Organizing Your Best

September 18th, 2012
Phil posted a screen shot of the Popular Page recently and it reminded me of a discussion on here that happened quite some time ago, centering on how you label your PP, T5 or T20 shots!

I label mine because I want to be able to pull up my PP and other shots for a year-end project.

When I discover one of my photos have miraculously made the PP, I shuffle through the PP until I get my photo to rotate into a big square, then take a screen capture. I then save that capture to my photobucket account (could be flickr or anywhere else for that matter).

Then, I edit my photo to include a shortcut to the screen capture, and add the tag "aa-pp-ftw" (or "aa-t20-ftw") so I can locate it easily when I need to.

If you would like to browse my PP photos and see if maybe I captured one of your PP photos as well (they go back to Feb 2012), and you would like to copy the screen capture for your own records, please do so!

I started my 365 project in January 2012, here is my first ever PP! I will post a link to my other ones in the first comment!

September 18th, 2012
Here are the rest of my PP photos with attached screen caps, hopefully you will discover I have inadvertently captured one of yours as well!

September 18th, 2012
Awesome ideas Aaron! If I ever make it into any of those categories, I'll be sure and do this :-P
September 18th, 2012
Great idea Aaron! I just made the PP for the very first time and did a screen shot, I like the thought of adding a tag, even though it will be lonely right now all by its lonesome :D :D

Your idea has been officially stolen :D

September 18th, 2012
Perhaps a silly question but how do you identify your pp shots? I don't see anything in stats. I quit tracking.
September 18th, 2012
I have an even silly question. What does pp stand for and for that matter T5 and T20?
September 18th, 2012
Wow what a fantastic collection!!!
September 18th, 2012
I take a screen shot of the PP with my shot in one of the big squares, too! I also tag them popular-page but I click on that tag through my own stats page, so it only shows mine with that tag. Never had a top 20, so no special tags for that! My goal one day :)
September 18th, 2012
I also have a silly question...why don't you just go back to the original photo and tag it "PP" ? I did that for a while but then forgot. I would take a screen shot of mine, then save in a pp folder on my I could save some of my favorites. But into this busy second year, I think I forgot to do that. Uh oh. Managing all the photos is a full time job! I also have a "my favorites" folder where I it a copy of the pics I loved but others did not! Lol
September 18th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Forgot to tag the doing it now. And yo just started this in Jan? Did not realize that!
September 18th, 2012
@richardsretirement Took me a while...popular page ....
September 18th, 2012
@brianl I couldn't find anything that identifies your shot as being on the Popular Page, so that's why I started tagging mine with "aa-pp-ftw" so I would be able to locate all of my own that made it.

@richardsretirement PP is Popular Page, which can be accessed by selecting "Brows" at the top of this page. T20 is Top 20, which comes out every week, and T5 is Top 5 for any photos that make the top five in a challenge.

@leananiemand Thanks!

@espyetta I go back to the original photo and tag it with "aa-pp-ftw" instead of "pp" because when I click on the tag "pp" I get EVERYONE that has tagged their photos; I needed a way to find just my own. And yes, January (actually mid-Jan and I back-filled); haven't been at this all that long! :)
September 18th, 2012
@grizzlysghost I tag mine pp, cass-pp and ozziehoffy-pp ... I haven't done top 5... but will have to work out which have been there... just 2 I think. No top 20's for me!!!
September 18th, 2012
yeah I screen shot when I see mine on there with my picture being the biggest and save it to remember
September 18th, 2012
@brianl Hi there! You don't get any notification that you're on the PP, sometimes if you start getting comments or favs from folk you don't know it's a clue that one of your shots is out there somewhere, and sometimes followers spot you there and let you know. I did the latter for a friend but she missed her shot on the PP so I posted the screen shot for her - lucky I had spotted it, and lots of my other friends on there too.
September 18th, 2012
I've been doing as you, with a screen shot, but I haven't had that many so there's no danger of them getting lost ;-)
September 18th, 2012
Nowadays I take a screen shot of the PP with the picture in the large square too, and then I store it in a folder in PSE Organiser. I only started doing that a few months ago tho so I have no record of the pics that made it in my early months, really wish I had thought to do it earlier.
September 18th, 2012
@grizzlysghost @espyetta @ozziehoffy There is a way to find just a single user's pp shots if that person has already used the pp tag. Use this URL:

Just replace username-goes-here with someone's username. For instance:

That brings up all of Aaron's shots tagged pp. You can customize the tag part too, to look at all of a single member's shots with that particular tag. 8)
September 18th, 2012
Never thought of tagging the T5"s..I've had 2 of those...easy to rememmber. Well one was actually a T3 as there were only 3 entries...don't still got votes!! I always take a screen shot if I manange the PP, and just save it in that months folder on my laptop
September 18th, 2012
@myautofocuslife @onie @ozziehoffy @grizzlysghost I have never thought of tagging pp. I stopped taking screenshots after I had four on pp at the same time.
September 18th, 2012
@peterdegraaff Four hey... go you!!! I've done a trifecta not too long ago. I still tag and screen shot.... it's nice to have that boost when I feel I'm in a slump.
September 18th, 2012
@myautofocuslife Oh thanks!!!
September 18th, 2012
I don't do a screen shot but I do tag with psycho-pop whenever I'm lucky enough to get onto the PP. I've only done it this year though. I also tag psycho-top20 :o)
September 18th, 2012
@psychographer oh i love psycho pop because it is
September 18th, 2012
If I had 4 at the same time I would be e-mailing the screen shot to everyone in my contacts list!!! I've had two........
You have had a few T20's as well!
September 18th, 2012
I was doing a series of photos with Sophie in them last summer and ended up with 3 on the pop page at once and yeah, I took a screen shot. :-) I think that Sophie was even happier about it than I was.
September 18th, 2012
@grizzlysghost LOL I haven't had enough on the PP to forget which ones made it and I've never had a T20 or anything like that so I don't think I'll need to worry about it much. :)
September 18th, 2012
When one of my pictures made it to the PP (never got to T20!) I went back and tagged it on 365 as PP. Under You/your stats there is a most used tags section and under PP that pulls up ONLY my pictures that are tagged PP. I have an ace account and that might be why this works so well for me.
September 18th, 2012
@grizzlysghos: Great Idea Aaron!! I love the idea that we could now see the most popular shots of some of us!! :)

@myautofocuslife: Thank you Livia for the information with the link and tag! :)

Well, I have no shot on PP, but I love the idea to be abble to see now the PP shots of the others... :D
September 18th, 2012
Hehe I am glad I'm not the only one who does this ;)

My PP shots are

T20 are

and T5 are
September 19th, 2012
@brianl @grizzlysghost Thanks for the explanation.
September 19th, 2012
How many comments or faves does it take to get on the PP? Most faves Ive had is like 1, and comments maybe 6. Though I see a few with way more views than I have followers...could be from a thread though.
September 19th, 2012
@kimdelee How a shot gets on the PP has been a constant mystery to most of us here on 365. I have seen plenty on there with 3 faves and a half dozen comments, but it is also based on how many people are following you (I think). I have also seen photos with over 20 faves and dozens of comments not make the PP.
September 19th, 2012
Having it even partially based on followers makes it seem like a popularity contest. Though I guess I can understand it's all about numbers and liking someone enough to follow them. @grizzlysghost
Fingers crossed I make it someday!
September 19th, 2012
@kimdelee Actually Kimmie Sue, the more followers you have, I think the more difficult it is to make the PP. If you have 10 followers and 5 faves, that might factor to 50%, but if you have 100 followers and 5 faves, you only have 5%. I'm not entirely sure, but I think something like that is also factored into the equation to keep it more fair. My fingers are crossed for you too! :)
September 20th, 2012
I do think it's something that the site should do - you should get a notification when your picture gets onto the PP - especially as some of them seem to be there for such a short time. One of mine was on overnight but gone by the morning, I only know because one person had mentioned it on a comment. I don't think I'll ever make top anything though!!
September 20th, 2012
I mark the days the shot is on the PP (Ex. 9/20,21,23PP) I put that in the blurb about the shot. I've never thought about taking a shot of the PP page with my shots on it. Hmmm might have to go that route. I also have a tag I put on them all so I can pull it up whenever i want and see which shots I want to print out for cards, or presents to people. It is very mice to have them all together to look at too and try to figure out why some of the weird ones got up. LOL
September 21st, 2012
Great ideas here! I've never thought of taking a screen shot - but then I've only managed to get on PP once, and very briefly that was. Thanks for the tips, Aaron.
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