Is it Cheating...

March 19th, 2012
if you take several photos over a few days and post photos from that time over the course of a week or two? I know that you are supposed to post photos that you took that day but it would be a shame if you were able to post something that you were proud of because you took a few on the same day.

Just curious what the group thinks.
March 19th, 2012
Your albums. Your rules.
March 19th, 2012
John, it's only cheating if YOU consider it cheating. The usual motto around here is "it's your project, do what you want". So, it really depends on what you're trying to get out of the project.
March 19th, 2012
How dare you make me look at myself!!! I need someone else to blame! ;-)
March 19th, 2012
I try and tak a photo each day, but sometimes I use others forom within the week. Its up to you. Only thing to watch out for is the theme competitions, and other competitions tend to stipulate entry dates, a period during which the photo should have been taken (rather than the posted date)
March 19th, 2012
My goal was to improve my photography skills and I found that my doing a shot each day, I was just rushing to get a shot. By really working on my shots when I can spend the time to, I find my skills and my photos are much improved.

I usually shot a LOT on the weekends and use them for the week. And if I find a good shot for a day, I use it.

No biggie to me.
March 19th, 2012
lol, sometimes i cant get out every day so i will use shots over a couple of days - ur project, ur rules
March 19th, 2012
My goal is to take and upload the same day, but that's just my personal challenge. So far i have done 50 consecutive days. This will however fall a little flat in July when i do a road trip across Europe (Nottingham UK to Cyprus).. i will take a photo each and every day but will have to play catch-up where i'm unable to upload.. Bottom line is, it's your project. Welcome to 365 and enjoy...
March 19th, 2012
I absolutely use shots over a few days. It's your project, your rules. The question is what you are hoping to get out of this project. I was barely picking up my camera for a while and this project has turned that around. I may take pics every day, but I don't necessarily use the ones from that day here on 365 because to be honest, sometimes they are awful. LOL Also due life being crazy at times, weather, etc. it isn't always possible for me to take a shot every day. For me I accomplish my personal goal just by picking up the camera, be it a few times a week or every day. :)
March 19th, 2012
To me, if the photos aren't "old" (there are some people that, I swear, go through their photos since time began and put up photos that are 5 yrs or more old!), they're fine. This past week, I'd been slightly ill and used photos from a 3 day stretch of that same week. Usually my pix are from that day, but hey, don't sweat it! As long as your abilities improve, day-to-day doesn't matter...if you choose for it not to....the mantra, your project, your rules.
March 19th, 2012
The rules are what you make them! Sometimes I take a shot a day, but more often than not, I go out for a photowalk and end up using the shots I like over the next couple days....or...I pocket them and save them for a day that my mojo has gone :)
March 19th, 2012
There are no "date police" so post as you like. :-) Life gets in the way sometimes for me so I have to post different dates.
March 19th, 2012
@jwlynn64 It's absolutely ok to do it - I don't do it often, sometime it happens and it's a good thing not bad - just about everyone does it some time or other from opportunity or bad days... I'd rather post 2 good photos from the same day than discard one and put in some rubbish simply because the date fitted.
If you want I'll write you a note then you can blame me :)
March 19th, 2012
I have a little over a week left on year 1, and for the year, I took a photo each day although I didn't always post the same day. I will continue for year 2 but will probably not necessarily take a photo every day. Do what works for you. Good luck!
March 19th, 2012
Oh and you can always get an Ace membership. You get 3 albums then.
March 19th, 2012
Like several have said, it is up to you. I am trying to take something each day and post from that. I plan to upgrade so that I can have 3 albums. Next year I think I am going to take alot of pictures in interesting places and maybe edit and upload one a day so that I work on my editing skills. But for now I post photo's that I take from each day so that I am not skipping taking pictures! :-)
March 19th, 2012
@jwlynn64 absolutely it is cheating! Punishment will be having to listen to a Vanilla Ice album for 12 straight hours with no breaks. If that doesn't cure you, nothing will.

ok, kidding. Rock on, do what you want! But, I think my method would rehabilitate a lot of hardened criminals!
March 19th, 2012
I often post shots over several days. I try to use the camera almost every day, but it just isn't possible some times.
March 19th, 2012
@filsie65 I'll pass on the note. I'll put my big boy pants on and take whatever may come! ;-) @cluvlj you're making a huge leap of faith assuming I don't like Vanilla Ice. I do live in the Dallas area you know!

On a serious note, I would think that it's cheating to use old photos. I did post one earlier but it was for a day that I just didn't have time and I did make a full disclosure.

Thanks for all the great replies. If you still want to post your opinions, I'll be happy to read them .
March 19th, 2012
That's why an ace member account comes in handy..only $19.99 and it help Ross with his expenses for this wonderful project.
March 19th, 2012
Pretty much agree with what everyone said. I usually shoot one or two days a week and cherry pick from that for the week. I do think it's cheating a little to post photos from way, way back, but hey, if it's a good shot, why not?
March 19th, 2012
I started out thinking that I'm up for the challenge, but it soon overpowered everything and I realized that I need to take a step back and relax a bit. I have to admit that I neglect my camera again - which is not cool. I do post older pics I feel like sharing, but I feel embarrased to do so - like you said - feels like cheating!!!
March 19th, 2012
my album, my rules !
It doesn't matter if it not the catch of the day, I just want to post 1 every day, that could be an old one... if I feel down may be I just want to put a pic that reminds me something/one good !
No cheat at all !
March 19th, 2012
No rules here. It's your project, do whatever you want and have fun with it!
March 19th, 2012
Not is your project. I did a lot of that "time shifting" at the start, then slipped into a better routine of posting something I took on that day, in that day on the calendar/project. But....there are times, when I take 500 shots on a nature walk, and I am going to post those day after day if I don't like the shots I took that day. My goal for the 365 thing is to at least take a photo of something once a day.....what gets posted...that is a different story!
March 19th, 2012
@cluvlj Good answer! Just punished myself. Omg, terrible...
March 19th, 2012
I broke my camera so now I get the change to borrow a friend's camera for example and I photograph in one weekend,then I upload them during the week.So like all above said,you make the rules for your project:D
March 19th, 2012
I have posted ones from a year back. I did wonder if it was ok at first but now I just post what I feel like
March 19th, 2012
No, not at all. You can post at your leisure and the way you want to. 365 is supposed to be fun. If you're feeling pressured to shoot and post one a day, then it's no longer fun. Some people can do that; others can't. I have patches where I can't shoot everyday, so I will draw from my photobank for those days and not worry about it. I'm here to interact with other photographers and to learn from and be inspired by them. If I'm stressing about whether every shot is from THAT DAY my album(s) will be a burden and go against what I hope to accomplish here. So as many have said before- your project, your rules. Enjoy!
March 19th, 2012
I figure that if I got a bunch of shots that I want to show off then yes I will show them all off! As long as I took the photo then I have no problem posting it a few days even up to a week late. Life is hectic and you don't always have time to take photos. Have fun!
March 20th, 2012
I upload my photos from the day they were taken. I've only ever once used a filler. I wouldn't like to use photos that weren't taken that day because, for me, that defeats the purpose of 365, but it's up to you innit. Your album!
March 20th, 2012
@jwlynn64 For the record, you will find my post for today to be about as lame as it gets. But, it is a photojournal of my day. Must spice up the verbiage when I post it for comedy relief.
March 20th, 2012
Your project, your rules! The only thing that's considered cheating is if you post pictures taken by someone else.
March 20th, 2012
I do it all the can blame me. ;)
March 20th, 2012
Great discussion. I thought to begin with, and I really have just begun, that I would be conscientious about posting one a day taken on that day but found I was putting pressure on myself to go out and snap rubbish when I wasn't feeling inspired or have the time to think about what I was doing. On the flip side, it made me look at everyday experiences more closely. So I will chill out and enjoy taking photos when I can and post some taken recently when I can't and have fun!
March 20th, 2012
actually you can post any picture/ photos any time .... its your project....
enjoy the ride! ... =)
March 20th, 2012
I do it all the time:)
March 20th, 2012
Oh mercy - if I wasn't able to use photos from the last sunshine day you would be seeing photos of my dog everyday. Additionally, I'd rather post a photo taken within a few days of the posted day than have three albums to maintain.
March 20th, 2012
I'd like to add that apologizing for posting a photo that wasn't shot on that day seems odd to me. Especially when it comes with an apology that goes something like this:

It was either this amazing photo I took last weekend of the house down the block exploding into flames (no one was hurt) or a photo of my broom.

And don't you know that after I read that, I want to see the broom too. Because I'm trying to imagine how amazing that broom must be that someone even contemplated posting its photo instead.

Just saying.
March 20th, 2012
@swguevin Am I sensing a new theme for next week... Brooms!
March 20th, 2012
Let me just stir the pot here. I obviously agree with the "your album, your rules," mantra, BUT...

I think if you can manage to do the whole project putting up pictures each day that you've taken from that same day, you're not only fulfilling one of the original ideas of the project, but also enriching the timeline of your own memories even more.
March 20th, 2012
@jarrettbates That thought is what started this thread. I like the whole idea of one photo, one day but I just came back from a vacation and I'm going to have at least a dozen photos that I would like to share that I took over a two day period. How do you handle that situation?
March 20th, 2012
well I am one of the people posting old photos - some 10 +years old. This is my second year and inspired by another 365er I am doing a bit of a retrospective, and loving revisiting some of the wonderful places I have been fortunate enough to live in/visit. I definitely believe my project, my rules.

I had photos that I have always loved and have been curious if it is just sentimentality (and I'm not that objective about my own shots) or there was something of merit in those shots, many taken when I was clueless about what I was doing. It has been great to get feedback about those shots, I find it is a great learning opportunity for me.
March 21st, 2012
I finally got caught up posting photos. I have been taking at least one everyday but have not had the time to upload them. To me it is take a photo that day and upload it that day. I just got behind(long story) Doing the take a photo that day and upload it that day is part of the process of learning for me. It "forces" me to take a photo, look at it, edit it, and upload it. So far I have not been very creative, etc... with my photos but I hope that now with the weather getting better I will take the time to learn more and take better photos. Thats my 2
March 21st, 2012
As everyone else has said - it's your 365 project so you can create your own rules. I personally found that I was stressing out when it got to late at night and I hadn't taken a photo and therefore took photos that I'm really not happy with or proud of. I'd much rather take photos on a weekend and use those throughout the week unless I see something I really want to take a photo of.
March 22nd, 2012
I started this project with the assumption that the whole idea was to post a photo each day that you had actually TAKEN on that day. But lately I have been wondering the same thing...especially on those kinds of days that Becky mentioned when all you would see are pix of my dogs...which I definitely have ahd far too many of already! For me, it is precisely the challenge to think outside the box of my immediate typical daily surroundings (iam a artist, work from home & have no car to get out into the world most days) so for me, that is exactly what I have been sticking to: taking & posting a new photo daily. I do not always upload it each day but when I do upload, I make sure that the date the photo was taken is the date I upload it to. I have literally thousands of awesome images in my collection from shooting for the past almost 30 years...but this project, to me, is to see each day unfold through my lens and try to capture and share the uniqueness of that day in a photograph. I apprieciate and welcome the challenge of doing that, even though many of the photos are not "exhibit" worthy, I know I have met my own personally set goal.
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