brave photographers, please

July 26th, 2012
I almost didn't upload this photo.
so many people are looking for photos that are loud, vivid and eye catching. they forget that there are quiet moments that don't fill in all the blanks and that leave a part for the imagination.
I love people that do black and white. I love people that are brave enough to do simple shots.

if you'd take the time to share your/others shots that are like that, it'd make my day.
*I'm ready to be inspired*
July 26th, 2012
@38mm this is what I'm talking about. excellent.
July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012

July 26th, 2012

July 26th, 2012
@gracej Thanks Grace, that shot was quite a pain as you don't focus through the lens on that cam but have to manually set the focus based on distance and anything under a metre sucks. A couple I shot today you might like to look at..

July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
@38mm wow, I love those. if you post on 365 I'll fav the water pipe one on here too ;) and the other one is very brave.
July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
@dmortega well, I'm more into the 'brave' part rather then the simple. people that risk others not liking their picture -because they have there own style and are different- are the ones I'm talking about. thanks for sharing your photos!!
[like this one]

@redisc0very ;)
July 26th, 2012
@catwhiskers I like it!! it makes me smile for some odd reason :)
July 26th, 2012
Sometimes simplicity is the best solution...

July 26th, 2012
Here are mine. So simple but I like them. :-)

July 26th, 2012
Sometimes i need simplicity :)

July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
But don't expect more from me :-)

July 26th, 2012
I agree somtimes images can be simple and let the imagination do the rest.

July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
LOL Grace, people really latched on to the "simple" aspect of what you were asking :-) I take my pictures for me, and often post things that others may not "get". Probably why I don't get many comments!LOL I don't know that I would call that brave. But I can see how for some it might take a form of bravery to post, especially if they think they need to live up to something based on their perception of the other photographers on the site. This is, of course, a public site. One somewhat based on the idea of community, so there IS a level of "fitting in" to it, I suppose. I think the important thing is are you stretching yourself? Learning new things about the way you see? The way you know your camera? The way you process?
This would probably be one of my more "brave" shots:
July 26th, 2012
(I know you said b&w, but I love color!LOL)
July 26th, 2012
and a later reedit of same pic:

July 26th, 2012
Something I wanted to capture. Simple smoke, no colour or swirl effects..just smoke
July 26th, 2012
Some days the simple things win.

Even my first picture on this 365 website:
July 26th, 2012

July 26th, 2012
I'm on a bit of a 'simplicity' binge at the moment
July 26th, 2012
Going by all the colorful shots in my project, I think I count as one of the biggest cowards with a camera around here. 8D

July 26th, 2012
As for quiet moments and simplicity I quite like this shot

but I feel braver when I post something like this that I like but really not expect anyone else to like
July 26th, 2012
had this image in my imagination at 6pm and took it close to 8pm, not exactly what i wanted but simplicity was on my mind, not exactly b&w but still pretty much a mono tone

July 26th, 2012
simplicity (but i don't know about braveness!)

July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012

July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
some of mine...

and perhaps the bravest of them all:

July 26th, 2012

July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
oh, and this one ;- )

July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
I guess I don't understand the use of the word 'brave' and 'simple'. Are you interested in seeing what people are doing with negative space, a single subject, b&w?

Everyone does their own thing here, as they should. Maybe brave to you is posting b&w but to someone else it's going out and taking portraits. It's all relative to our opinion and point in our life.

July 26th, 2012
@dmortega haha I didn't really understand the use of brave either :P Brave I would say would be full frontal nude selfie.
July 26th, 2012
@dmortega @flagged I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I think (but obviously do not know!) that Grace meant "brave" in the sense that you post a photo that you like because you like it, even though you know/suspect/think it's not going to be an eye-catching wowzer that appeals to the masses. Brave to be comfortable with something plain and simple that isn't awe inspring, just comforting to your own sensibility.
July 26th, 2012
@rockinrobyn --- Wouldn't you say that is true for most of us? Speaking of myself only, I've come to terms with not trying to get onto the popular page. Obviously, my pictures don't draw the masses. All you need to do is look at the numbers. I don't care though. I post what means the most to me. Does that mean I am brave? Hardly. I am just more comfortable and confident in my own project. I think everyone who posts are posting their own interpretations of their world for the same reasons. So, wouldn't this apply to everyone?
July 26th, 2012
@dmortega I think we're all pretty brave to be part of this project and publicly displaying daily photos instead of just trying to showcase our select favorites! :) So, I'll let Grace chime back in on her definition of brave. Maybe she really just meant photos with a "less is more" / minimalist feel, but I don't see why you need to be brave to post that type of photo. For me, my bravest photo was one that was inspired out of deep emotion that I felt as I created it, and I felt quite vulnerable sharing it.

July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012
This one I'd say is brave because it's just so boring and kind of a weird shot, but it's what I had for yesterday lol. Maybe some avid golfers will like it who knows.

July 26th, 2012
@dmortega @flagged @rockinrobyn I kinda figured there might be a bit of misunderstanding about 'brave' but thought everyone can interpret it their own way :) thanks for understanding what I meant, Robin. for me personally, a brave shot is one that might not get a lot of attention because it's not 'amaaazing' or super eye catching. just a photo that I like, and post for myself, because that's what maters. :)
July 26th, 2012

July 26th, 2012
July 26th, 2012

July 26th, 2012
I love black and white and sepia tones...I get your quest. It's very easy to get caught up in all the hub bub of editing...and honestly -- I think for some it is more of a "stretch" than for others -- exposing one's photography art. Clearly there are some very experienced and knowledgeable and talented folks here at 365. I admire their work and am trying to learn from it. I appreciate your thoughts...
July 27th, 2012
Some of mine, although all my photos tend to be vivid...

July 27th, 2012

July 27th, 2012
This has to be mine because cowardice had me taking it DOWN and then I finally got the courage to put it back on the site:

July 27th, 2012
This was the shot that came to mind when I read your description. It was quite simple but I really found the tone on tone of it appealing.
July 27th, 2012
July 27th, 2012
July 27th, 2012
@abirkill I am really drawn to the photos that you put up above, I love their simplicity and clean lines. I cant see them in your project though :(
July 27th, 2012
@monika64 Unfortunately they were all taken before I joined the project, so are only on my Flickr account. Apologies if it's bad form to post off-site links.
July 27th, 2012
@abirkill Not sure if its wrong or or not but I love them :)
July 27th, 2012
They may be a bit vibrant though these are some of the simple shots in my project

July 27th, 2012

July 27th, 2012
This was my version of simplicity in B&W :)

July 27th, 2012
I guess this would be one of my simple B&W shots, of a showpiece we have at home:

Also, just saw this one by @nadirafromkannur :
July 28th, 2012
From months ago but I really like it still.

July 28th, 2012
@kaynadog I love this pic.....I can't explain the draw...but the POV is outstanding.
July 28th, 2012
Not typically my thing, I like bright colors, but posted just cuz I loved it:

July 28th, 2012
One from early on in my project, but still love it...

July 28th, 2012
Hope this qualifies as simple
July 28th, 2012
I love simplicity in photography

here's a couple of mine:

July 28th, 2012
One of my all time favourite photo series is "Salt" by Murray Fredericks, e.g.

July 28th, 2012
I'm a big fan of less is more. Some of mine:

and perhaps my most minimal:

July 28th, 2012
July 28th, 2012
July 28th, 2012

July 28th, 2012
As a mother to two loud kids, I love peace

July 28th, 2012

July 28th, 2012
@m9f9l I just wanted to say thank you for what you wrote. I joined this project several months ago just to force myself to get out there and practice and get a picture every day. So often I struggle and worry "are people going to respond to this shot?" I find I am comparing my photos to others and realize it's like comparing a 1st grader to a university student. I am here to learn and that's what I need to remember. I have learned a great deal and hope I have the courage to complete the project. And, yes, I definitely am stretching myself.

And thank you @gracej--this is a wonderful discussion.
July 28th, 2012
I don't do B&W much... here's a few though, that I really like :)

July 28th, 2012
On the 2 July, I did the mountains in b&w since I felt this displayed them better

then on 4 July I liked the minimalism of this rose bud
July 28th, 2012
Not mine but I love the serenity - @tonydebont

and - @hehe1308
July 28th, 2012
This got no comments, and usually when that happens I think later, "well it does kind of suck.." But I like this one!
July 28th, 2012
July 28th, 2012
July 28th, 2012
July 28th, 2012
July 28th, 2012
July 28th, 2012

July 28th, 2012
@yonnie Yvonne - I started this as a 1st grader, too, but I think we've both progressed -- maybe at least to middle school? lol! In all seriousness, definitely stay with your project!
July 28th, 2012
cloud watching is a very peaceful thing (here you will find a turtle cloud:

July 29th, 2012
@rockinrobyn Thanks so much, Robyn. Appreciate the encouragement.
July 30th, 2012
@ghana1994 Thank you for the mention.You made my day:-)
July 30th, 2012
@nadirafromkannur Glad I did. I liked your pic a lot. :)
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