Is it uncouth? Fav Etiquette

October 13th, 2012
Sometimes I think I Fav a photo, but it doesn't process and unless the photographer tells me, I don't notice usually. I appreciate when it is called to my attention because I want to bookmark the photo and because I want to support visibility for the photographer. In turn, I usually call it to others' attention when it happens to their favs on my photos, but I feel awkward about doing it. What is the consensus on accidental non-Fav etiquette? Speak up or not? Talk amongst yourselves. :)
October 13th, 2012
@rockinrobyn I agree with letting the people know... I have once or twice had the same thing happen to me... and I am really grateful if it's brought to my attention!!! But I do also have the same awkward feeling about letting others know!
October 13th, 2012
I've yet to speak up when the comment says FAV but it doesn't show up as a FAV in the stats.

However, I would like it if someone told me I had said FAV and didn't as I would want it in my bucket of FAV's.

Like you I feel awkward like I'm asking them to FAV so I can see my photo on PP.

Hopefully, someone will have their standard reply for this, so I can just copy and paste it next time.

October 13th, 2012
I've had that quite a few times but have only pointed it out to people that I talk to often. I feel like a turd doing it to people I don't really have a 'relationship' with.
October 13th, 2012
Haha, I have been called out a couple of times, but not because I forget, it just hasn't processed yet. I usually comment, before I fave, but I always fave when I say I do! I never call people out on my own photos though, I just count my blessings they even commented; the fave is a bonus! :)
October 13th, 2012
@rockinrobyn I think it is totally fine to say something! I just fav'd your shot and forgot to hit the fav button! I would want someone to bring it to my attention for the exact reasons you listed!! I get easily distracted (especially if my kids are around) and sometimes forget to actually click on the fav button!
October 13th, 2012
@grizzlysghost there is that fear you're potentially turning off someone who had the kind decency to stop and comment, I agree.
October 13th, 2012
This just happened to me. I thanked him and didn't mention that he forgot or it didn't register. While I'd love to someday make the pp, it's the thought that really counts
October 13th, 2012
I feel the same! I would much rather it was pointed out to me & on occasions with people i know well as of today i have done, But feel so awkward in doing so!.....Its easily done to say Fav....But then forget to press the magic F button!....Urgh : /
October 13th, 2012
I just had this come up and felt like I was asking for attention when I brought it forward for attention. BUT.....I would want someone to bring it to my attention if I forgot! It's a conundrum!
October 13th, 2012
@swguevin when Cromwell did it, I called him a turkey and directed him to the Fav button, lol. Not a good standard response. But, it does match comments here that it feels easier to bring it up if you have an existing (virtual) relationship with the person.
October 13th, 2012
I feel like a complete fool. I don't know what you all are talking about. I know what FAV is...I have some FAVs saved on my 365 site and others have told me they FAV one of my photos. What else is there?
October 13th, 2012
I have noticed this for a number of times, but i've never told this.... In my turn, when i fav, i then always go to my favs and check it, just to be sure it is there, and secondly to see how delightful it looks there)))))))
October 13th, 2012
Well I don't think any of mine have been Fav'd. So I don't know. LOL I don't usually tell people when I make one of theirs a Fav, I never thought about it before. There are some photos that I really like, but not enough to Fav them.
October 13th, 2012
Robyn (and everyone else reading this), you can tell me, if I forget to push the button, as I really want to see my favs saved for me to enjoy them later. I also love the thread of the fav fav, and it's great to see the weeks bounty to choose from!
And it might be even more important to me to get reminded by those, whom I don't follow, as it is more likely I won't find the photo afterwards... I agree though, it feesl awkward to remind someone.
October 13th, 2012
I don't have ace membership and periodically, after typing a wordy rave on a photo, and intending to fave it, I hit post and the page attempting to sell the ace membership pops up and I think my whole post goes to oblivion. It is annoying enuf I ofyen don't attempt to re
October 13th, 2012
October 13th, 2012
Which is not exactly on subject, but: always tell me, always tell anyone, can't imagine how anyone on planet earth coild be offended by that!
October 13th, 2012
Glad You brought this up Robyn ... I would like to expand on this a bit ... What if Someone Faves and does not comment ? I stay a bit behind ... But Always try and catch up ... I am just Grateful to get a comment as well ... That someone took the time to look ... But to get a Fav ... Is for Me a Recognition and Compliment I don't want to ignore ... But how do you do this ? If someone says Fav ... I am good with that ... Button or not ... The ( Virtual ) ... Relationship ... ( really like that Description btw ) ... should steer ya in the right direction ... Personally I want ta know if it does not come up ... Peace to You Robyn ...
October 13th, 2012
It does bug me when the comment says fav in it and this isn't reflected in the fav count. Whilst it is very hypocritical of me I expect and want people to tell me if I say fav and don't follow through but when I fav it's usually an instant gut reaction and then a comment after having pressed the button so, fingers crossed, I'm not too guilty of this. Sometimes I fav and then forget to comment. However it happens quite often on my photos that people say fav and don't do it but I have never called people out on it.
October 13th, 2012
@lonewolfman sometimes when I view from my phone I Fav without commenting because I hate to type from my phone. I usually try to go back and comment later, but it doesn't always happen. I certainly don't mind interaction after I Fav, comment or not ... Maybe other people purposely do it to fly under the social radar, but I suspect it is more of a convenience issue. Good question!
October 13th, 2012
@jrphotoartkc you're not a fool! If you have an Ace membership, you can look in your statistics and see who has faved a photo. So, if someone types Fav in the comment, but their name isn't on the statistics page,you know the actual Fav didn't happen. Either the Fav button wasn't pushed or the internet connection or something timed out before it was accepted and the person moves on to the next photo. Does that make more sense?
October 13th, 2012
@dauber I hate it when I accidentally hit the ace membership button, too!
October 13th, 2012
Sometimes I can't think of anything particularly clever or interesting to say, but I really like a picture, so I fav and run! I do think there should be a facebook style "like" button, so I can show appreciation without words, without clogging up my favourites, which i reserve for pictures I would want to put on my wall, or which caused a strong reaction in me. Funny how we all interpret things differently! (And special thanks to the people I follow who put up with my bland comments!!)
October 13th, 2012
I would never tell someone that they didn't hit "fav" if they said that a photo of mine was a fav. I am happy to get a comment. And sometimes people are in a hurry and forget. That's life.
October 13th, 2012
@shweetheart I agree there should be a 'like' button. LOL I sometimes don't know what to say besides nice photo and that to me seems lame. LOL I don't want to have to critique every photo or say why I like them, but some people have said they don't like just hearing "nice photo" without the added WHY, so I tend to just not comment on too many photos because of that.
October 13th, 2012
I think it would partly depend on how you presented it. I don't think it would be uncouth to say "thank you for the fav!! I wasn't sure if you wanted to mark it for yourself or just show your support. In case you wanted to mark it for future reference I thought I'd let you know that it didn't show up in my stats as marked. But thanks again SO much!" :-) Where it would be uncouth to say "hey dufus, you said fav, but didn't actually do it." Unless of course you're talking to Cromwell :-P
October 13th, 2012
I used to reply comment saying "thank you for the fav" and figure that would prompt their memory of faving it and if they don't double check I always chalked it up as it was never meant to be :)
October 13th, 2012
@m9f9l hee hee. Yes, Cromwell is an exception. :)
October 13th, 2012
Does it really matter in the end? Sometimes I wonder whether to say fav or not. Sometimes I fav a photo but say nothing, or just make the comment after faving. Today I saw a most wonderful photo of a tree and distant forest, a moment a mother could treasure. Is it good form, or uncouth to tease just a little? When one has a fav
October 13th, 2012
@swguevin My thoughts, word-for-word, as well.
October 14th, 2012
I would not mind in the least if I said I was fav-ing one and then forgot and someone came back to say "hey..did you forget to fav it?"
October 14th, 2012
I've let it slide in the past. It bugged me, but I didn't want to be a fav horder. It's a fine line. I saw what you wrote to Cromwell and it was totally fine, but I've seen it on others come across as tacky.
October 14th, 2012
I am sure that i must have done this a time or two i fav alot! And i know it has been done to me ( The forgotten click on the fav button) So please feel free to come back to me and let me know...My feelings dont get hurt that easily!! :) ..i am glad you have brought this up , its nice to read everyone's thoughts on this subject! I have had people very nicley , let me know that i forgot to fav and i have already forgot who they are!! LOL!
October 14th, 2012
it happened to me just recently actually, I just let it go. I am pleased to get the comment and say they FAV me it is not about the numbers...but that said I appreciate ever single comment and FAV.
It is very easy to miss the FAV button, especially when you fav after a comment (I do)...I have probably done it myself and have no problem if someone calls me out on it. :)
October 14th, 2012
@peterdegraaff you make me smile. Time and time again. It is, of course, nothing but trivial ponderings. It is not as if any of us can fuel our cars or pay our mortgage if we make it to pp. :) The thought of a photo that connects and inspires is a rush, though. Whether it is through comment or Fav, it doesn't matter. Your comments rock my world sometimes!
October 14th, 2012
here's how I look at it... I FAV for me. If I click FAV on one of your photos, its because I have connected to it in some way or appreciate its aesthetics enough that I want to be able to view it again without going on a search for it. If its in my FAVS pages, I can find it easily.... so if I ever say I fav'd one of your photos and forgot to scroll back up and click the FAV button PLEASE let me know!!!!
October 14th, 2012
@rockinrobyn Made me smile and my heart glow
October 14th, 2012
@rockinrobyn I have said it to people I know particularly well on here (only has happened a couple of times anyway)... ya know... like EVERYONE seems to know Crom lol.. and seems we'd all say it the same way.... if it's someone I don't know, I wouldn't lol. Although, I do think it's cool that people comment at all, so that's nice and the fav is
icing :)

@jsw0109 True, true...

October 14th, 2012
I don't think I would ever chase someone to click on the fave button unless they absolutely raved over it in the comments and I 'knew' them. I sometimes get photos faved from folk who don't leave a comment which I find a little odd but then being a chatty soul I enjoy the communication and opinions more than the stats...
October 14th, 2012
@jsw0109 @ozziehoffy I'm with you guys on this one. I have mentioned to a couple of people in the last week that they have faved me and it hasn't come through. They were very happy to oblige, as I would be too.
October 14th, 2012
Agree with Jeff for the same reasons - I would definitely want to know! I love to go back to my Favs for enjoyment and inspiration!
October 14th, 2012
@ozziehoffy @rockinrobyn -- I don't give out FAV's like Halloween candy, so when I do give one out I mean it and certainly would want to know if it didn't register. I'm glad Robyn did nudge me on that. Now Cass and I have a completely different understanding. If I FAV one of her shots and forget to click FAV she just lets it slide knowing I must have been pretty drunk to FAV one of hers in the first place.
October 14th, 2012
Interesting thread. It has happened to me a few times and I didn't say never occurred to me until now that it was an recurring issue. Yes. Definitely let me know if I say fav and don't.
October 14th, 2012
@monkeykid @swguevin @shutterbugger @grizzlysghost @gark @seanoneill @filsie65 @ozziehoffy @peterdegraaff @jsw0109 @mummarazzii @ellimae @amandalomonaco @cmc1200 @espyetta @loztsoul @m9f9l @sarie @karenann @shweetheart @hasselhotch @dauber @lonewolfman @sassik @nyusha @ebdubay @btorrey @jrphotoartkc @lynnb @cromwell @edie

Thanks for your input on the discussion, everyone. If this were Family Fued, the survey would SAY: .... (1) accidental non-fav's probably happen to all of us, both giving and receiving; (2) most people affirmatively want to be told if they're fav didn't take because they want to save the picture for future reference; (3) despite the foregoing, most people don't want to tell the person about their missed fav's because they fear they would come off sounding like a shallow fav monger; and (4) it's the feel good of the comment and thought that counts, not statistics.
October 14th, 2012
@rockinrobyn agreed, and now that (2) has come to light we all need to get over (3) ;-)
October 14th, 2012
@jsw0109 Yes, that was my conclusion, too. :)
October 14th, 2012
@jsw0109 i totally agree, Jeff!
October 14th, 2012
October 15th, 2012
@rockinrobyn lol @ Family Feud! We don't have that show any more *sniffs*
October 15th, 2012
@ozziehoffy Good answer! Good answer!! :-)
October 15th, 2012
It has happened to me and I usually do not say anything. I did point it out to someone once but never got a response and I felt awful after I mentioned it to them so I decided I wouldn't do it again.

If I forget to fav a shot that I said I faved, I wouldn't mind at all if it was pointed out to me.

Oh and at @rockinrobyn Your points do sum it up well.
October 15th, 2012
@cromwell... bloody comedian :P
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