
i had to share this shit because a friend of mine just emailed it to me and it literally made me laugh aloud...
January 19th, 2012
@grecican I'm signing my whole family up-'s ugly when preschool sends a letter home about how you two year old said "oh fuck" in the classroom...I blame dad!
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 ahahhahaa
January 19th, 2012
@paintedpilgrim lmfao Pilgrim!!!
January 19th, 2012
161? Dammit I thought I'd done more than that! Grrrrr... @cluvlj
January 19th, 2012
dont forget all these gems...

personally, I just don't follow people whose art I don't like....I am most likely the embodiment of many hates here: kids, babies, cheesy twirling girls and inspirational quotes...I have based my entire project on kids so I am probably a horrible no talent in many people's books...however, I will have a great year of memories and at the end of the day, this project was mine and I am proud of it:) Please enjoy some babies, socks, cheese and bad noise on my behalf:)
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace OMG on that baby! Yikes!!!!!
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace That's a really beautiful portrait. I want to know how you did that.
January 19th, 2012
@4stories i enjoy watching the way you experiment with processing, and you are going to have a lovely family album that your kids will cherish their whole doesn't hurt that they are all gorgeous. kudos.
January 19th, 2012
@grecican @heidievans73 people are always seemingly cautious about cursing around kids. i usually just say, "well, his middle name is Fuck, so it's no big deal." about 50% of the time people will look at me like I'm serious.
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace love it! *immediately changing children's middle names*
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace i'm all about cursing in front of kids. they've got to learn somewhere.

little shits
January 19th, 2012
@ptowncook @sdpace - I am SO going to try that fab baby HDR technique!!!!
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace Should I ever accidentally have a kid, I am quite damn sure I will not be able to restrain myself from cussing for the entire 18 years of its development (until I can kick it out of my house and get back to my vodka). Therefore, the little shits are gonna hear some cussing. Trufax.
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace I meant your self portrait, not the baby. Beautiful.
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace @beautifulthing @grecican Kids are occasionally the only motivation for cussing. There are times you try to make up new cuss words because the routine ones just don't grasp that depth of the situation. Hey, that's what teenagers are for!
January 19th, 2012
@ptowncook hey Laura, which photo are you talking about? I'd be glad to share tips. :)
January 19th, 2012
@ptowncook AHAHAHHAAHA love it!!
January 19th, 2012
Wow this thread just feels nasty to me! People including myself post pics of their kids because it is a project about the days they having...not the days that the viewer is having. I don't "hate" anyones pictures..everyone has a point of view!
January 19th, 2012
@chudi Check out my page...definitely something at the end of my rainbow! Cheesy or not!
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace The self portrait. The way it looks like an old gelatin print.
January 19th, 2012
@ptowncook my profile pic? i actually took it with my Hipstamatic app on my iPhone, then put it in photoshop and used a raggedy old scratch texture overlay.
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace Ah, thank you! My Photoshop skills are rather pathetic. I need to do a tutorial. I love it though. And I'm looking forward to getting an iPhone when my current contract is up in March. That's around the corner! Thanks again.
January 19th, 2012

Tina you should do this every month and depending on the hater-haters plot the demise of 365 society. Do you remember how many people told you off last time? I reckon Christian-right-wing-hater-hate is on the up. My hates have actually changed this time round:

1. Peoplke whu stat threds withut firstt learning whow to writee in EEnglish
2. People who start threads with the line - I don't know if this has been covered before....but....
3. People who say 'Hate is such a strong word, I don't use it'
4. Actually all photography. I'm more of a painting fan,
5. Hispstamatic, i go whayy I f.king love this...*click thumbnail* oh, no boring.....
6. I still hate bird photos (apart from Megan R's)
7. I hate to say it but male nudes.
8. Loads more stuff I can email anyone who has time to listen.
January 19th, 2012
Also Marilyn thinks we're here to support her. Which reminds me you never sent me no link to get to the website of hate. Don't send it me this week whatever you do, I'm about to snap anyway from the model mayhem website which does hating really nice. I'm off to cry in a corner because the nasty models have bullied me.
January 19th, 2012
@chewyteeth this is why you and me are going to be great friends some day.

don't remember how many did the last time, actually... but i tend to tune out irrational rhetoric.

aight, adding to the list...

engagement ring pics. don't give a fuck!
January 19th, 2012

engagement rings = someone wanting to settle down? ;p
January 19th, 2012
@chewyteeth ahahaahahaa.... that transparent?

naw... i just really hate diamonds, honestly. and Beyonce.
January 19th, 2012
@sgoodin1 nice! Cheesy is not such a bad thing...I mean..I love cheese. (now that's cheesy)
January 19th, 2012
@chudi Haha thanks!
January 19th, 2012
@chewyteeth lol at #1, love the "Speak English or die" -attitude ;-) Stupid foreigners, hate them.
January 19th, 2012
OK I'll tell you what I hate...going outside on a cold ass day in the rain to get a photo for today, falling down the slope getting all muddy, rain on my hair I just fixed to go to work. Posting my photo thinking-now that's not too bad then realizing you guys will just hate it...go ahead and look I'm sure you will all hate it. Now don't tell me that you don't.
January 19th, 2012
@buttercup hahahhaaa oooooooh, Mary!
and not bad on the pic! def do NOT hate :)
January 19th, 2012
If it was foreigners it wouldn't bother me. I follow a lot of Germans and Russians and Czech photographers on my project and find they have super diction. It's the thread starters, the Wisconsin-Sue types. People who write too fast, they don't see what they're writing, and if they don't know how to spell a technical photo word instead of googling it they just patch a load of letters together. Certainly nothing to do with foreigners dude, because that wouldn't be funny would it? Why would I abuse someone to whom English wasn't first language? I actually explained this on the first version but I deleted it because it made the point too long winded. Thanks for helping me clarify though.
January 19th, 2012
@buttercup very funny!
January 19th, 2012
@chewyteeth my comment wasn't meant to be taken seriously and I know exactly what you mean. But that sentence just rang some bells, because I sometimes struggle to find the words or make myself clear ... Hate that. Sorry if I irked you!
January 19th, 2012
@tabbycat hahaha holy shit I think I'm having a seizure
January 19th, 2012
@heidievans73 ^____________^
January 19th, 2012
@sunnygreenwood dear God.... what is that thing??!!??!!
January 19th, 2012
@grecican ;P just a little something to stir the pot here
January 19th, 2012
@sunnygreenwood totally kidding... the pic does nothing for me, but i don't hate it, either. well... not totally
January 19th, 2012
@grecican i'm totally kidding too, no worries
January 19th, 2012
Haha, this is hilarious!
Newbie here & promising to do all things mentioned above at one time or another this year! If I haven't done them already... Well, except the pregnancy/baby shots, male nudes & hipstamatic (whatever that may be)
-Everyone has their limits ;)

January 19th, 2012
@sunnygreenwood lol... i know, boo! you're good peeps... and i totally appreciate your sense of humor!!
January 19th, 2012
@keithdavid Lol.. Classic mate :-)
January 19th, 2012
I hate stupidly over-exposed stuff. And things with that "picnik edit" look to them; you know the ones with too much saturation etc.
January 19th, 2012
I hate begging threads - look at my photo- follow me- how am I doing- look at my facebook - how cool I am I - vote for my photo in a competition - etc etc and there have been so many recently. HAVE SOME DIGNITY!!!!
January 19th, 2012
AND they push all the cool threads like this one and fav fav of someone else off the main page!!!!
January 19th, 2012
@moirab agreed... prob hate that more than anything on this site, actually. i've dubbed it, the Internet generation. there's no such thing as patience anymore... now now now. why wait? no need to. everything's at your fingertips.

and what's that thing called humility? yeah, we won't be needing any of that, either.
January 19th, 2012
...well I don't have any I just take pics of my cats instead, lol :D
January 19th, 2012
@tamsg4 bring on da pussy! can't get enough of cat pics ;)
January 19th, 2012
@sunnygreenwood My eyes are now ruined forever. Thanks for that! :-(
January 19th, 2012
@tabbycat oh dear! ;-)
January 19th, 2012
@grecican Haha...and geez I forgot one was in my avi!!
January 19th, 2012
Oh haha! I used to love writing over my pictures, now I really can't stand that shit. Looking back over my last year of photos I'm actually cringing at some of the things I've done!
January 19th, 2012
people who say "I hate using the word hate"!!
people who take forums like this so seriously! I mean really! (and I hope no one takes offence at this) but with very very few exceptions you will never meet any of these people - they are not your best friends, and on the whole, in general they are not actually your friends at all - at best they are "virtual" people - and if you didn't want people to "judge" your photos you wouldn't put them on a site like this! !!
And as for this thread - its just a bunch of people sounding off - get over it!! if you don't like the theme of the thread don't read it,
Ooh feel much better having got all that off my chest - might even sleep better tonight!!

January 19th, 2012
As for photographically....
photos that have been edited for the sake of editing, frequently because they have just seen something similar done to some one elses pics but they haven't stopped to think whether it is the right thing to do... HDR and colour popping seem to be the most common culprits!
And like @swguevin I hate when I can't get the picture that I can see
January 19th, 2012
I do not like words on images. I have yet to see an image that I did not feel was ruined by the words. Just saying, as I take a picture of my kids. :)
January 19th, 2012
@jinx i love me some Jinx!
January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing I'm pretty sure I'm going to be exactly the same around kids! In fact, I'm pretty sure I may be responsible for other peoples kids dropping the f-bomb for the first time because I always 'let slip' when I am around their kids.. I like to think of myself as a good influence :p
January 19th, 2012
@tamsg4 Haha I'm exactly the same! I don't have kids so my dog cops the camera in his face all of the time! Actually, that started out because of Facebook. A lot of people I know have had a sprog or two so they take a million photos and post them all on Facebook cluttering up my wall thinking that I give a shit. I retaliated with photos of MY child. The thing about mine is that he is small and fluffy and when he pisses me off I can lock him outside ;p
January 19th, 2012
@jinx Hahaha I'm guilty of hating the word hate.. Nah, not really, but I do try to live without using it. I find I am more irritated by things rather then hating them. I generally don't care enough to hate them :D
January 19th, 2012
@punno my favorite feature on FB, when i was on it, was the hide button so that you don't have to see any posts you don't want to on your newsfeed. i sincerely wish they had this option on this site. i'd be following a hell of a lot more people on here if that were the case...
January 19th, 2012
@punno My child is also fluffy and when she pisses me off i can lock her outside... and now she is 24 she is too old to call childline and whinge about it! hahaha
January 19th, 2012
@grecican Yeah, I agree and when I'm on my computer that button gets a work out, trust me (especially with the bloody epidemic of linking godsdamn YouTube videos! The clog up my newsfeed and drive my to distraction) but, alas, the hide button isn't a feature for the iPhone Facebook app. It really really should be.
It should definitely be a feature on here! I would follow more people too. In fact, I need to I follow some people for that very reason..
January 19th, 2012
@sdpace OMG, I laughed so hard at HDR baby! Who would DO that? Amazing!
January 19th, 2012
@jinx Haha then I'm out of suggestions. Bribe her with cake? No matter how old or fluffy they are, they generally never say no to cake :)
January 19th, 2012
Update to my list of Irritating things:
Photos of your country's flag - you are a patriot, good for you. I don't care..

Also, capping my Internet - damn.
January 19th, 2012
@moirab WORD. You should win a competition because you have the best entry. NOT because you managed to pester the most people on the Interwebs into voting for you. Totally makes contests like that illegitimate. I hear "like" and "Facebook" and my eyes spontaneously roll back into my head.
January 19th, 2012
@beautifulthing Exactly :oD
January 19th, 2012
@cluvlj cameras. ...i shoot some freelance football, and one of the kid's moms saw my D90, and said, " just use THAT camera ALL the time for this?" she had some Canon $2000+ model in her hand....i just said, "yep." ((who's getting the requests for sideline photography, or me?))
January 19th, 2012
@5unflow3r i wouldn't even know how to make a photo look like that. SRSLY.
January 20th, 2012
@sdpace Hahahahahahaha. But I am sure she knows texture backgrounds, and how to putt funny words on her photos. Sounds like an affluent housewife to me, that has no life.
January 20th, 2012
@cluvlj i doubt that very much. she's just a rich lady with a nice camera.
January 20th, 2012
@sdpace Yep, same thing.
January 20th, 2012
@sdpace My entire wedding was shot with a D70 and a D7000 (Which my photographer bought on a whim after going in to buy a printer) and a single lens (a wide angle and a standard) on each. There was no switching lenses, no changing cameras, no confusion.. But I think thats what I get for having a mate do it, not a professional photographer. I must say, she did a brilliant job with it!
A month later I went to my cousins wedding and she had two photographers with two cameras each and 5 lenses. The group shot was such a debacle. We spent longer waiting for him to get the right lens on his flipping camera while we was up the ladder then we spent getting 200 people in order for the shot!
January 20th, 2012
oh wow - from a total newbie's point of view and having gone thru (almost) the whole thread, at first it was fun, then I started feeling paranoid, then I thought WTF and finally I just tried to enjoy the banter! But *scratches head* will have to remember to avoid baby pics (which I would have anyway), pregos (ditto), bokeh and HDR (had to look them up), selfies with camera (n/a), erm .... coloured pencils, coloured drinks, frames, watermarks, OMG - too many to remember. Okay then, I'll just document my year as I see it :) Oh yes, and rainbows!!! Awwww, I LOVE rainbows!!! There's something so 'magical' about them :))

But my personal hate is skew horizons! How much trouble is it just to straighten a pic?! I haven't been here long enough to develop many others :) This time next year I'll probably be joining in with you all!!!
January 20th, 2012
Just curious.. why are you all here? What is your idea about what 365 is all about?

@grecican I'm confused about this whole thread - you said you wanted to start up this topic again because of all of us newcomers. Have you considered that most newcomers are already feeling a bit insecure about the photos that they're taking and whether they are "good enough", as well as their number of followers. I have specifically been seeking out newbies to try to offer support because I know how hard it can be when you're starting out with anything new - especially a creative endeavour. And I'm a newbie myself - to 365 - not to photography.

A photo a day is a big commitment!! These might not be the best shots we've ever taken... we might have a lot of other things going on in our lives. Maybe taking a photo of kids or toys or flowers is the best we can do sometimes.

I guess I thought that 365 was meant to be a community of supportive artists - I'm a bit surprised and disheartened by this thread. I thought we were all here for similar reasons.

I thought 365 was a place to challenge ourselves, to learn and grow as artists, and not to be afraid to try something new. I thought it was a safe place where we would meet like-minded creative people.

For me, this was an opportunity to get out and use my camera more often - to make a practice of carrying it with me every day.

Maybe it's just me who is confused!
January 20th, 2012
@sdpace - that is up there with those who say "if only I had a better camera I could take pictures like(insert amazing photog name here)...LOL...I have seen amazing talent with a phone lol
January 20th, 2012
@julieepp hi Julie and welcome to 365!
January 20th, 2012
@moirab @beautifulthing I agree 100% about the photography competition thing - - when its a "vote" to win then its really a bit of a popularity contest and nothing to do with merit! Ridiculous idea really!
January 20th, 2012
@julieepp IMO - i think there are two sides to 365... 1) documenting your life 2) demonstrating your photographic skills - from the different people I have looked at most people produce a mix of both... on the whole I think that this thread is aimed more at the latter than the former
I am also a newbie to 365 and I agree that it is a big commitment - and sometimes there will be the "quick shot" - i think mine are about half and half so far....
but this thread is not saying "your pictures aren't as good as/original as/well edited as/colourful as etc etc etc mine so you should give up now" or "we don't like these sorts of pictures so you should stop taking/posting them, Its just people sounding off... about what they hate personally ... and I bet there is something that when you see it on the popular page or the latest page that you think "oh god not again" or "Its no good - i really hate that style of photo" (which reminds me - I want to add "Warholism" to my list of hates!! lol)
January 20th, 2012
Childish people.
January 20th, 2012
ba ba booey
January 20th, 2012
@grecican I hated this thread the first time round as once you've read through it you realise that no matter what you do, someone will hate it. Personally think if you don't like the style, don't look at it.
January 20th, 2012
Thanx for totally making my night, although you have seriously cut into the time that I was going to spend posting comments. After the awful week at work, this thread was much needed.

I HATE people that take things too seriously! Lighten up, peeps! It's all good! I was going to go and find every horrible photo in my album, and post it up with saying what I hate about it...but then I realized that there would be a whole lotta posted pix going up here, and then I'd look like a photo whore...
January 20th, 2012
@veekay For the record, I think I have hated that shot three times today.
January 20th, 2012
@hamptanner I'm grinning from ear to ear....that just cracked me up..thanks:):)
January 20th, 2012
@sdpace @heidievans73 Story time... My mom is the consummate southern lady except for one minor detail, she curses like a sailor and she is an excellent curser. She can spit out a string of expletives like Gatling gun. Once when my brother was about 3, she took him to the doctor for a round of shots. When the Dr stuck him in the arm, he said, "shit." Later, the Dr told my mom she might want to keep him away from the people where he is hear such words. Without missing a beat, my mom said, "If I did that, he would be a goddam orphan." And walked out.

As it turned out, my brother and I were both sailors, so I think we are allowed to curse like, well, sailors.
January 20th, 2012
People who are insecure typically behave this way- become critical and insulting towards others.
I use my brain- if I don't like something, I don't look at it. Simple really. I don't expect everyone to put up photos of things that only I like...
January 20th, 2012
@hamptanner i love your mom.
January 20th, 2012
@booey Interesting hypothesis. Can that be extrapolated and applied to the reading of forum threads? Just curious.
January 20th, 2012
@sdpace Fuckin' a.
January 20th, 2012
Lol. The thesaurus obviously came in handy for you there...
January 20th, 2012
@julieepp if anyone doesn't think their photos are "good enough" to be here, then they wouldn't be posting their photos on the WWW, IMO. it's important to know what people like and don't like....and there are things here that are hated because they just super HDR baby up there. No one in their right mind would say that's an amazing photo. It's not. It's hideous. We all experiment, and the best comments I get on my work are the ones that say "i would lose the texture," or "why did you shoot at 1/200 f/3.2?" if I like the texture, I'll keep it...but i might look again at my photo and think it's too much afterall. most people here are either 1) sugar sweet great jobbers or 2)really honest and protective of the craft of photography. I am not the best photographer on anyone's scale except maybe my family's...but I have some technical knowledge and I like to share it. I pay good money to get it, and I dole it out for free here, just like a lot of other users do. I'm here to share my photos and help others with honest critique when they request it. we also have a lot of fun, and I have made a few actual friends...two of whom I have met in person 1500 miles away from home and one of whom has been entrusted with my sacred Tiny Jesus figurine via the US Postal Service 900 miles away from home.

bottom line is, 365 is what you make it. give love to get love...even tough love sometimes. :D
January 20th, 2012
@booey hey kettle, slow down there. you can tell us what you love or hate if you wanna.
January 20th, 2012
@sdpace BFFs 4evah
January 20th, 2012
I am kind of starting to hate that I can't quit this thread. But after reading and reading and reading this War and Peace of forum threads, I am more in the camp of people who don't hate. I mean, I don't hate the word hate and I don't hate the people who hate the word hate, but in general I don't hate. Except that fucking bitch in my neighborhood homeowners association who sued me a couple of years ago and even though I got her shit-assed lawsuit dismissed on one motion, I can't get back the $500 it cost me. Hating her has turned my core into a dark ugly place and I want to forgive her but more than forgiving her, I just want my fucking $500 back so I can buy some awesome red wine with it instead of paying it to a lawyer who, in the end, also pisses me off. If either of them posted pics on here, I would hate the fuck out of their pics even if they stole them from Helmut Newton or Ansel Adams. Other than that, I am definitely a unicorns and butterflies kind of guy.
January 20th, 2012
@hamptanner I'm sorry, I'm trying to type something witty here, but you just made my head esplode with the awesome.
January 20th, 2012
I LOVE THIS THREAD! Great bunch of personalities here! I am with the baby picture and preggo picture haters. Those get old and unless you know the kid and family----boooooorrrrriing! I also hate pics of cats with silly sayings on them, like the cat really sad "I has mouse toy." Cornball.
January 20th, 2012
LOL, thanks for the entertainment :)
January 20th, 2012
I have trepidatiously wandered into this thread, hearing rumors about 'hate' in the forums ... this is some funny shit. This is awesome.
January 20th, 2012
@buccigrossi Come on! I've told you before how much I love bird feet!!!
January 20th, 2012
@keithdavid And I told you what I hate and that's when you quit posting pictures.
January 20th, 2012
@tabbycat Totally off topic, but I love love LOVE that you just quoted Awolnation...
January 20th, 2012
@punno They're cuter anyway!! ;)
January 20th, 2012
@tamsg4 Yeah, baby!! Awolnation rock da house! I love that you have an awkward-looking pussy! (or two!) LOL! ;-)
January 20th, 2012
@hamptanner Lmao hopefully your rant saved you another $500 in therapy bills!!
January 20th, 2012
@egad bahahahahahahahaa
January 20th, 2012
I've decided to come onto this thread and beg forgiveness.

Over the last 13 months I've committed many hate crimes, I would like to blame my inexperience of processing and then wanting to try out everything, first in picnik and then with paintshop. I look back at the evidence that has stacked against me in my project and can only hope to gain forgiveness.

Some of the crimes I have committed which bug the hell out of me so I'm sure have angered more than one of you out there:
- Vignettes, even *gasp* white ones
- Badly thought out selective colouring, I'm ashamed to say in some instances selective colouring of eyes only
-Flowers, flowers and more flowers
-Dozens (potentially hundreds) of child photos
-Uninspired, unthought out photos of whatever is lying around just to fill the day (see evidence Jan '11)
- Toy photos
- Bubble photos
- Fizzy photos, actually that's a double crime, there's a fizzy toy shot!
- Bokeh
-Pet photos
-Overprocessed ones
-Badly exposed ones, for this my only defence is laziness and staying in Auto for the first half of my project
-Water splashes
-Flipped reflections
- Close up food photos
- Oh and numerous moon shots, however I refuse to aplologise for my lunar eclipse photo!

I'm sure there are more crimes but I felt the overwhelming need to confess M'Luds and throw myself on the mercy of this court forum and I am willing to accept whatever punishment is handed my way.

If I may, I have one request before my sentence is passed, please can all those hipstamatic, fisheye and frame users be dragged up for sentencing too?

*hangs head in shame and awaits verdict*
January 20th, 2012
@hamptanner Hahahahahaha. "The Homeowners Association Bitch". She must be related to my ex.
January 20th, 2012
@emmar84 never ever apologize for your work, Emma... i LOVE your stuff. even if all of us hate something of someone's work, it really doesn't mean a god damn thang. opinions are just opinions.

nobody need apologize for having an opinion, feeling, thought, or expression, as far as i'm concerned.

that goes for Mel Gibson, too. don't get me started.
January 20th, 2012
@sdpace that baby shot is actually scary! @emmar84 don't apologize. How else can you learn technique, and develop skill, learn your likes and dislikes if you don't try stuff?
January 20th, 2012
Maybe I should have indicated more clearly that I was joking. ;)

Well, mostly, I do look back at many of my earlier shots and cringe but that's just part of the process, if I still liked them then it would show I haven't learnt anything.
January 20th, 2012
@emmar84 totally feel you there... i look back at my older stuff and think, wow... i'm definitely progressing, at least!
January 20th, 2012
Just think where the learning curve will take us by next year.

Here's one from January last year though which I think just displays exactly how much talent I have. Just look at the composition, the exposure and the subtle processing to increase the saturation.

I just don't understand why no one has commented on it *cries*

January 20th, 2012
@svarri Janice, I think the above shows just how much I had to learn :)
January 20th, 2012
@emmar84 HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA you're a regular Picasso with this pic, you know that??!!
January 20th, 2012
@grecican Picasso wishes he had my skills
January 20th, 2012
hdr shots at the moment - theres so many of them and most look over processed and shite! (there are some really nice subtle ones but most people seem to go overboard)

i'm with the kids shots and pregnant shot.

January 20th, 2012
@egad Haha. I would say my rant was "so cathartic" but I have never heard anyone use the word "cathartic" without sounding like a self-absorbed douchebag. I think only celebrities emerging from rehab are allowed to use it. But it was a tiny bit orgasmic. ;-)
January 20th, 2012
Nude shots, so please do not post any of those ;-).
January 20th, 2012
Hmmm ... interesting thread. Someone mentioned the popular page having only the type of pictures that are scorned on this thread. How is that possible? People obviously like those types of pictures more than you all don't. ;-)
January 20th, 2012
@johnnyfrs Hahahahahah, I never thought of that, but yes, PLEASE NO NUDITY! I also hate food shots, it never looks as appetizing here as it probably does as you ate it! Most of them look nasty!
January 20th, 2012
This thread is hilarious! Y'all crack me up!!

I do not hate anything I've seen on 365Project because it's a personal project to me. I am keeping a photo-journal for myself and if anyone wants to see, comment, critique, whatever, that's a bonus. So I kind of look at others' pictures the same way.

However, there are things I prefer (or not). I love nature and the more natural the better. Because of that, I'm not keen on over-processing (HDR, hipstomatic, watermarks, and the like). I don't mind flowers, macro, or everyday objects, but I'm less fond of photos of people, kids, and staged pictures. I follow a few people and I enjoy getting a glimpse of their life thru their pictures and if they are artistic, that's fine, but I don't follow anyone who is solely artsy. Some of those "artsy" pictures make me think "Yuck! That's NOT something I ever need to know how to do!"
January 20th, 2012
@tabbycat Playing some Awol now to stay awake at work! And since I am always searching for a pic to post around midnight I'll probo have several haha...

Hmmm I feel compelled to look for who is posting nude pics of themselves cos I just don't believe y'all!! Really?!?

And now I'll go look up what HDR is. Maybe I want to try it :-P I definitely need a self portrait as well, I've just been lazy.
January 20th, 2012
the only thing i hate are "filler photos." the point is to take a photo every day...not POST a photo every day. makes zero sense to me that someone does that.
January 20th, 2012
@grecican I found this for
hope it helps (all in good fun- you know) :D
January 20th, 2012
What's there to hate? You just get tired of certain photos & don't bother looking at them. Like too many people are getting on the bokeh bandwagon until it's been posted to death... and selfies that make you think yeah sure you're supposed to take a photo everyday but if most of yours posts are selfies & yet another selfie, then I'd rather just use a filler any day just to add interest & variety.

Enough wheinging...we're all here cause it's fun. It's whatever works for me & this may not necessarily work for you or everyone else. Live & let live.
January 20th, 2012
Oh I only have 17 pics and I definitely didn't take them all on the day...and it will keep happening lol. I'm quite sure I will be doing a great many of these things in fact! :D
January 20th, 2012
@heidievans73 thanks, Lennon's Mom! not going to bother reading right now since i'm in the middle of a captivating read about a homicidal maniac and his crazy wife going on an apeshit teenage killing spree. perhaps once i'm through, though.

i hope your read is just as captivating!
January 20th, 2012
Also pictures of bank statements, credit card details, passwords and your mothers maiden name ;-)
January 20th, 2012
i hate that people are allowed to breed without taking an IQ test first.

if we're getting off the topic of photos...

and brussel sprouts.
January 20th, 2012
@grecican OMG YOU HATE BRUSSELS SPROUTS?! Oh my god. There is a big container full of them in my fridge, cooked with delicious, delicious bacon. I'm going to have to throw them away now. I mean, they're my favorite food, but someone on the Interwebs doesn't like something I like, so I have to hate it now. ;-(
January 20th, 2012
@grecican Oohh what's the title- sounds fantastic! Sadly, mine is not as captivating- but may be good for a laugh...if you're into that sort of thing ;)
January 20th, 2012
@johnnyfrs Haha...
January 20th, 2012
I love Brussels Sprouts! Must go and take a picture of them!!!!! Also some in fridge. As for photographs .... I like everything except something that looks violent (even if it is staged!).
January 20th, 2012
I don't think I have the right to dislike anyones images on here!!! It's a personal journey for each individual and everybody lives their lives differently...if you don't like something skip over it!!! What a totally stupid waste of time this is!!! enough said!!!
January 20th, 2012
@julie I'm sorry Julie, but people who find nudity offensive need therapy! There is NOTHING shameful about the human body! It is natural it is beautiful and it is a part of each and every one of us! Violence is offensive. The nightly news is offensive. The slaughter and torture of human and animals alike is offensive. Nudity is beautiful, and if you don't think so, then I'm sorry for you because you must have had a difficult childhood or something! Seriously....there are affordable therapists out here, hon...or personal development books....just sayin'...
January 20th, 2012
@tamsg4 Haha! Yeah, that would me, among others! LOL! There are a few others on here who have done beautiful nudes too, and I applaud them all!
January 21st, 2012
@beautifulthing lmfao Shelly... i like you. you get me.
January 21st, 2012
Fuck it, if we're getting off topic. Middle lane drivers. Go blow a goat.
January 21st, 2012
@grecican That's because you're my homegirl and stuffs and all dat.
January 21st, 2012
@azza_l oh snap... i can go the fuck off bout traffic until the cows get factory farmed for their meat and stupid people keep eating it like they won't get the cancer.

people riding in the left lane. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE LEFT LANE, ASSHOLES. there's no reason for you to be in it unless you're passing or hauling ass!
January 21st, 2012
Let me start with the difinition of this topic:

hate [heyt]

verb (used with object)
1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.

2. to be unwilling

verb (used without object)
3. to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.

With that said, I have to be honest here, I am really bummed that this thread has so much more popularity than the thread. It is interesting to me that there is more interest in "hate", especially in photography.

With this being an amazing community that is about the encouragement of others and growth in the wonderful art of photography I am finding that this is discouraginig, especially to the new "artists", let alone me, that are joining at the beginning of this year. We are all taking a step of courage putting our expression through photography out in public knowing that the potential of one "hating" our picture is there.

Everyone has their right to their opinion, but the joy of this community is to help one another discover different ways of seeing the world and expressing their view through the wonder of a photo. It is my opinion that this type of thread is telling everyone, new and old, that all of these types of photographs are "hated" by all of you which is unfortunate and telling. It is also my opinion that art is a beautiful thing, the expression through any media is awesome whether it fits within my taste profile or not.

I hope that we can continue to keep this community a wonderful place to grow as photographers (beginner, amature, pro) rather than tearing each other apart through the expressed hatred of the craft. I am proud to be a member of this community and hope all those new and current members can continue to say the same through the encouragement and growth we all have to offer each other.
January 21st, 2012
@grecican Anyone who doesn't like Brussels sprouts is just... well... there's something wrong with you ;-) Now hating okra, that's OK :-D Sorry, nothing personal, just having a bit of a tease. I love sprouts, as you probably could tell.

@trbo Travis, you make good points, but let us be honest with ourselves: hate has always been more fashionable than love. OK, maybe that's a bit too strong, but seriously, it's so much easier to write about what we dislike than what we like, at least on a public board such as this. And what's wrong with not liking something? Nothing, as long as we are civil about it. I'd rather read about what people don't like in a group setting than one-on-one. Although, to be honest, I don't think people are as critical as they could be about individual photos. Most of the time on this site, dislike = being ignored. I can't think of a truly, "You know, this could be so much better if..." comment to any of my shots, and I've handed out a grand total of two, out of several hundred comments that I've posted. I kind of wish that more folks, when they see one of my shots that they think could have been better, would tell me so, gently. But it just doesn't seem to be what goes down here.
January 21st, 2012
I hate having the hiccups and being told I am mean when really I am a pretty great friend to have.
January 21st, 2012
@foxinsox47 Thank you so much, Jim, I could not agree with you more. I have had some awesome followers that have given me constructive criticism on how to improve my craft, not always positive but constructive. I have learned more from this type of interaction than any other. The problem here is that I am finding it to be destructive in nature rather than the desire to help others improve through constructive feedback.

I would be honored to follow you and provide you with the constructive feedback you are seeking and I would welcome the same.
January 21st, 2012
@trbo I agree and I am very ashamed at the Lack of sense I thought this was a family forum and the language is ridiculous. My 2 under 18 children are doing this project as well as several friends' children and its so sad to see adults acting this way . Its bad enough we have to see on the news and all of the tv programming dissing and cussing each other but to have to see it hear makes me very ashamed. Myself and my children are no saints and I do my fair share of cussing but I dont do it in a public forum. I Firmly believe how you speak and act says alot about your character.It sounds to me like the person who started this discussion is instigating this behavior especially knowing this happened in the last discussion about hate! ENOUGH SAID.
January 21st, 2012
@foxinsox47 I agree I like the nice comments but I also would like to know how I can improve or maybe I should have tried doing it this way or that way
January 21st, 2012
@horselover Hey there, Jennifer. I hear ya, my 9 year old has her project on here and loves every aspect of the learning process. It is a precious thing for her to have an opportunity like this that I was not fortunate enough to have when I was younger. Unfortunately, many of the photo items "hated" on this discussion make up most of her profile. I completely agree with your points. There are many people on this site, like my daughter, who are here to learn and grow not to be destroyed through talk of hate.
January 21st, 2012
@tabbycat Well I clearly haven't looked around on here enough lol!!!
January 21st, 2012
@trbo Hey Travis again I agree this forum is not about hate , The whole reason I joined this was to share and see photos with people of the same interest and I thought this was a photo diary of each day of ones life for a whole year, Not everyone is going to have the same interest if you dont like there pictures then dont follow them Its that simple. I am an amateur and love photographing animals and nature and so most of my pictures will be about that but thats ok because thats who I am a "country girl" and proud of it. Everyday I strive to take that ONE AHHH moment picture and my kids are loving doing this as well now they are begging me for a new camera when before this project they had no interest in it. It has given them something to do besides siting on the couch watching tv and they try real hard to better themselves by doing this.
January 21st, 2012
Are you the same person on this thread who wrote the inspiring words on your profile that reads:

"the longer i'm on here, the more talent i seem to come across... this site is a true inspiration to me. so glad to have found it and to be part of the creativity. you guys rock... snap on!

"I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it."
~ Author Unknown"

??????? Quite the contrast - what happened - have you stopped seeing your world and just looking at it?
January 21st, 2012
Why so many people take this thread so seriously? Don't people realise most of this is all in jest and some points we've all been guilty of this in our projects at somepoint or another......
January 21st, 2012
@susieb it s an interactive site. And everyone one has the right to have an opinion, so therefor i dont understand your comment.

@grecican hahaha, it's just amazing how one single open debate where people finally say the truth can do this movement. I'm happy that you made it anyway, some people tell the truth for a little moment.
And i think people who doesnt like this thread are seeing themselves in the hates comments. But arent they mature enough to dont take it personally?

January 21st, 2012
@tamsg4 True! Very true! Once my internets is up and running again (stupid outages) there will be at least one photo of my white fluffy child looking not very white as not very fluffy.. More drowned ratty ;p
January 21st, 2012
@sdpace Best shot of all time
January 21st, 2012
looking through this thread I seem to have ticked most peoples boxes of photos they hate, maybe thats why I have 18 followers and only 9 pictures to go before I finish my project.
January 21st, 2012
@azza_l everyone has a right to their opinion... it's cool that they're sharing their's here, too. i'm glad so many people are participating. only wish everyone could get that these thoughts we're all expressing are merely opinions. ooooh humans.

also, that last post i wrote about drivers in the left lane was serious drunk talk. not that i'm apologizing.

@robewells i just started checking out your pics... i dig your work! maybe the reason you don't have more folks following is due to you only following three folks, though? and congrats for making it this far, dude!!
January 21st, 2012
I read the whole thread expecting my ego to be beaten and bruised. Quite the opposite. This is all a matter of opinion...I hate Van Gogh and love Monet. I will say that for this project, though, I generally dislike kid or pet shots and agree with others that those are best saved for facebook.

I have committed most of the crimes in my first 20 days of the project. I have to admit that many (most) of my photos I didn't want to post because *I* hated them so bad. I've overprocessed, I've taken photos of toys, kids, and flowers. But, I believe those are all necessary to learn how to use the camera and to determine what your own style is. And I will commit many more--I will take more macro photos of flowers, I will photograph water drops, and I might even HDR something. All so I can better understand my craft.

I came here for only one purpose: to improve my photography. I didn't come here for en ago stroking. I can get plenty of that from my friends that never take their point and shoot out of auto mode. I am welcoming, begging for, real feedback. To paraphrase @sdpace, we are experimenting, and the best comments are those that say "why didn't you shoot at this shutter speed?" I would love the opportunity to take some other opinions of a photo and decide what would have best suited my taste.
January 21st, 2012
I photograph my children...a baby and a toddler. I am trying to improve my portrait photography, and what better way to do it, then by photographing such beautiful little human beings? I am not sorry for that. I am sorry that some people think that those photos are better for Facebook. I don't understand how a child is not considered a beautiful thing? I also promise that if I have any more babies, I will have photos posted of my pregnant belly. I see pregnancy as something for Super Heroes. I am not a lucky one to have easy pregnancies. So I will photograph my miracle, if it does happen again. I am not offended by this topic, but it does make me think about what I have included in my project up to this point. I am here to learn. To grow in a field that I so love.
I will learn by what others do, even if it means that I don't care for what or how they do it. I am here to make myself happy. If it makes others happy too, then that's great.
January 21st, 2012
I find this thread really interesting... and a little disheartening.
Just as this thread is all about opinion- so is this site. No one will like it all.
I would hope people will be compassionate and understanding of everyone's albums. Regardless of personal preference. I, myself, do not take a picture for 365 because I necessarily think it will make a stunning photo. I also take pictures because it represents the day or means something to me.

Of course everyone will have pictures they like more than others but I think it is important to remember that while it might be the millionth water drop photo you've seen, that picture could be another person's first attempt at a water drop photo.

The beauty of 365 is making the commitment to pursue a hobby and art which includes getting to try different techniques and commemorate milestones, like pregnancy, children growing, pets playing etc.

Do not take a picture of what you think other people will enjoy, take a picture of what you will enjoy. Truthfully, in the long run which would you rather have 20 years from now? A picture of your wife with her pregnant belly? Or a picture of a tree artfully photographed that someone on a website decided was a "great shot" ?

Basically what I am saying is: don't take anything personally. Its your project. One person's idea of an over-saturated mess could be the next persons idea of a masterpiece.

Keep it in perspective for YOURSELF.
January 21st, 2012
This whole thread reminds me of those stuck up snobs in highschool. But..y'all just do whatever makes you feel better about yourself. This will be the last time I even glance at the forums. This was my 3rd year here. The first year I did a photo every day, even through a point in my life where I almost died. The second year I had weekly themes with my friend Jenny. This year I just post a few photos from things I do, my kids and clients. This year the attitudes SUCK. Seriously SUCK.
January 21st, 2012
irony. that's what i love.

no.. i'm not a hipster. swear!

@cmc1200 totally agree!
January 25th, 2012
OMG!! I am away from my computer for a few days and when I get back there are over 400 replies to this thread!!!
Its taking me an age to plough through to catch up
Gotta love the people who plough through 400 replies and THEN say how terrible they think the thread is
I am still amazed that so many people take threads like this seriously - dare I say is... maybe they should spend less time on the computer with "virtual people" and get out more and spend more time with real people and refresh their memories about what a sense of humour is like ;~)
Also gotta love anyone who thinks someone might need a thesaurus to use the words hypothesis, extrapolated and curious.
@grecican I'm SOOOO with you on the brussel sprout thing!! Bleugh! - oh and how did you enjoy the homicidal maniac story - can I borrow it when you're done? ;~)
@hamptanner hahahaha - loved your cathartic rant lol
@beautifulthing - I hate money - you should now throw all your money away... but I would be happy to help you dispose of it hahaha
@brumbe I too hate being told I am being "mean" or "nasty" when I am being nothing of the sort and have made it clear that what I have said (or written) is a joke! it hurts my feelings!!
I was never popular in "high school" (well in our English equivalent) - i was always too honest - and few people like to hear the truth - But being "popular" is not my goal - and I truly believe that to forgo honesty in the desperate search for popularity is tragic
- I want to see I want to do and I want to learn - and reading this thread has taught me a lot about popular opinion... I rather hope that I will bear a lot of it in mind as I continue my 365 project... Now excuse me all, I have a HDR baby shot to over process
Happy days
PS - please feel free to send all hate mail to my personal email address so I can read them at my leisure ;~)

January 25th, 2012
@jinx Thanks much appreciated, I actually posted a comment on facebook today that said "Just because I stop debating with you does not mean that you win, it says that I really have no desire to listen to your point of view anymore." So then I had to explain to my coworker the bullying comment and his comment is, If you are a Grown Adult how can you say you are bullied. It made me laugh and yes like you I made a joke about my own photos and got yelled at. It seems that there are a lot of people on this site that never use the word hate and only want to feel the love and would never dislike any photo, but to each his own. So have fun HDR'ing lil ones and I am off to put big ass watermarks on my own ugly food photos.
January 25th, 2012
@brumbe I can't wait to see them :D
January 25th, 2012
@jinx ahahahahaa Jinx... i am in love with your spirit! Apeshit was entertaining but no literary merit whatsoever. it's all yours for the taking! ;-)
January 25th, 2012
@grecican why thank you kind sir ;~) (and that spirit will be Morgan's spiced... I'll have a double please!)
February 17th, 2012

WOW I just love how opinionated you are, I have a suggestion for you which I know will really make you feel better about peoples photos on this site, LEAVE, Leave now and make your own site, a site just for you and your photos, or and this is a good one and it means keeping your 365 account, stop looking at other peoples photos!

What you're really doing here is putting other peoples photos down and to be quite honest you may have a nice camera but you cant use it, I've seen better photos taken with mud.... before you come back and judge other peoples photos please do take a look at might but be warned there "may be" some you HATE.
people like you need knocking down a peg or too. maybe if you took more time over taking your photos and less time trying to kill the fun of this website and the people on here, you would take better photos.... just a simple suggestion for you to mull over

Now back to you and the feeling you have right now of some hierarchy, which by the way I see a lot online and makes you look a lil simple and well up your own arse.

pleasant day to you .
February 17th, 2012
@neeko thanks, Nick! yeah... i hate a lot of my photos, too... some of them suck royal ass.
February 17th, 2012

There has been an ongoing strong argument to this effect Nick - if there's something you don't like just don't look at it, rather than being cruel. And in my view the argument stands, because on the surface all we're doing is poking fun, and having a bit of a laugh. But under the surface this is a useful form or critique that people might consider. Many of the things criticised here are 'effects' and cliches of 365, things 'done-to-death' on the website, crutches that take away from simply a good photo. I used to do a lot of these things like selective colour and sometimes when someone points something out in your work you are hurt and keep doing it, but sometimes it helps you to see if you're becoming overly reliant on a style.

I think you'll find the people who enjoy these threads, Nick, are the people who have been on this website for quite a while, because posting a picture a day does get tedious and critique, humour and banter keep a lot of members coming back. I think picking on Quin is a bit off the mark, because there's a gang of people having fun on this thread and its a community effort, maybe not the part of the community you appreciate, but still a part of the community just the same - rather than one person. Are you certain you want to live in a world where the fun, critical, annoying people don't exist Nick? Because to me that sounds a bit boring. I think a German guy once tried to establish that kind of community, but not on the world wide web thank goodness!
February 17th, 2012
Wow. How far back did someone have to dig to resurrect THIS one? And I thought I didn't have a life. Pardon me while I go off to give myself a good clap on the back.
February 23rd, 2012
@beautifulthing if I was not catching up I would have forgotten all about the to do.
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