Ross the Boss

April 10th, 2012
How supportive of our valiant leader to publicly blast another 365 user's photo! There's a fine line between sarcasm and incredulousness, but I'll let you guys make the distinction.

In reference to:!/The365Project/status/188996657885622274
April 10th, 2012
YAY! More 365 drama!
April 10th, 2012
I'm just not crazy about balls "in my face"... be they bat balls or Burnette balls. I'm not a prude, its just a personal preference.
April 10th, 2012
@jsw0109 And just because I'm in a repetitious mood this's not a matter of liking it or not liking it. Anyone, including Ross, can NOT like it to their heart's content. It's a matter of whether or not these comments are appropriate in other public forums (Twitter AND Facebook, both, now).

Also, why is it that people are so comfortable sharing negative comments about a photo behind the person's 'back', if you will, but they won't say a word to them directly? When a photo gets popular here on 365, does that automatically open it up to a critique-free-for-all? When did that kind of two-faced behavior become so accepted on 365? It's sad.

People think very little anymore of slagging off on someone's photo when voting in challenges - "I'm voting for 1 because it's the only one that comes close to the theme" or "I'd vote for 3, but that huge watermark in the middle is distracting me" - or in threads like this. If that's honestly how one feels, say it straight to the person who took the photo. You're afforded that opportunity in the comments section on each and every one.

I'm not having a go at you personally, Jeff, but, geez louise already.

P.S. I'm not having a go at Louise either. ;)
April 10th, 2012
Gotta agree with @scrivner and @jsw0109 on this one... except that I'm not amazed because there are some folks here who just want to stick it to you, Ross.
April 10th, 2012
At least he doesn't sensor what photos make the top 20 and actually puts them there in the order they are chosen by the users. For another example, the #1 photo on Valentine's week was pretty heart shaped pink frosted cookies that said F*** You on them. Ross made a comment about that #1 photo as well but I found it appropriate.

"The easily offended should look away from our #1 photo this week, but this is the chart chosen by the people for the people, so blame yourselves :-p"
April 10th, 2012
@beautifulthing many times, I don't see a photo in a challenge until its up for vote. I don't have time to view every single photo in a competition if I'm not moderating it, and a lot of the finalists are people that aren't in my list of people I'm following... so if its the first time seeing it..... well, you get the picture....

Also, people have critiqued my stuff either directly or indirectly in the competition threads and its never bothered me. I realize that by entering a photo in a challenge, I am opening myself up to critique.
April 10th, 2012
@jsw0109 Here's the thing, though - you can't assume that something doesn't, or rather, shouldn't, bother OTHERS because it doesn't bother YOU, yanno? I'm sure you've seen the subject of critique come up on these boards before - I have seen people reduced to tears by comments that were less harsh than "I'm voting for 1 because it's the only one that comes close to the theme". If entering a photo in a challenge starts opening it up to critique, I can almost guarantee, just knowing the climate of this community, that it'd have a chilling effect on challenge entries.

Bam. Climate and chilling. That's two weather analogies there for ya. :)
April 10th, 2012
I get warning someone if you have children, but to put this on twitter and make it seem like it is amazing a photo he may or may not like could make the top ten.

It is a bit frustrating to have odd levels of "warning" or what is offensive on here. Maybe this site needs to be getting a little bit more honest where people can actually say something that is not sunshine and roses about a photo or a situation.

I thought the shot was a little bit of awesome and I think the photographer does wonderful work.
April 10th, 2012
@beautifulthing well, I don't always vote for my favorite photo in the challenges. I consider the theme first and then look at how well each finalist did in achieving the challenge of the theme. The week you are referring to, the one I voted for was definitely NOT my favorite photo... but considering the theme, it was the only one IMHO that actually addressed the theme. That doesn't mean the other photos were not good or great, just that I thought in that particular challenge, IMHO the finalists weren't necessarily the best entries for that particular theme. But again, I'll be repetitive for sake of making sure its understood... all of this is just MHO.
April 10th, 2012
I think people are diving way too deep in to this to try and stir something up. He didn't even insult the photo. He is surprised there is a picture with balls in it. I am too. Who gives a fuck.
April 10th, 2012
@brumbe Livia does consistently do excellent work. Its just, what seems to have been the reason a lot of people fav'd the bat balls, is the same aspect of the photo that makes me want to look away from the photo and at something else. And I'm not trashing the photo... I'm just very NOT into balls in my face.... so knowing what makes me want to look away, I don't see what Ross tweeted as a jab at the photo. I think this may all be a knee jerk reaction.
April 10th, 2012
@bradleynovak Hahaha! Well said! Some people aren't happy unless they're miserable. Or causing misery. :P
April 10th, 2012
I think some people just need to get a life and stop stirring things up.
April 10th, 2012
@meggageg I agree.
April 10th, 2012
@bradleynovak @mandyj92 @meggageg @lesphoto I know, seriously! Now I feel rotten. What was I thinking? I wish I could get those 30 seconds back.
April 10th, 2012
@gurry Sorry, bro. They gone.
April 10th, 2012
Well I have to say I think that there is better ones out there
April 10th, 2012
I was amazed it got to #1 too.
April 10th, 2012
@gurry Um... he's not my leader. And this is just how it came out in the wash. I remember a certain "Save Quinn" banner making PP (the contrast and dof were shit), and I am sure it's the reason six of my genius photos were passed over. Damn you!

iamokwiththis and ross is doinitrite.jpg

On a side note, if it were a cat hanging there with his junk out; it would have gotten my vote ;)
April 10th, 2012
@gurry ... I should add that I saw nothing wrong with Ross' post. The loudest complainers on here are the ones who want to bitch about impropriety, so I am sure he was genuinely surprised this had so many faves. Maybe in lieu of this, he will realize how depraved the majority of us really are and will reinstate Quinn!

Hey, it could happen...
April 10th, 2012
@grizzlysghost "the loudest complainers on here are the ones who want to bitch about impropriety..." True THAT. I am high-fiving you over the Interwebs as we speak. :D
April 10th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Did you have to mention the Quin banner? Gosh, I know it wasn't one of my best shots (totally lacking in kitty material), but I took it in a rush and made it work.

April 10th, 2012
@gurry Cat shack + banner. #ossim
April 10th, 2012
@beautifulthing Le sigh, must I?

@grizzlysghost Can you take care of this, please?
April 10th, 2012
@grizzlysghost you can't really see a cat's junk very well.... its tiny and covered with fur.... or is that your point?
April 10th, 2012
@gurry @beautifulthing Haha, and there was mention earlier of placing it on the moon... well this bat has another side hasn't he? One "Bat-moon cat shack banner" may be in the making :)
April 10th, 2012
@grizzlysghost well, are the loudest complainers now the people bitching about Ross's tweet? As someone who is primarily standing in the middle of the road on these hot topic issues (because I can see both sides of view), I have to say the loudest people are the ones standing in the ditches on either side of the road.
April 10th, 2012
@jsw0109 Wouldn't that put them on eye level with your...oh, hell, never mind. :)
April 10th, 2012
@jsw0109 Be careful in those ditches. I was peeing in them once and I saw a wild boar. No joke. This happened in India, on the way to a place called Kodaikanal. I was nearly bat balls, minus the balls.
April 10th, 2012
Has no one considered the Bats feelings in all of this? He must be rather distraught that his balls are all over facebook. I would have said something more confrontational and sarcastic, but I'm trying to be one of the nice fluffy 365 people this time around. Shit 1 out of 2 isn't bad I guess.
April 10th, 2012
Ehhhhhhh... I didn't read it as him making a dig at the photo or its place at #1, I read it as he was like "zomg lol, look at this amazing random photo that made it to #1, isn't it amazing the stuff our awesome photographers come up with? In fact, isn't nature (and photography) kick-ass in general?" :D

... or maybe that's just my rose-coloured view of it xD (But I'm sure Ross didn't mean any disrespect!)
April 10th, 2012
@38mm Welcome back, sir! :)
April 10th, 2012
Shows again 365'ers are just a random selection from society, making fuss over nothing. It's the same everywhere.
April 10th, 2012
@beautifulthing - I made the comment about voting for 3 because of the watermark, and I did try and click on the photo so I could check out the original and the 365er who posted it, but in the Top 5 voting, one cannot click and view. And quite frankly I couldn't be arsed going off looking for it. My comment was poorly worded but it wasn't criticism of the photo, more my personal feelings as to why I didn't vote for it. In fact I thought it was a fantastic photo... cept for the watermark, it appeared like advertising.

So why are you comfortable at being critical at my criticism here in a thread about batballs when you could have come to me directly?
April 10th, 2012
Hi guys, this wasn't meant as malicious, more as a "this is really funny, i can't believe it got there" i wasn't putting it down. Obviously the intent isn't expressed correctly in less than 140 chars, maybe I could have chosen a different caption to use.

If @myautofocuslife wass offended, my deepest apologies. It wasn't meant to be derogatory.
April 10th, 2012
@Scrivna No, no, I'm fine, not offended at all. Absolutely no need to apologize. 8)

To everyone:

Actually, I was shocked to see this thread. Not offended-shocked. Just surprised-shocked.

No one—I can assure everyone who happens to be reading this—no one is more shocked than I was when the photo started getting all this incredible attention and views and faves. The entire week has been one of shock and it culminated in the photo getting to be in the top spot in the Top 20.

I'm thinking, oh no, so I will be known from this day on as the one who took the picture of bat balls!? That's the highlight of my adventure on 365 Project!? The greatest photo I've ever taken!?

*face is hideously torn between laughing and weeping*

So, because you can't see or hear me, I have to say this in plain language: Don't get me wrong. I do deeply appreciate all the support. I am happy to know that a great many of you have gotten a good laugh out of seeing the photo (for whatever reason). To me, it was just a photo of a fruit bat doing what fruit bats do. Balls or no balls, it wasn't meant to be funny or to offend. It was just photographic evidence of a fruit bat enjoying his snack while hanging upside down.

Technically? Not a good photo.

Since I uploaded the photo, I have been happy and shocked and amused and encouraged and disbelieving and all that and more and let's rinse and repeat a few times. But I'm not offended in any way. Neither am I going to apologize for the fact that some people would rather not have to look at bat balls. Like I've said, it's just a photo of a fruit bat doing what fruit bats do.

Thank you to everyone for everything. It's going to be impossible for me to come up with a photograph that's going to upstage Mr Bat Balls in terms of popularity but, yeah, it's okay, I'll live with that. Life is weird and wonderful like that and I wouldn't have it any other way. This is a great community, I love all the different people and all the different opinions everyone has, let's get to doing what we are here to do and have a blast. Bat balls? Old news. Leave it be. 8D
April 10th, 2012
Not related to the photo above:

I have made the top 20 with a shot which was one of my most crappy snapshots, whereas other shots that had gotten rewarded on professional photography communities (no offense meant!) and which were objectively MUCH better got no attention at all. Such things happen...:-)

Hence, I'm not shocked by the fact that this photo got to number 1.

Personally, I had a good laugh when I saw this photo - hilarious :-D To some people this will be offensive, and others will see the humor of it. I belong to the latter category :-)
April 10th, 2012
I too noticed this post. I think it got the well deserved #1 spot. I thought it was hilarious!
April 10th, 2012
I love the pic, cracked me up when I saw it, congrats on the No. 1 spot, I've never seen bat balls before, so this site is educational as well, very cool:):)
April 10th, 2012
@bobfoto Nice response. I guess not everyone is supposed to go to someone directly. Or maybe this thread wouldnt exist and Shelly would have gone to you or I directly.
April 10th, 2012
@Scrivna I was just pulling your leg is all.

@myautofocuslife I suggest you change your display name to "Girl with the Bat Balls" just to avoid any future confusion :]
April 10th, 2012
@veekay Dude, seriously. I never even knew they existed.
April 10th, 2012
@myautofocuslife my top photo is of a stupid fortune cookie fortune on yellow lined paper. So not my style, and I understand the will this be what I am known for.
April 10th, 2012
@gurry I read that and I instantly thought, "Oh, who's got Christian Bale's balls now?" 8D

@brumbe Haha, I too will accept this oh-so-cruel fate. ;D
April 10th, 2012
@myautofocuslife I'm so glad you have seen all this and taken it so well, it was a fun picture, right place right time done well. Love your work on this but even more on the consistent quality you produce each day and the encouraging comments you give. You are a huge asset to this community.
April 10th, 2012
@myautofocuslife You sound to me like the most mature sensible person on this site!
April 10th, 2012
@bobfoto Because I wasn't talking about you Jason. Or your comment. :) I made up random statements to prove my point.
April 10th, 2012
@myautofocuslife This cracked me up...its like something out of a sticom :-) You have a gift for words!!

I'm thinking, oh no, so I will be known from this day on as the one who took the picture of bat balls!? That's the highlight of my adventure on 365 Project!? The greatest photo I've ever taken!?

*face is hideously torn between laughing and weeping*
April 10th, 2012
@Scrivna Ross, I don't know what you created here in this overall site but it is remarkable. It's remarkable how committed folks are. It's remarkable to see the quality of the work and the humor in the work. It's remarkable that one feels a keen sense of support and friendship from people one's never meet. This site has made me a much happier and productive person. I love everything about it including the spats. As far as this photo goes, it is a well taken photo and one that could appear in National Geographic for the appropriate story. I'm not into bats and balls (good pun, not?) but it's all about photography and our opportunities for shooting things that others may not be exposed to. (geez, sounds like another pun.) Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for what much be hard work, but creative work. BTW, you might reconsider and letingt Quinn back in. There's no malice there. She's a rabble-rouser. And a darn good photographer. She tries to make us squirm and think. Regardless of your decision, thanks for what you've accomplished.
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