
July 25th, 2012
Does it seem like there is a disproportionately large number of photographs of insects on this site? Let me hasten to add that I say that with a degree of humor and goodwill, because my stance is that folks should photograph what interests and fascinates them. And I can appreciate the technique involved in getting a crystal-clear macro of a bug. Still, when I look at the "Popular" page and, more directly, my "Suggestions" page, I see a LOT of macro shots of bugs. I don't understand why so many insect photos are being suggested to me because I do not click on them, and because I especially do not like spiders (or anything that has more than six legs), I'd rather not see them close up and in person on my monitor. So I'm just asking...what is the fascination with bugs? Convince me. :)
July 25th, 2012
I think for those in Northern Hemisphere it's summer and bugs abound ( I just got eaten alive by mosquitoes this morning, darn buggers!) Ahh what we do for a photo. What is the suggestions page?
July 25th, 2012
@sianipops Hi Nia, the Suggestions page is only available to Ace Members.
July 25th, 2012
I admit: I am a buglover. But I have the perfect excuse because I worked as a zoologist for many years, specialised in animals with more than 6 legs. For me the macro world is and will ever be fascinating. You can find something you have never seen before everyday. Try this in your every-day life!
July 25th, 2012
I would say that any time you can enlarge something that's very small, it makes for an interesting photo. That said, bugs are a natural choice for this. They have details most people aren't aware of. Plus, for the most part, they're pretty slow. :-)
July 25th, 2012
I love macro photography, so insects are very welcomed objects ;-)
I love macro shots, because they show so much detail you are not able to see just with your eyes ...
July 25th, 2012
@sjoblues I don't much like creepy-crawlies but I'm forever amazed by what is around us that I would never have seen for myself but for my macro setting! If I see an ugly bug picture (particularly with hairy legs or fangs) I screw my eyes up and move on...!
I've been an ace member since Christmas... what is the suggestions page?! Never come across it before...
July 25th, 2012
@filsie65 If you are an Ace member, click on "Browse" in the top menu bar. One of the options is "Suggestions." Click on that, and have fun. :)
July 25th, 2012
I am guilty of the macro bug picture taking! I've been interested in all things 'bug' all my life. Their tiny lives are amazing and when studied in close up their structures and colours are wonderful. Yes, we are in full summer vibe in UK at the moment and insects are everywhere! I guess it is whatever takes your fancy.....I don't take photos of animals or children or architecture, there's plenty of that around too..... each to their own! I posted a 'bug' photo today if you'd ike to see......maybe not! lol :-)
July 25th, 2012
@sjoblues I am a teacher and grew up on a mountain in Georgia. So I have a love of nature and am not afraid of or grossed out by bugs. To me, taking my camera out to do some bug macros is like going on a scavenger hunt, or a safari. You never know what you will see. I like to think that alot of my "bug macros" have a twist that makes them a bit different than just "here is a bug." I try to use the photos where I have caught them in interesting places, poses, etc... I think they are amazing and part of the world just like anything else.

I take other photos too, of course...I appreciate almost all photography...If you don't think it would gross you out too much, go check out my video for my last day of 365. http://365project.org/espyetta/365/2012-06-21
This one featured my nature shots....certainly not all bugs, but many are. I also did one in my other album for all my diary shots or other type shots. I have seen this discussion about what makes the popular page and how many bugs, butterflies, kids, etc.. pics are on there many times at this point. I guess you cannot legislate what is "popular." I do sort of wish Ross would make a genre PP for some different genre...that would solve the problem. @scrivna
July 25th, 2012
I love'em. I spotted this discussion just after uploading my latest pic...of a bug. I never used to prior to 365 but this site has opened my eyes to the beauty of insects. I still have to ask advice for identification as I'm no expert but I do love how many different varieties of bug there are and how looking at them through a macro lens can show you the true beauty of many, many bugs...not all mind you :o)
July 25th, 2012
I have taken a lot of bugs recently and I would not say i am a great bug lover. What I do like to do though is challenge myself to take photos of things I haven't done before. I have (now the sun is out in the UK) sat by flowers waiting for insects to come along - getting a close up of a bee in flight or a butterfly that doesn't stay still for longer than a second - or a damsel fly that is really tricky to focus on because it is so thin. It's also a great way to use my 10x filter too (cheaper than a macro lens!). I think actually, you see lots of photos that reflect the things that go on in different countries and their seasons.
July 25th, 2012
I love the bug pictures, it's the detail of them that you can't usually see that I love to see most.
July 25th, 2012
@sjoblues -- If the PP eliminated bug and flower photos all that would remain would be white spaces.
July 25th, 2012
@cromwell You made me laugh. How true! :)
July 25th, 2012
@cromwell what about all the sunset/sunrise shots? :)
July 26th, 2012
I studied zoology at university and so have always been interesting in creepy crawlies. Photography makes me look at everything more carefully and if it wasn't for taking bug shots I would never have found out that those irritating aphids that ruin my plants have cute little wheelbarrow-like handles on the their back ends

July 26th, 2012
i dont know why people like bugs, i mean they call em bugs for a reason, well i fell into the group this weekend with me first go at extension tubes here is one i think came out very well

just think of all the great things bugs do for us ... honey for one, they keep spiders pre occupied, ok thats not much but im sure science can find a new steroid in the ant dna, or not really bugs but certain spiders and snakes have a venom thats now considered for virus eliminating medicine. plus its summer for most 365's and there are plenty of bugs this time of year, besides not every one has a house cat as a muse lol
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