
May 19th, 2012
To all who have followed, I've decided to leave the site. so on May 22nd I am deleting my account. Thank you to all who have followed my short journey, and who have commented on my pictures. I'll miss you all and if you wish to keep in touch, let me know! Thank you again!


May 19th, 2012
:( i just started to get to watch your pictures... this is sad! fb/twitter? :( email?!
May 19th, 2012
@boycotting Haha oh sorry!!! Facebook works.

my personal

my photography facebook
May 19th, 2012
@crispypringles4 I'm relatively new here so don't really understand why you're leaving 365 in favour of FB (which I've left because of the new timeline thingie). I wish you much luck on your new journey :)
May 19th, 2012
@kwiksilver Thanks, I'm just not getting what I'm looking for on this site.
May 19th, 2012
@crispypringles4 in what way? what are u looking for?
May 19th, 2012
@kwiksilver Just looking to improve through criticism and to learn new things. I just feel like I'm not.
May 19th, 2012
@crispypringles4 good luck - I doubt you'll find honest crit on FB tho - are you on Flickr ? that may be better ? Have to say tho that in the few months I've been on 365 I've learnt more than I ever thought I would! And have been inspired by the whole community. Good luck to you tho :) virtual hugz
May 19th, 2012
A lot of my friends have been feeling the same way Allison (their hearts aren't in it any more), which is why I shot this today. I don't get much critical feedback either, but I just critique it myself, compare similar pictures other people have posted, and if their's is better, I figure out how to improve. I'm not sure I could have taken this shot at the beginning of the project, so for me, this site still pushes and challenges me; I just have to rely on myself to figure things out.

May 19th, 2012
@kwiksilver Thanks

May 19th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Thats really beautiful, maybe once I stop stressing out about school and life in general Ill start back up. Who knows, but for now I feel that leaving is the right thing to do.
May 19th, 2012
@crispypringles4 I know what you mean Allison, life has a way of doing that to us. Best of luck to you!
May 19th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Thank you!
May 19th, 2012
Interesting. A number of times I've come close to posting constructive criticism on a photo on this site, but deleted it before posting, because I don't want to hurt the person's feelings.

Personally I'm very open to people giving me constructive criticism on my photos -- it's what's taken me from being a very poor photographer to a quite poor photographer! Equally I'm happy to try and provide it to other people, but I'm sure that there are people, particularly new members and especially new photographers, who would be put off by constructive criticism, so my tendency is to be nice or say nothing.

It might be worth people who do want constructive criticism to make a comment to that effect as the first line of their profile, so that it shows whenever a photo is viewed. It would certainly make me happier to post any suggestions I had (worthless as they may be!)
May 19th, 2012
@abirkill I used to get a lot of feedback in the beginning, and now its just kind of dwindling. like i said previously, maybe i'll start up again another day, for now I just need to stop stressing. :)
May 19th, 2012
I just looked at your album and was impressed by the quality of your photos. I'm not here to try to convince you to stay. You've got to follow you're heart and do what you think is best. I will say that if you stuck it out a little longer then looked back at some of your earlier photos I bet you would see an improvement.

I wouldn't take it personaly in the dwindling feedback. You have to take into account that the weather has turned nicer in most parts and people are spending more time away from their computers and enjoying the warm sunshine.

As for feedback...did you ask for any? The 365 is a kinder, gentler website. Folks won't give you frank opinions on your work unless asked. Nobody wants to crush the spirit of a budding photographer by telling them whats wrong with their photos, but will give you an honest opinion if that is indeed what you desire. Of course, be careful what you wish for -- you may get it. :-)
May 19th, 2012
@crispypringles4 @abirkill I wish you the best - you have to do what is best for you, the new Camera Settings Challenge is meant for people to offer gentle constructive suggestions and it seems to have been working so far.
I think even for those who know their camera settings this challenge can be helpful. If you know all the settings than it would be helpful to offer them.

It is hard to give suggestions since you don't want to hurt feelings but every time I've received suggestions they were always in a way that I can tell them were meant in a way to help and not hurt.
May 19th, 2012
@crispypringles4 I hate to see you go... I have followed you for awhile. May I add my two cents in.. I hardly ever get constructive criticism either and I think the only way to improve is to learn from my mistakes. I hate to leave comments other than oh good. love it or such, because I don't feel like I am versed enough in the technique.. to be helpful. I have been joining the Camera setting challenge and it has really helped me.
May 19th, 2012
@abirkill good idea. I want to learn.... and if they see that in the beginning.. Hmmm. might have to try.
May 19th, 2012
I tried to find you on FB and it didn't work :-(, I am also on FB and I have just started my own website - hope you will reconsider leaving the 365 Project because its an awesome site and people LOVE your work :-)
May 19th, 2012
@grizzlysghost You've hit the nail on the head there Aaron that's what I try to do: have a look at others or compare my pictures to previous attempts and figure out what works and what doesn't but this place certainly does inspire. Though I could do with some inspiration for today it's been raining for the past few days so it may be another home/indoors shot
May 19th, 2012 someone who's been here for a while...I have to say that the times I've attempted to offer constructive critique I've had my head bitten off. Maybe I lack diplomacy...but I did my I try to be very bland in my comments.
May 19th, 2012
@swilde Sue, you certainly don't lack diplomacy. I'm happy to accept constructive criticism from you :o) xx
May 19th, 2012
@swilde , Sue, I would take constructive critique any time and i promise that I wouldn't bite your head off:)
May 19th, 2012
@swilde you can always be honest with me. For me there are too many women calling people bullies if they aren't given sunshine and roses. And I get shunned for saying I dislike food shots.
May 19th, 2012
@swilde you are more than welcome to tell me how to improve.... that is why I am here. some pics are just because it was an important part of my day but most are so I can learn and improve..
May 19th, 2012
The optimal word here is CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I welcome it, but don't get it that often unless I specifically ask. I know people don't want to step on toes and hurt feelings, but if a photo is up, it should be fair game for critique. You have to remember it is all subjective anyway. I don't agree with photo bashing, but if someone can help me with something I may not have thought of or how to do something better I am all for it. We are all here to learn and I know I have come a long way since I started, but still have a long way to go. Sorry you couldn't find what u were looking for here, but maybe u will return after exploring other avenues. If any of my followers read this, please feel free to offer me your improvement suggestions or critique. I have a tough skin. And good bye and good luck to you.
May 19th, 2012
@newbie --- "I know people don't want to step on toes and hurt feelings, but if a photo is up, it should be fair game for critique."

I have to disagree with this. Most people here are not looking for our opinions on their photography skills. I would never presume to offer critiquing without first knowing the person better or seeing they are asking for critiquing.

I agree with only giving constructive comments, when asked, but some people aren't very articulate and don't know how to get their point across. Then there are those who are just rude for the sake of being rude. Regardless, if someone asks for critiquing then be prepared for negative comments as well as positive ones.
May 19th, 2012
@megsy I found you :) I liked your page with both my personal facebook and my photo page which is A.M.P Photography. :P
May 19th, 2012
@crispypringles4 yay - sent you a friend request also :-)
May 19th, 2012
@swilde I'm sorry to hear that you got your head bit off by trying to offer constructive help. I would always welcome it, as I want to do the best I can with any picture I take and I'm just an amateur with nothing but a point and shoot 35 mm. Sony camera, that's probably 4 yrs. old. Their should be a button when we start on 365 to say if we want criticism or not.
May 19th, 2012
I believe it was last year when someone gave me an excellent piece of advice on one of my shots. I followed it and believe my shots have gotten better. It seems like it was @brumbe, but I may be mistaken.
May 19th, 2012
@crispypringles4 I'm totally new, like 2 weeks and yes, I don't see where their is a lot of advice given, I did get a couple, but then on the other hand. I think of how much time it takes to post your own photo, looks at your followers photo's, along with other things you might need to do. So, I think it comes down to time issue. I wouldn't even be qualified to critique someone's photo. So, on that note, I'm sorry to see you go, but you have to do what you feel you need to do. I think you are a good photographer, by the way.
May 19th, 2012
@granny7 Thank you! I wish you luck on your 365 journey, it was a blast at first. :)
May 19th, 2012
@megsy I saw! thanks!
May 19th, 2012
@swilde you're welcome for constructive criticism on my pics too, if you'd like :-)

@crispypringles4 I just looked at some of your last pics and I have to say I'm pretty much surprised that with 50 views or more per pic you sometimes have only a few comments. I don't know you and I have never seen your album before, but are you commenting yourself on others' pics? You may have many more responses on your own pics if you do so. Among all your followers, after some time you will always end up with a hard core of followers who will regularly comment on your pics. That's what happens with me, always the same bunch of commenters, and it's the same from my side, I more or less look and comment at pics from the same group of people. To these regular commenters you can easily ask for constructive criticism.
May 19th, 2012
@scatcat I comment on so many peoples pictures and they usually never comment back, I usually get some of the same people comment which is nice.
May 19th, 2012
@crispypringles4 If you'd like a great place to get honest/useful critique, I'd suggest
They have SUPERB tutorials & the forum area is by far the most helpful/useful place I have been for advice. From a self-taught photog, I really can't recommend that site enough!
Good luck on your future endeavors!
May 19th, 2012
If you're looking for some genuine, honest feedback on your work, have a look here:
It takes a while to find your way around and it's much more of a heavyweight than this site is but it's a great place to go to learn.
You'll find me at:

I can understand what you mean about the lack of feedback on here.
I mean no offence when I say this but it's all very well telling each other how much you like their shots, even if they're awful but that teaches us nothing.
What's needed is some diplomatic honesty. Point out how a shot could have been improved and say why you think so.
I can see why you're leaving.
Just my opinion.
May 19th, 2012
@jester Thank you Jester, I guess people are afraid of being honest and truthful and do not want to offend anyone, but the truth is we aren't trying to offend them, we just want to help them improve. right? offence would be like "oh your pic sucks.." if you make a suggestion as how to improve, I don't see that as being mean. just truthful. I'll have to check out that website. Thank you again.
May 19th, 2012
Honestly, the reason I don't leave feedback unless specifically asked is that I feel presumptuous in doing so. My photos are FAR from perfect, so who the heck am I to offer advice to someone on something I haven't myself mastered? It is just really difficult for me to do without feeling like a dick. Now, if I am asked, I will gladly give my two-cents. :)
May 20th, 2012
@jester I couldn't agree more, and this statement, "I mean no offence when I say this but it's all very well telling each other how much you like their shots, even if they're awful but that teaches us nothing." is half of the reason I stopped posting here.
May 20th, 2012
I'm sorry to see you go, Allison. I'm not very good with staying on top of commenting (guess I should work on that!) but I really did enjoy following your project. Good luck with everything! :)
May 20th, 2012
To be honest, I completely agree with you Allison. Most days recently, even I'M not pleased with what I post, but I still get really nice comments, which as much as I appreciate, are just not driving me to do any better. The first line on my profile asks for critique, but I guess this is just one of the nicer websites. I'm not leaving because I'm a sucker for niceness but I would like to see some more honesty. However, if you change your mind, I would follow and critique! Good luck with everything! :)
May 20th, 2012
@swilde Feel free to leave constructive comments on my posts. How else am I going to learn. I have one follower @lorraineb who did that on one of my images and it has made every single one better since...or I think they are much better when I go back and look at previous posts...Thanks so much Lorraine.
I would also like to see some folks tell us how they did their processing. I think that would also be a great way to learn too. There are so many tips and tricks that we can all share with each other.
May 20th, 2012
@grannysue It was me of course because we are good like that and I would always expect the same.

I have gotten really frustrated this year it seems that there has been this vibe that if I said, I hate when the moon looks orange and like it yellow in my photos, some members go all wonky and say that people are bullying them since they are posting orange moons. It has actually gotten me to hold back quite a bit and made me less active.

I actually watched on conversation where someone asked "how can I improve" and then got into a pissing match when someone said something negative.
May 20th, 2012
@brumbe I appreciate the advice that you gave me. I do believe it was of great help to me. You said it in a nice, constructive way. Thank you for that advice!
May 20th, 2012
@dishaparekh176 Thank you, and good luck with your project!
May 20th, 2012
I think a lot of people on here (myself included) are quite new to photography and are not confident enough yet to give critique. I've found that looking at other peoples images has helped me enormously in improving my composition and style of photos I take. In fact looking at lots of other photographers work and understanding how/why they do it even if you don't like there particular style has been a large part of the photography course I've been taking this year.
Good luck :-)
May 20th, 2012
@crispypringles4 Why are you going!? I will miss you. Good luck for the future x
May 20th, 2012
I'm glad we're having a discussion about this and it all comes down to why we're doing this project. Some people want to share photos and participate in an online community others seriously want to improve their photography skills.
I personally would like more constructive criticism but I understand many do not. I wish there was a way to tell those that want critique and those that dont. One girl I was following left because someone said something negative about a photo (it wasnt actually negative just a bit blunt)...its really hard to know. :)
May 20th, 2012
I like constructive criticism, and have found it very useful, especially with post-production techniques - but it's not something I particularly expect on this site. For me, 365 is much more about improving photography by encouraging the practice of it. Nothing improves your photography like actually doing it. It also exposes me to lots of different styles of photography as other people step out of their comfort zones to fill up their year.
When commenting, I try to identify what I like about a shot and say so. I refrain from saying things I don't like for fear of hurting feelings.
I follow a similar thought process to this:
though it often results in only a brief comment (which is why I don't follow many people).

Having said that, the absence of criticism is something I've come to miss on Flickr.
May 20th, 2012
@raggleroo Thanks Rachael, I just haven't been into the project much lately and would just like some more criticism. I'll miss you too!
May 20th, 2012
Thats such a shame, I really feel you should treat this like fun ok some pictures don't work too well but I have found with honest opinions that i am improving and each day I strive to do better and i don't necessarily!! I feel so sorry that you have given up
May 20th, 2012
@fannyb To be honest, I had fun with it at first... and now that I've been getting more serious about my photography I'd like to just get criticism once in awhile rather then always nice whatever or i like this. Like I said in previous comments, I may start another project, or I may not.
May 20th, 2012
@k1w1 Aaaw, thanks Christine, feel free to ask me anything, anytime : )
May 20th, 2012
To be honest... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... If you were critiqued and not offered sound advice wouldn't that be worse. If you want to grow take some classes.
May 21st, 2012
@sugarmuser I have taken a couple classes.
May 21st, 2012
I just happened upon this thread, and enjoyed reading through the many comments. It is my belief that many who particiapte in this project are hobbyists, like myself. I am not a professional, and can easily be lost in all the detailed jargon of photography however, I enjoy it immensely. I am amazed at some of the awesome talent found on this site, and I truly appreciate what some can do "straight out of the camera" and through the use of some cool edtiing software. Anyway you look at it, I personally enjoy seeing what everyone has to offer, and as I look at the daily postings. I can often get ideas for myself. I appreciate good use of lighting, crispness of color and tones, depth of field, and all that, but when it comes to critiquing someone's work, I can offer some basic feedback if asked, but do not feel qualified or comfortable going into great detail, and being openly critical. I may not like a photo, but would not really come out and say that, and really why would I want to. Just because I do not like it, someone else may. It's all personal interpretation. Most individuals involved in this wonderful project are doing it for fun, and for the sense of connecting with others. I am coming to the end of my second year, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on here, and the people I have met. On the other hand, some are really seriously into the competition, getting deeply involved in the threads and discussions, even to the point of getting into heated arguments. If they do not make the popular page, they begin comparing their work with some who had their photo on the popular page, and then begins the debate. That takes the joy out of what this project was meant to be. So with all that said, if someone asks me for feedback I will do my best to give my opinion, but even that is likely going to be soft. I don't think you should automatically expect particiapnts to freely offer advice and constructive criticism without being asked. I guess it all boils down to what you need to get out of such a project. Maybe you are expecting too much from this, and we will never be able to come up to your expectations.
May 21st, 2012
@digitalrn You said it all, Rick. Amen to that. Cheers!
May 21st, 2012
@digitalrn great reply rick. i agree with what you said
May 21st, 2012
@digitalrn Well spoken Rick! :)
May 21st, 2012
@grizzlysghost Nice composition and clarity Aaron!

..and that's about as much critique as I can provide, given the numbers of great photos and sever lack of time I have these days. I stopped posting every day after year 1 because of the same reason, instead focusing more on posting comments when I can. If someone asks for critique, I'll provide some, but I agree with others on the thread that I don't want to be misinterpreted by the receiver - which is quite easy on email.

There's also been some really mean-spirited discussions happening as well, although it's been more quiet recently. I am all for "spirited" discussions, so long as they remain respectful of all involved, even when its controversial. I know of a couple folks who have left because of the disrespectful tone that has appeared now and then, can't say I blame them. I stay on here because I do like most of the discussions and really get a lot of inspiration by the many talented folks on this site, both hobbyist and pro. So, @crispypringles4 I'm sorry to see you go, and hoping to see you again.
May 22nd, 2012
@digitalrn well said that man,!
May 22nd, 2012
Bye Allison! :)
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