How do you expose?

July 3rd, 2012
Just out of curiosity, what type of exposure do you use?

Automatic (A)
Manual (M)
Arpature Priority (AP)
Shutter Priority (SP)

Personally I use the following:
A 1%
M 9% (and climbing)
AP 90%
SP 0%
July 3rd, 2012
Mostly Manual. Some AP. Once in a while SP.
July 3rd, 2012
I switch mostly between M and Av (that's my 90%). Rarely use Tv and never Auto.
July 3rd, 2012
I use 65% Aperture & 35% Shutter Priority, depending what's happening at the time :)
July 3rd, 2012
99% of the time I use Av, I love mucking around with exposure.
July 3rd, 2012
Depending on how far back I need to factor in...
Since getting this camera in April, I have been about 95% manual.
July 3rd, 2012
85% manual and 15% AP using exposure compensation to adjust exposure how i want it
July 3rd, 2012
Depends entirely on what I'm shooting.
Studio work is pretty much always on manual.
Walkabout shooting is P mode, switching to Av or Tv if P isn't getting the effect I'm after (more usually flicking to Av). Av with bracketing for HDR work to keep the aperture constant.
So some weeks it will be 100% manual, other weeks 100% P.
July 3rd, 2012
Arpature Priority (AP) mostly
Shutter Priority (SP) 40 %
Manual (M) 10%
July 3rd, 2012
Manual most of the time...
July 3rd, 2012
AP almost all the time. Manual when I use my old manual lenses.
July 3rd, 2012
Always in Manual, I like to be in control of the light and DOF :)
July 3rd, 2012
I get a big coat and go to a crowded part of town.. make sure the coat is unbuttoned and there are no police around.... and then Wah-la flash coat and Im exposed....
July 3rd, 2012
its hard to answer as it depends where I am and what I am shooting, I prefer using manual settings though
July 3rd, 2012
Overall, I would say 60% AP, 40% M, Never Auto. Of course, with most of the film cameras I shoot the options are pretty limited; just the way I like it :)
July 3rd, 2012
@bobg would say 99% manual 1 % AP
July 3rd, 2012
At this time I have really been going back & forth between them all.
Because of the camera settings challenges I am learning to do less auto now!
AP - 25%
M - 25%
Sp - 25%
Auto -20%
programmed setting - 5%

July 3rd, 2012
About 75% AP, 24% M, and 1% SP. I never use auto.
July 3rd, 2012
@nikkers sounds like you might be slightly overexposing ;)
July 3rd, 2012
@humphreyhippo What is AV and bracketing? I see that on my camera but never do anything with it.
July 3rd, 2012
I shoot completely in manual, however, occasionally will check what the camera would do in full auto, if I'm not quite sure how to capture a particular shot. I'll work from those settings, back in manual mode.
July 3rd, 2012
Always manual, complete control :-)
July 3rd, 2012
During daytime with good lighting and comparatively even exposure readings across the frames, I just go with Aperture Priority, and also auto ISO.

For shooting kids playing around the house - the same. I use Aperture Priority and auto ISO. The reason for Aperture Priority is simply because I like to shoot wide open unless for group or party shots.

At night (about 80% of my shots for 365 are night time long-exposure photos) I have to go with manual settings including manual ISO settings. Although sometimes I like grainy shots of high ISO at night, I usually set ISO to 100 or 50.
July 3rd, 2012
98% manual, 2% AP
July 3rd, 2012
@myhrhelper Av is the Canon Aperture priority mode.
Bracketing is where the camera takes 3 shots (or 5 in some cases), one at it's determined 'ideal' exposure, and then at (for example) 1 stop below that and 1 stop above.
I used to bracket on my film camera to ensure I got a decent exposure.
On digital, I bracket (usually at + & - 2 stops) and combine the 3 shots in HDR software. I do this with a set aperture (Av mode) to ensure all 3 shots have the same depth of field.
I usually only bother with HDR when there is a significant contrast in brightness in the shot, e.g. very bright sky.
July 3rd, 2012
AP: 30%
Manual: 65%
Program: 5%
SP: 0%
Auto: 0%
July 3rd, 2012
Mostly Aperture Priority.
July 3rd, 2012
Probably 60/40 Manual/Aperture Priority, almost always 200 ISO.
July 3rd, 2012
In manual, all the time.
July 3rd, 2012
I used to ONLY shoot that I have kids and capturing the moment quickly I've gone to AP...I'd rather sacrifice speed than light.

By capturing the moment I do mean with ANY subject, not just them!! I'll just start to compose something and I'll be summoned or there will be an argument or the dog will get loose... :D
July 3rd, 2012
M 95% of the time.
July 3rd, 2012
Manual or AP
July 3rd, 2012
AP 85%
M 4% (lazy!)
auto 1% (when at parties etc - hic!)

and almost always ISO100 - my camera doesn't seem to do well at anything more - or maybe it's me that doesn't do well!
July 3rd, 2012
Depends on the camera, all but one are film cam's with varying capabilities

Fujica Compact 35 - Only has manual, also you have to pre-focus the lens
Leica Mini - Is totally automatic
Agfa Optima - Shutter is automatic, pre-focus and aperture has to be set manually.
Vivitar V6000 - Has manual and AP, but the switch is stuck on manual
Miranda MS-2 - Manual
Pentax Espio - Is totally automactic

And on my digital p&s then always auto for street, manual for anything else.
July 3rd, 2012
auto and then one of the others depending on the situation. But since I have been playing with film lately, it seems that I do more with AP and less with shutter.
July 3rd, 2012
On the street mostly auto, or Tv if the lights dropping. With the 50mm I quite often go Av
July 3rd, 2012
99% manual :)
July 3rd, 2012
Mostly AP, manual when I don't agree with the camera. 80 ISO if at all possible.
July 3rd, 2012
Mostly AP, Some M, some S. Manual focus. Single spot metering. Keep my camera about 2 notches under on exposure and then fiddle from there. :-)
July 3rd, 2012
Definitely use AP a TON! I love playing around with that!
July 3rd, 2012
Almost always manual. Very rarely P
July 3rd, 2012
I use:
Manual 70& (i used to be a Manual-only freak, but that is changing)
SP 25% (when i don't want to worry about the rest and focus on the effect i want -- ex: freeze motion or motion blur?)
AP 4% (mostly when i use flash)
Auto 1% (for those quick "don't think" - snapshot moments)
July 4th, 2012
call me lazy but Im always in M mode
July 4th, 2012
mostly in AV
will use manual when playing around with long exposure settings and stuff... this doesn't come up all that often...
never used TV
don't think i've used auto since feb or march...
never used P altho' i gather there would be some value to me learning it ;p
July 4th, 2012
Aperture 75%
Manual 20%
Shutter 5%
Automatic Never.
July 4th, 2012
Manual 100%
July 4th, 2012
manual....toyed with auto exposure when in shady and bright places where I am turning the camera from one to the other really fast.
July 4th, 2012
Mostly in Aperture Priority and sometimes in manual. Most of my shots are in daylight so Aperture works and lets me play with the Dof
July 4th, 2012
Depends on what i'm shooting, but in general if i'm just wandering about or on holiday
Av - 95% of the time because i spot meter
M - the rest

In studio, always M
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