Proud Moments

July 25th, 2012
Can I hare today's picture just because I love it so much and feel quite proud of it? I love the colour.

What's your proud moment so far in your project and why?
July 25th, 2012
I love it, FAV!

This is one of mine, I'm sure you can guess why..
July 25th, 2012
@tabithasyear That's really made me laugh, it's brilliant!
July 25th, 2012
Fabulous shot! Here's mine, as for why - well I thought only people who understood photography and had 'proper' cameras took shots like this - not little old me with my point and shoot!
July 25th, 2012
My "top rated" photo :)
July 25th, 2012
It is hard for me to choose, but I choose this one because I wasnt even looking into the view finder when I was taking this photo because it was in a weird spot so I was happy how the picture turned out without me even looking at it!!!!
July 25th, 2012
I'm proud of this one because it made me realize how much control I have over the photos I take and the effects I can achieve (when I put my mind to it):

July 25th, 2012
This was my proud moment :D
July 25th, 2012
This one, for me, because except for a bit of cropping it is SOOC. I amazed myself with how I captured the light in this one.

July 25th, 2012
This is one of mine because it simply wouldn't have happened if I hadn't turned around. I was down near this man a moment ago and was wrapping up and heading to the car and just chanced a look over my shoulder back at him. It pays to keep looking around with a photographic eye no matter where you are or what you are doing; especially if you think you are done :)
July 25th, 2012
These shots are great - you have every reason to be proud of your captures!
My proud moment was this photo - Frogmorange. Not only did I find a frog but somehow wimpy-me found the nerve to pick it up and put it on an orange (bizarre but true, only on 365...) and then got a photo of it which my cool teenage son uses as his computer desktop! Praise indeed!
July 25th, 2012
Difficult choice, but I think right now it's this one. It was the first time we'd tried to use an external event to trigger a flash (sound in this case). It totally made my weekend when it worked & opened the door to a world of high-speed possibilities.

July 25th, 2012
I was proud of this one because I took it with a new x10 filter. It took a lot of patience to get the bee in focus as well as in a good position - they keep moving!!

July 25th, 2012
Proud moment for me was finally getting the hang of lightning shots.

July 25th, 2012
July 25th, 2012
About the only thing stopping me from printing and hanging this is I am not satisfied with the clouds. But it is the one shot that I really planned for, not a spontaneous shot or an accidental lucky capture, but something I planned and executed almost perfectly in line with the image I had in mind. It boosted my confidence considerably.
July 25th, 2012
I was overjoyed to witness and photograph the birth of a butterfly in a cafe in Costa Rica this April!

July 25th, 2012
My proud moment: realizing that with a little research and prep before hand, I can photograph anything I desire. I was sure I could never photograph jets like this because a) I was on the ground, and b) they were moving so fast.

July 25th, 2012
I hadn't realized that was one of yours Caryn, I was floored when I saw this one awhile back (and a bit envious), it's an amazing capture!!!
July 25th, 2012
This picture was taken by my small camera. The lighting from behind through the window was just right. I was very proud of this shot!

July 26th, 2012
@socalgal Aw...thank you!
July 26th, 2012
never seen this amount of waterlilies and the shimmeron the water was lovely
July 26th, 2012
This was a proud moment for me because it represented a picture of mine that stayed on the popular page for several days and it even made the thumbnails on the 365 home page.
July 26th, 2012
I love taking photos on the Oregon Coast!
July 26th, 2012
I've been proud of a few, but I really liked this recent one, that got hardly any views. Maybe it's not as interesting as I thought

July 26th, 2012
At the moment I'm pretty proud of this one as I love Dex's focus & the lighting:

July 26th, 2012
@plainjaneandnononsense It is a lovely photo, I love bumblebee shots too. A few years back I did some research on them and got lots of photos using a compact camera, it takes more patience to get them I think but can be done.

@tandem02 The colour on that is beautiful and I love the detail.

@chelseap92 That's amazing to get without looking through the view finder, lovely detail too.

@rockinrobyn I love it and the colours are great. I agree about that realisation too.

@tracywilliams I remember seeing that one, it's just stunning.What a great capture!

@sjoblues The light is beautiful and I love the subject.

@grizzlysghost It's beautiful and sometimes those last minute photos are the ones.

@filsie65 That is a great photo, high praise indeed from your teenager!

@humphreyhippo Wow, simply amazing capture!

@lauralatham I love it. Bumblebees are great. I'd love to get some close shots like this.

@shirljess Really gorgeous, lightening shots do take lots of patience and these are wonderful.

@alpeedee That's wonderful and it's great that it's one you planned. Shame you're not happy with the clouds, they look good to me.

@izzymathie These are an amazing trio, really wonderfully taken. We've been visiting a butterfly place regularly but this happens behind glass so I've not managed any photos.

@cmc1200 Really wonderful capture and great that research paid off.

@paulavdmerwe The light and the colour on this photo are lovely. I have a whole collection of similar bottles and love this way of taking them.

@kmrtn6 Really lovely, I love waterlilies but have never managed to get a photo I'm that happy with.

@msk1p2 It is a wonderful capture!

@buttercup What gorgeous light, I can see why you love photographing that coast.

@onie I don't think you can count views as how interesting a picture is, I think it's a great shot and I love the subject matter.

@sjodell It is a gorgeous photo, the light is amazing and the stillness of it gives it a slightly surreal feel.

Thank you so much everyone for sharing, I've loved looking at these!
July 26th, 2012
What a lovely thread - I really like reading the tale behind the picture, for me it turns a stunning picture into an interesting stunning picture :-)
July 26th, 2012
This is my proudest moment because I had to go way out of my comfort zone to get this street photo.

July 26th, 2012
@plainjaneandnononsense That is a lovely thing.

@gark Wow. That is quite a photo and I totally get the comfort zone thing. I'd love to do more street photography but I'm not entirely comfortable taking and using photos of strangers. Really stunning. Did you talk to him before or after getting the photo? I never quite know what to do!
July 26th, 2012
@scuffer no, I didn't talk to him. I felt so uncomfortable but recognized the photo-op so had to get it. I actually shot this with a little fixed lens camera held against my body near my waist to try to disguise the fact that I was shooting a picture.
July 26th, 2012
@gark It is difficult isn't it? Wonderful shot taken like that too.
July 26th, 2012
@gark my son uses his iphone to take discreet photos he just pretends to be texting. Your shot is amazing it just oozes emotion and I love the reflection,.
July 26th, 2012
@plainjaneandnononsense Great idea with the iPhone and texting disguise!!! Thanks for the comment and iPhone tip : )
July 26th, 2012
@scuffer-thank you so much and I loved your photo too, the colors were amazing
July 27th, 2012
I was delighted with this one...

July 27th, 2012
@izzymathie WOW!!
July 28th, 2012
This one, because it was the first time I took a picture that I felt that I'd want to print it out and hang on my wall:

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