To My Followers

July 10th, 2012
It seems as though my time on 365 may come to an end sooner than planned. I just now accidentally dropped my camera with the lens open (I use just a point and shoot). The lens will not open or close properly now and I am unable to turn my camera back on now because of it. It just reads "Lens error, restart camera"

I am completely bummed right now and crying. I wish I could afford a new camera even if just another point and shoot. But unemployment makes that impossible.

Oh my gosh! I can't stop crying.

I am sure I'll come back to view all your photos and may add old photos from time to time.
July 10th, 2012
Anna -

My heart is breaking for you. I hope there is a way to fix this.

I really enjoy your photos!

July 10th, 2012
I am so sorry. I know how you much feel. I would also be crushed.
July 10th, 2012
thats so sad. that happened to my point and shoot last year.
July 10th, 2012
Oh Anna, i am ´til now not a follower of you but your story is so sad! I am wondering if there isn´t maybe a friend or relative who could borrow you a cam? or did you check ebay (or equal sites) for second-hand cams?

hope there will be a solution! keep your head high!
July 11th, 2012
Things happen for a reason. My point and shoot rolled off my lap and onto the asphalt. It died a quick death. Remember, if your phone takes pics, you can email them and post them. That will keep you photo-moto-vated!
July 11th, 2012
I hope you can borrow one from a friend. So many people have cameras they aren't using, or an older one that they upgraded from. I got sand in my lens mechanism, but fortunately for me family stepped in and replaced it.
July 11th, 2012
i haven't met you Anna, but I am so sorry about your camera:(
good luck, i bet something will work out!
July 11th, 2012
Oh Anna!!! I'm so sorry! I do hope you will find another camera somehow (remember God is the God of the impossible!). I love your selfies and creative processing- and if you have some things uploaded, don't forget you can still play with those pics for a while. And there are some challenges on here, like the WWYD, where you can use someone else's picture. But, oh, my heart is so sad for you! I will be praying that God provides for you somehow. Hang in there!!!
July 11th, 2012
I have not been a follower but just read your bio, in your spare time, it sounds like you could write a book, including pictures of your travels.
July 11th, 2012
@andycoleborn I'm sure you just had to post that. Completely and utterly necessary... *Disha's best sarcastic face*
July 11th, 2012
@andycoleborn That's really nice of you. The world would genuinely be crippled without you...
July 11th, 2012
@swguevin @henrir @agavegirl13 @agentzuckerguss @dmariewms @paulaag @olivetreeann thanks everyone for your encouragement. I unfortunately can't afford even a piece of gum since I haven't been employed in over 4 years. I wish I could say I have a cell phone but I haven't even owned one in that long either. But maybe something will show up.
July 11th, 2012
@rrt thanks! I actually had to write blog entries while travelling. I have thought about putting my stories/photos into a book. I am not sure if it would be for the masses but at least for my family to pass down.
July 11th, 2012
@annaruth There's always a way.... do you have a phone camera?
Where do you live? I'm sure there may be people on here that have an old p&s that they're not using that could be sold to you cheaply. (Unfortunately I just gave my old panasonic away or I'd give it to you)

I found an old P&S for $10 in an op shop (goodwill) I didn't buy it cos I didn't need it but they're out there or try some garage (yard) sales?
July 11th, 2012
@andycoleborn well, thank you for your opinion. But, I do believe in God actually and He is my main focus in this life. For me, He isn't a crutch nor something to look forward to after death but someone who deserves my praise. I do rely on Him and trust that His will always comes to pass in my life even if it doesn't look the way I planned. I have looked back on my life and have seen how He has worked everything out for not only His good but mine.

I don't think we'd be better off without God, in fact, I think the opposite. I know that people start wars in the name of god but they don't serve the same god I do. I know there are people who are so hateful in the name of god but that isn't the same god I serve.

I am not here to push my beliefs or an agenda on anyone but I will stand for what I believe in.

I find it unnecessary for you to even bring the subject up. And even a bit disrespectful to those who have a belief in a god, whether the same god as mine or not.

Again, you are welcome to your own opinion but it wasn't necessary in this conversation. You could have left it at, "I am sorry and I hope you can get another one."
July 11th, 2012
i am not one of your followers, but i've viewed your album every now and then and i like your work. i have a fuji finepix bridge camera that i hardly ever use. do you want to borrow it until you're settled? if you're in the US i can mail it to you. the only drawback is that it uses 4 AA batteries. if you have rechargeable ones, then you should be set. let me know.
July 11th, 2012
@monika64 oooh! thanks a ton for those ideas. I will definitely look into it.

@summerfield that is really sweet of you but I'd hate for something to happen to your camera while borrowing it.
July 11th, 2012
@annaruth Well said. It was completely unnecessary. I hope you can get it fixed for cheap or get a good deal on another camera.
July 11th, 2012
@andycoleborn yes, the person who brought up God is actually one of my followers on here and she knows my beliefs because though I don't advertise it in every one of my photos, there are some that point to my belief. Because I hold it as more than a belief; I hold it as a lifestyle that affects all I do.
July 11th, 2012
@dishaparekh176 thank you.
July 11th, 2012
@annaruth - i am so sorry! I know that when you have something that brings you joy, especially during stressful periods in life, it is hard to have that taken away:( I truly hope you can find another camera...i really wish I had an extra that I could just send you. (@summerfield...that is such a sweet offer!) HUGS...Liz
July 11th, 2012
@summerfield That a very nice gesture.

@annaruth I looked at all my old cameras, and I only have old film cameras. I do have one point and shoot, but I carry it in my purse all the time. And I only have a bridge camera. If I had another digital, I would send it to you. My neighbor goes to all kinds of garage and second hand places. I'm going to put heron the hunt for a digital P&S camara. In the meantime, check with all your friends, some of them might have an older one just sitting there gathering dust. I am just heartbroken for you.
July 11th, 2012
@annaruth - i count my blessings, not my losses. please leave me a comment on one of my old photos and we'll talk. :-)
July 11th, 2012
i have an older digital p&s i don't ever use, if you would like it. its a nikon coolpix L3. let me know. :-)

July 11th, 2012
@henrir - it's gathering dust!
July 11th, 2012
@henrir thank you!

@summerfield @shesgotspunk it looks like I should talk to both of you. You are both so sweet and I appreciate that.
July 11th, 2012
@andycoleborn again, you are welcome to your own opinion but calling what some people believe crap is disrespectful and I do not appreciate that. I have not said anything disrespectful about Atheism. I actually have heard all the arguments for and against God. I understand how someone can not believe in a god but I also have come to the understanding of why I do believe there is one. But I am not going to sit here and call people who don't believe in God stupid or that their beliefs are crap.

There is a difference between having your opinion and being disrespectful. You are choosing to use the latter about what you believe.
July 11th, 2012
@andycoleborn Na bro. I didn't say you couldn't express your opinion. Just that no one asked you for one... I don't believe in God but I am not a shit stirrer or a teenager that thinks the world will be lacking if I don't go slap someone else's opinions down on the interwebs. All I said was that it was unnecessary to make this discussion about something that it wasn't...
July 11th, 2012
Oh, Anna! I am so sorry about your camera! I would be devastated if I lost mine! I hope to see you here even if you can't upload pics! My heart goes out to you!
I usually don't get evolved with the crazy shit that goes on here but @andycoleborn Andy I think your way out of line here! Nothing was even mentioned about god or anyone's beliefs before you chimed in! Someone here is going through a difficult time and you have turned this into some kind of political game! Make your own stage for your agenda and don't hijack someone else's home page to make your statements!
July 11th, 2012
@orangecrush thank you! and of course. I need to catch up on people's photos.
July 11th, 2012
Sorry your camera has bitten the dust so to speak Anna, reading the thread is very interesting of human kind though isn't it. People never cease to amazed me; some very generous and kind people/offers, I sincerely hope it all works out for you, hang in there:0)
July 11th, 2012
@annaruth I wish you all teh best Anna and really hope to see you back soon. I completel;y agree with Jerry about Andys comments @andycoleborn I stay on this site because it isnt like those other crappy discussion threads like Flickr where everyone insults everyone else! what a shame. Anna, keep your chin up darling, I really hoep things go upwards from here for you. The rest of us should feel so priviledged
July 11th, 2012
That has happened to me as well. But strangely it was covered by my home-insurance! So I got a new one... It could be well worth checking that out. Wish you all the best.
July 11th, 2012
@annaruth @annaruth @wardie apologies for last nights comments - my stepson has been playing silly buggers on here and on my FB page after finding I left my laptop logged on.. He has been suitably beaten and thrashed :-)

I have deleted the offending comments
July 11th, 2012
@andycoleborn Phew!! I read through this thread this morning and my jaw was dropping! it just didn't seem your type of comment or attitude! :-)
July 11th, 2012
@Cherrill I also once left my FB logged on in an apple store - had a load of rude & offending comments sent to my niece... !! I should of learnt my lesson haha
July 11th, 2012
@orangecrush @annaruth @dishaparekh176 @andycoleborn

Oh, Andy I'm glad you voiced out. I read "your" comments last night and I was surprised how you could say all those crap. It was just NOT you!

So sorry to hear about the news Anna... hope you're going to have a new cam soon.
July 11th, 2012
Oh Anna, how awful! I'd cry too :( I hope that you find something you can use and also hope that you find some lovely employer so you don't need to struggle xoxo.
July 11th, 2012
I sat on the ground and cried when I dropped my camera. It wasn't even damaged!! Funny how attached we get to our cameras!! I wish for you a new camera soon...maybe try a Holga? I read about them on this website and they don't sound too expensive.
July 11th, 2012
@andycoleborn My apologies, Andy! I should have known right away that wasn't you!!!!
July 11th, 2012
@claireuk @wardie @geertje @bugik @ozziehoffy @jtrudell thank you everyone!!!

@andycoleborn Andy, I think that was my first interaction with "you". I feel like I have seen you here before and usually the trouble makers get sent away. So, I trust that it wasn't you and accept your apology. Oh, teenagers! I have a 15 year old niece so I know how they can be a handful (and that is with her not even being in my care). I'd also like to apologize if I was offensive in any way. I try my darnest not to be.
July 11th, 2012
This is one crazy site eh? Anna very sorry for the loss of your camera. I think I would go mad without mine. I hope you find a way (or a way finds you) to get back to shooting again. And @andycoleborn Andy whoa! when I was reading the thread here (sans your comments) I was saying to myself "this can't be Andy Mr 365 from the UK that they're talking about!" I bet that kid won't be able to sit for a week or type for a while.
July 11th, 2012
so anna, have you gotten the camera thing straightened out or do you need one? i also have one that i rarely if ever use and you are most welcome to it since your's has decided to quit on you. it is a p&s, nothing special, but it gets the job done. let me know and i will gladly ship it right out. know what you mean about unemployment - my husband just started a new job and we are VERY happy! and i am so happy i missed out completely on the crazy end of the thread.
July 11th, 2012
@michaelelliott @catsmeowb thank you! And yes, I talked with the most generous @summerfield and we've worked something out.
July 11th, 2012
@annaruth - That's awesome! @summerfield is the best!
July 11th, 2012
@andycoleborn wow Andy, thats not nice. So glad it wasn't the real you.
July 11th, 2012
@andycoleborn Hahaha this made me giggle. I thought it was very teenager-esq.
July 12th, 2012
@summerfield Yes it is gathering dust and I would gladly send it, but it uses film. I thought she would rather have digital to cut expenses.

@annaruth if you want it, it is yours. Just let me know. For that matter, if anyone needs a film point and shoot, I would gladly part with it.
July 12th, 2012
so glad to read that things have worked out for you; vikki is the most kind and supportive person. i had a dream the other night that my hands were actually cameras and i wore very long sleeves so people could not see me taking photos all the time. must have been a hassle to wash my hair, eh?
July 12th, 2012
@catsmeowb Yes she is. There are a lot of amazing people on 365. I am always in awe of how people here care for other people. Whether it is mourning with those mourning, celebrating with those celebrating, any occasion, 365 has been a great community.

And don't you just love how dreams can be so silly? I wake up sometimes thinking, "What the heck was that all about?" That is too funny.
July 12th, 2012
Anna... I am so happy you have worked out a camera deal with @summerfield ! I was going to offer one of mine that I never use anymore, but it looks like I can find another place to donate it... 365 is full of the most kind and generous people anywhere! :)
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