Show Me Your Rescue Dog(s)

August 7th, 2012
I watched a documentary tonight called 'One Nation Under Dog". It was about what happens with dogs in shelters as well as shows different people who rescue dogs from kennels and people who take in dogs from people who don't want them. Some scenes were very graphic and brought tears to my eyes.

I am very proud to say that I own a rescue dog. This is Leela. She was found on the side of the road in South Carolina and was brought up to the CT Humane Society. We adopted her at 3 months old and she will be 4yrs in October. I love her to death and she is just amazing. Always there waiting for me when i come home from work and is always near me. She loves to go places and is just a happy dog.

Please post a photo of your "Rescue Dog" and please share a story about where you got her and what age you adopted her.

Lets pray that everyone gets their pets spayed or neutered and hopefully we can control the pet population.

August 7th, 2012
I don't have dogs but I rescued 2 red rumped parakeets. I also have a cockatoo in the flock.

The Gabriel Foundation is a no kill bird shelter for exotic birds and is located just south of Denver, Colorado The situations from which they rescue birds rip my heart out.

Meet Willow, the female. The male, Aspen, I still need to post. They were rescued with 15 other red rumps from a breeder. It appears these 2 have been mates for about 7 years. They chatter to each other adoringly, he feeds her, she chases him...just like an old married couple!!

August 7th, 2012
Pearl is a 31/2 year old rescue dog. She was at the SPCA here in Wellington NZ with her sister who was homed before she was. I don't know how she came to the SPCA, whether as a puppy or she was born there. She was four months old at adoption. She's a happy loyal loving little dog.

August 7th, 2012
@jsilver She is such a beautiful dog!
August 7th, 2012
Here you go - two for the price of one. Our rescue dog Raya with one of our four rescue donks. Raya came to us nine years ago at seven weeks old after being born at the dogs' trust. We also have a rescue cat which adopted us when we lived in Singapore and a rescue parrot and six ex-battery chickens

August 7th, 2012
Millie was found on the side of the road near my house, she ran out into the road under my D-I-L car. She was around 6 weeks old when brought to my house. She is now almost a year and a sweetheart to boot.. I cannot imagine how some people can be so cruel.. I also have 5 cats and 2 other dogs.. The dogs are 2nd hand.. , and the cats are all kittens from a drop off of 4 pregnant cats on my property. I ended up with 26 cats in all, and thankfully have found homes for all except the 5 I kept. All are spayed or neutered.. and all are well loved!
August 7th, 2012

Gabby is a Pitt Bull/ Boxer cross that came to us when she was 9 weeks old. Her body weight at the time was 45% worms. She had to sleep between us that night to keep her body temp up so we could take to our vet the next morning. She a great friend.
August 7th, 2012
@jantan They look like they are smiling at each other!
August 7th, 2012
Born on December 6, 2004.
His mom, dad and all brothers and sisters were taken to our local humane society shelter shortly after the puppies were born. All were eventually adopted out. He'll be 8 this December.

August 7th, 2012
I just posted this one today. The dog closest to the water is Sam. She is 13 now and very arthritic. She loves the water and loves chasing sticks and balls but these days she pays the price if we let her. I was working as a locum (relief) vet at a clinic where she was brought in very ill with gastro. She was about 10 weeks old. The owners had gotten her on a whim and when they decided that they didn't want to pay the vet bills they asked us to euthanise her- just as she was recovering from the illness. We asked for and got permission to find her a new home instead. After a week or so a new home hadn't been found and the owner of the practice wanted her out of the clinic. I brought her home temporarily and she's still with us more than 13 years later! The whippet, Iris, is not a rescue dog but she rescued Sam from depression when we lost our old whippet last year and Sam became an only dog for the first time in her life!
August 7th, 2012
Our Elvis' pregnant mom was the rescue ... so the whole litter ended up on ... he was 18lbs at 8 weeks, the giant of the litter who apparently slept in the food dish. He is still incredibly food motivated ...

August 7th, 2012
This is Whisky. We rescued him 12 years ago as a stray dog with 15 minutes left before the put him to sleep. Who could say no to that face! He was found as a stray, which has given him a life long taste for takeaways!

August 7th, 2012
Quincy..... Been with us for 8 years. Best dog ever and my number one model....
August 7th, 2012
This was Luke. He was found in a box on the steps in front of a church when he was a few weeks old. A local pet store took him in, washed him, fed him and kept him warm for a few days. We heard about his fate and took over. He was an integral part of the family for almost 17 years until last summer. He was my shadow... what a buddy.

August 7th, 2012
And this is Alvin. My daughter brought him home one December "for my birthday" almost 9 years ago. He was the last of a litter... all had found homes except for him. He was hiding behind a potted plant when she saw him the first time and it was love at first sight. He makes me smile and laugh each and everyday and for this I am very greatful. He's a real character!

August 7th, 2012
@blackdogs You may all be interested in looking at Becca's album. I have been following her for well over a year. She does fantastic work rescuing dogs from high kill shelters and deserves more of a following.
August 7th, 2012
We have 2 rescue dogs
This is princess Sadie.We got her 6 years ago when I lost my 14 year old kelpie. Don't know much about her past, but she had some kind of injury to her tail, and it had the be amputated, so now she has a little stump that wags furiously. She can be quite aloof at times. She is a Jack Russell x Blue Heeler. Not a fan of the camera

This content young man is Moet. Have had him for 3 years. He was one of 3 pups found abandoned. He has a few issues around strangers, but as you can see is very content around us. He is supposed to be a Keplie X, but I don't see much kelpie in him. Think it is likely there is a bit of Boxer. He features a bit in my project, not at all camera shy.
August 7th, 2012
This is Bear, and Jack. Their mom was a pregnant German Shepard rescue dog. She was adopted as were her litter of 13. My best friend and I adopted the last two of the litter. They get together a couple times a week to play. They are wonderful loving and caring dogs and the best of friends.:)
August 7th, 2012
Meet Hope, our lab mix puppy that we rescued a month and a half ago. She fits in beautifully with our family and brought us a new hope:)!
August 7th, 2012
This is Pixie. She was found by my husband whilst out cycling in the local forest. She was about 6 weeks old, riddled with worms and starving! She was just about s year old when this was taken.
August 7th, 2012
@jsilver I just read all the stories up to this point.What a great post!! Thanks for starting it and thanks to all who have posted pics and stories!! But most of all...thanks to all adopters/rescuers!! Do you think the message of spay and neuter is getting out to the general public? I'm not sure. I often question why we still breed exotic birds, selling them at pet stores when there are so many who need homes...just like cats and dogs.
August 7th, 2012
This is Red. He was dumped at the local sale barn. When my husband was selling a load of cows Red jumped into the trailer and unloaded them for him. Best dog we own!

August 7th, 2012
This is Briscoe - my family named him after a Rugby League player. I got him from a sanctuary who had rescued him after he'd spent some time living on the streets. I've had him for 8 years now and he was at least 6 when I got him. He's just been diagnosed with a hear murmor and fluid on the lung - but his meds seem to be working :-)
August 7th, 2012
August 7th, 2012
August 7th, 2012
I don't have a dog but four years ago today, I rescued a turtle who had been abandoned after many years of neglect and poor keeping...

He's happy and healthy now and features in my project about once a month :)
August 7th, 2012
Rescue dogs are my life. The first two are mine and my girlfriend's pups, who are rescues, and the rest are dogs that we have fostered this year:

August 7th, 2012
What a great thread... makes me smile and so happy to know that all these beautiful critters fround loving families!
August 7th, 2012
I don't have any photos of him at hand, but my previous dog Rufo was a rescue. Someone had left him in a dumpster at about 4 weeks, and he was a tiny little ball of fur. Then he grew up to a giant, gentle dog. He had a long, happy life. RIP.
August 7th, 2012
My grand-dog Max is a rescue dog. My daughter and son-in-law just love him. They got lucky and so did he:)
August 7th, 2012

Poppy. Totally fab dog rescued from the streets
August 7th, 2012
This is such a great thread. Here is Cookie, found her behind a neighbours wall on new years day, 7 years ago, very skinny and very scared. her tail had been cut off and infected. We brought her to vet and the animal shelter asked us to hold her for a while as they were full up, and you guessed, she stole our hearts so we kept her, but then her 'owner' turned up, turned out he breeds his own so turns out he interbreeds so she has defected legs, but anyway he wanted money for her as he had a 'buyer' so had to pay him to go away, and he did......
August 7th, 2012
@amyamoeba I have to say, every animal here is so, so so cute, but this face............................................ what can I say.
August 7th, 2012
@jtrudell @carolinedreams @jantan @cheribug @revjoel @webfoot @beachradish @beachradish @amyamoeba @brianl @aspada @aspada @lissamc @onie @pammerritt @amandalomonaco @salza @copperheadglass @plainjaneandnononsense @kmrtn6 @roachling @bradleynovak @paulaag @fueast @cookie123

Thank you everyone for the posts. i loved seeing every photo. Hopefully more and more dogs will be rescued and there will be less reason for putting down dogs.
August 8th, 2012
@bradleynovak You have caught these dog smiles beautifully. Your photos of your dogs are gorgeous.
August 8th, 2012
Both of these are rescues. And I'm going to die of cuteness any day now.

August 8th, 2012
This is Annie. She was found caged in a shed and rescued from a severe hoarding situation - I adopted her 2 years ago.

Though she had worn down all of her teeth, she's now healthy, happy, and my favorite sidekick.
August 8th, 2012
Here's our rescue cat, Patrick. We adopted him on St. Patrick's Day! And my daughter and her husband adopted their dog, Zeus, about a month ago.

August 8th, 2012
Two of these guys were dropped off on the side of the road as puppies. They were thrown out and I was lucky enough to find them. Someone's garbage became my treasures. The third was bought at the grocery store on a very cold winter night. We bought him for $10.00 just to get him and the young man out of the weather. This is the best purchase I have ever made. Two have since passed away after a long and happy life with me. The third is still going strong.
August 8th, 2012
I don't have a dog but this is Millie, one of our rabbits. She was kept in a cage too small for her to turn around , now she lives in her own shed with her best buddy Mia who was also rescued. it has a catflap in the wall so that they can get access to their own garden during the day and they are pretty much free range.

August 8th, 2012
I don't have a rescue dog... but I do have a rescue kitty and turtle...

I got my kitty from the humane society... she has been with me ever since and never leaves my side...

I saved my turtle from the side of the road... there were two baby turtles but unfortunately one of them died...

Now 11 years later here are my babies...


August 9th, 2012
Panda: The day we saw him, we adopted him. He's out of the cone now. We've had him for 2 years.
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