Hello Newbies!

December 30th, 2012
It's that time of year again when we get a lot of new people to this site. It's common for people to want to introduce themselves in their own thread but I thought it'd be a bit less cluttered if we could all do it here, instead :)

So... tell us a bit about yourself!

I'll go first :p I'm Naomi, entering year 4 of the 365 project. I'm 18 years old and from the UK. I spend my life working in a toy shop, scouting, looking after under 5's, running Team V for Leeds, setting up Escape The Frame and working with Leeds Involving People&NHS. I love fluffy socks and hate mushrooms :)

Your turn!

Oh, and here are some posts that you might find useful :)

Happy snapping everyone! :)
December 30th, 2012
Hi There!

I'm a returning user who enjoyed 365 in 2011 but then suffered from photo-fatigue for a year. Now I'm back and ready for my second 365 project. I am looking forward to learning more about photography and creating interesting shots - I welcome critique and ideas and am interested in the "planned 4 january" themes and tags.
December 30th, 2012
@naomi you are going to have to post this multiple times because it kept getting bumped last year for the "hi, I am new posts"
December 30th, 2012
I am very new here. I have always been interested in photography and never had the time to invest in it. I still don't have the time, so I'm creating it :) I just received a DSLR for Christmas and have been having a blast working with it. I'm interested in taking courses and workshops-- but I figure until I can do that, this will keep me practicing. I find this site very inspiring-- I love looking through everyone's photos and I always welcome critique and ideas, as well.

Other than photos, I'm working on two Master's degrees, I teach yoga, play drums, and love hanging out with my bulldog, Chuck.
December 30th, 2012

I'm Luka. I just started my project last week. I'm a 24 year old bio-science engineering student from Ghent, Belgium.

I also started a project in 2011, but also quit because of photo-fatigue and not enough spare time. I hope that this time I will be able to finish it!.

December 30th, 2012

I am fairly new here and slowly starting to get into the swing of things.

I live in New Caledonia which is an island in the Pacific near to Australia and New Zealand. It is French speaking and Nouméa, where I live, feels like a French city/town rather than being in the Pacific. I have lived here for three years and have three years to go. I don't speak French but my two young children are bilingual. I work in a local school teaching English to three to six year olds.

My plan is to take photos of the things I have seen everyday for the last three years and just never stopped to so. I would like to have a record of my time in NewCal and hopefully show others who might be thinking of moving here what there is on this island.

I also hope to push my brain and creative side and work more in manual mode when taking photos rather than use auto all the time.

Happy New Year to everyone and I hope 2013 is a good year.

December 30th, 2012
@phillyphotos Well hopefully we'll have enough people write on here that it'll keep returning to the top and will become a popular discussion :)
December 30th, 2012
I'm new today, but have been following some posts for a few weeks, which inspired me to start , mainly to record the changing seasons and beautiful scenery in my new home of the Minervois in France. I moved here from England with my husband earlier in the year , we have just had our first Christmas in the house we are renovating.
I am a complete beginner when it comes to photography but I would like to learn more through the project.
Happy new year everyone.
December 30th, 2012
Hi, I'm Bulldog and about to go into my second year.
Like others I have found year one a challenge but having started taking part in the monthly themes, I have got through and found them full of inspiration.
If you would like to join in, here are Jans words: http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/15440/planned-4-jan
December 30th, 2012
Hi. I just joined today. Heard about this from another photography site. I am an advanced beginner. I've been taking photos since 2009 and I have been participating in a photo-a-day blog for 4 years. The current year for that blog ends in February and I am not sure if I'm going to do another year as it's become rather inactive. I don't have a natural photographer's eye but that doesn't stop me from trying to improve. I thought this would be a good place to learn and share, develop my photography skills and be inspired.
December 31st, 2012
Welcome to all new 365ers! I am six months into my first year and loving every minute!
December 31st, 2012

I am Cathy and this is going to be my second go at the 365 project. I made it through seven months in 2011 but my husband's ill health tended to stop my project and free time in its tracks. I am determined that I am going to make it through all of 2013 this time! Expect lots of photos of native Australian animals (we are wildlife rehabilitators) but I am also determined to extend myself and improve my photography skills.
December 31st, 2012
Hi All. I came across a link to this site last week, and think I'll give it a shot. I'm mid 40's, I did a lot of photography in my late teens using an old Pentax K1000 & processing my own film/printing. I picked up a Sony Nex-5n about a year ago, and found with the smaller camera I'm more inclined to have it with me. Not sure I can get through a month, let alone a year, but I'd like to try.
January 1st, 2013
Hi, this is my first time doing the project... Im very excited to be here... The site is great...
So a little bit about me.... Im a 36 year old, happily married mother of four.. My husband was just transfered to Coffs Harbour, NSW for work.. Im hoping this project will help me 'get out there' and explore my new surroundings and hopefully i might even make some new friends... My other hobbies inclue cupcake decorating {im sure ill have oodles of pics} and i love creating with my cricut machine...
January 1st, 2013
Hi Folks.

I'm in my mid 50's and have been taking photos on and off for years. Used to take slides and B&W prints, but I've been digital for over 10 years now. Since photographing a wedding last summer I've been taking more shots, so decided to treat myself to a new DSLR for Christmas.

The challenge of taking an image a day is just what I need - and what it difficult to fit in with work, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

Best wishes for the New Year
January 1st, 2013
Hi .. first time 365 project-eer... i'm hoping that I can stick with this for the entire year. A photo a day is going to be big challenge.. like today, day one.. hungover and not really in the mood to take photos, but I couldn't fail on day one. haha. Anyways, here's the boring stuff.. 20-something from Melbourne (Australia), married, and cat lover.

In terms of photography, i've been playing around with it for a couple of years but never really got stuck into it. I'm hoping that this project will keep my focused. I love astract photography.. the use of lines, symmetry and all the jazz.

I'm looking forward to getting stuck into this project!
January 1st, 2013
Hi I am new to 365 and was wondering if there is anyone here that is from from qld aus??
January 1st, 2013
Another newbie here!
I'm Jo, from the UK originally now living and working in Northern Finland under the Northern Lights and, currently, about 3 feet of snow!
I'm a teacher most of the time, a photographer/writer/baker whenever I can as well as being Mum to Evie (2 and half) and Rosie (5 weeks!) and a wife. :o)
Been wanting to do one of these forever and now, I have the inspiration to do so...want to know what that inspiration is? Check out my first photo!
Looking forward to seeing what the year holds!
Happy 2013 everyone!
January 1st, 2013
Hi all! :-)
January 1st, 2013
Welcome everyone!
January 1st, 2013
My name is Camilla, I'm 19 and live in Norway. I've been into photography since 2007, but this is my first time trying the 365 project. I've been thinking about trying it earlier, but never really got around to starting it until I found this site.

Now I'm just hoping I'll be able to keep at it the whole year!
January 1st, 2013
Hello, yet another newbie!

I'm soup, 19, and I live in London. I've never really been comfortable with leaving the intelligent auto on a camera, but I learned a little last year and I'm beginning to get it now. I've started a 365 last year that lasted until January 4th. Hopefully I'll do a little better this year!
January 1st, 2013
Hi everyone, a definite noob here who ordered camera online, had delivered to office 12/31 and stayed up most of the night being overwhelmed by the manual! But first picture up so there's that.
Am looking forward to the challenge and inspiration of this community and Happy New Year!
January 1st, 2013
I'm Louise and I've just finished my first 365 project. - 366 photos for 2012 and not one filler! I can't believe I actually managed to take a photo every day, even though some of them were rubbish!

I was unsure about carrying on but I think I'm going to keep going into 2013 as well as I have the most beautiful landscapes on my doorstep and have enjoyed how the 365 project has made me get out to take photos when I wouldn't have bothered otherwise. I'd like to see an improvement in both quality and subject matter in my 2013 shots but we'll have to see how that goes!
January 1st, 2013
Welcome everyone! you've found a most wonderful community... i have just finished my first year and i have learned so much from all the talented, knowledgeable and fun people on this site... I am sure you're going to love it here :)
January 1st, 2013
Just started today and still unsure what to expect..Would love to get some tips and ideas from you all. Please do follow...
January 1st, 2013
Welcome- My second year will be up in April . I can't imagine not being a part of 365. So many people to learn from and be inspired by. Join in contests, challenges and have fun.
January 1st, 2013
Hi... I'm Gill - early 40s (and will be until I am 49 1/2!!) and have been doing this for almost a month... finding it both inspirational and really frustrating because have so much to learn... but this is - I hope - a really great way to improve! Bought an Eos 450d a few years ago because a colleague of mine took such amazing photographs and I hoped to be able to do the same... managing to get onto manual now, but photos not exactly breathtaking yet! Happy New Year to you all!
January 1st, 2013
Hello! I am new here, just started today. I was going to do this last year but never quite got here so I am hoping to do better this year. A photo a day sounds a fab idea so here we go. I will be using the camera on my samsung phone to take snaps of people, things and places. I'm not a photographer, just a Mum doing this for fun.
January 1st, 2013
Hello, I'm Kaela.
I was brought into 365 Project by Elsie Larson (A Beautiful Mess) and thought it would be a really cool way to focus on my photography in a new way.
I would love constructive criticism on my photographs and just overall input.
I look forward to seeing everyone's photos and becoming a part of this community. (:
January 1st, 2013
Hello, I have just started my first 365 project today! I love taking photographs, but "life" always seems to get in the way and my camera has been way too neglected of late!!! Hoping this challenge really will inspire me to take a photograph EVERY day!
I enjoy taking photographs of nature, birds, my dog and any other quirky things that catch my eye!
Really looking forward to seeing other peoples' work as well.
January 1st, 2013
Hello everybody :) How you can see I'm new here. I'm Bulgarian living and studying in Scotland. Love traveling and meeting new people so I hope and I'm sure that here I'll find lots of interesting people.
My shots, just like my English, are not perfect but I hope in the and of the project they will be better. I'm looking forward to be part of this community.
Sorry if I have lots of mistakes, but how I said my English is not fluent enough :)
January 1st, 2013
Hi There,

Just read about doing a 365 project, and thought I would give it a try, and found a link to this site, and decided I would post here and hopefully will manager to achieve my target.

Also looking to try and do some special themed shoots through the year with having at the end a total of 2013 photos.

Let hope it all goes to plan, just started to day and uploaded my first photo, our village social centre at night, (as it was nice and close for my first photo of the project)

Happy shooting all.
January 1st, 2013
Hello everyone,
I've decided to give this a go aswell. I am hoping it will make me take more photos. I'm a real novice but would like to get better and hopefully this will push me to do it. Fingers crossed i can last 365 days!
I'm from Scotland and would like to take more photos of the countryside but also just to record my year in pictures.
Good luck to everyone else who has started this year
January 1st, 2013
Hi! I'm also new here. :)

I did a 365 project in 2011, but took a break in 2012. I decided to join this community this year to hopefully learn how to do better work. I only really take photos of things I like. It's never been flawless, but I hopefully learn technique. Also, this project is a way for me to focus on one good thing each day.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's work and sharing mine. :)
January 1st, 2013
Hi, another one there !

I'm Cali, began the 365 project today. I'm 32, from France (so excuse about my poor English)

I'm happy to be a part of this community, and would like improve my technic.
January 1st, 2013
Hi everyone - I'm a newbie for sure. No real camera experience but looking forward to enjoying getting out there and just taking some shots. Hoping that throughout the year I stick with it and learn a little something too along the way. Want to be motivated to get out and "see my world" a little more every day.
January 1st, 2013
Hi! I'm starting my first project today. It'll just be photos of what I do and where I am in my daily life for now.
January 1st, 2013
Welcome everyone!! You will love this site. If you want to improve your photography skills and have fun this is a perfect place to do so. Also, there are many very fun challenges to help motivate you to learn new skills or think of ideas & topics to photograph that you may not have thought of on your own. Some of them include:

Get-Pushed - this is where each week you are randomly paired with someone who will look through your photos and give you your very own personal challenge to complete that week. Also you are responsible for challenging your partner as well - tons of fun!!!

Camera Settings Challenge - If you want to learn the camera settings this is a great way to do so. Some are very basic others are a bit harder. If you don't understand how to do the challenge you ask or if you want feedback. It was started for those interested in learning how to use the DSLR camera

Tag challenge - you randomly (blindly) select 2 separate tag words and you take a photo during the challenge period that incorporates those 2 tag words. Lots of fun and good way to be creative

Artist Challenge - a specific artist or photographer is selected and you copy his/her style or photo. - Lots of fun and really helps develop your skills

Street Photography Challenges - Helps you get out of your shell and learn how to take candid photos in a creative way.

Monthly word challenges - the word for each day is selected and you take a photo using that word. I've never done this but I see a lot of people on 365 really enjoy it and helps keep you going with ideas to stay committed to the 365 project
January 1st, 2013
Hi all! I tried 365 projects here back in 2009 and 2010, but only made it about halfway through both times. I got a brand new T3i for Christmas, so I figured now would be a great opportunity to try again.

I'm Ashley! I'm a 36 year-old wife and mother in Pittsburgh. Besides wifing and mothering, I read, write and run. I look forward to getting to know you all, and following your projects!
January 1st, 2013
I got my DSLR about 18 months ago, and I have taken some nice pictures, but also a many blah pictures, and some really bad pictures. I want to become more consistent, so I am setting myself the goal of planning each photo. Some will be blah (my first is not wildly exciting), but I hope to learn something every day.

Any and all criticism welcomed. Please don't tie yourself in knots trying to make the words nice; I will assume everything is well intentioned. And if you ever feel offended by any criticism I give, just imagine me saying it with a smile.

Looking forward to taking this journey with you all!
January 1st, 2013
I'm 55 and work as a head gardener on a large private estate in a beautiful part of West Sussex, UK. Hobbies include walking both in the country and exploring towns and cities especially London, vegetable growing, photography and recently keeping chickens. I liked the idea of recording a year in my life with no theme other than each image will either be my favourite of the day or mean something special to me.
January 2nd, 2013
Hello :) Katherine, 20, Norfolk. Studying maths in Sheffield (Uni of ;) ). This is my second go round on 365, I took part in 2011 initially and this time I'm documenting my 21st year. Shooting with a Canon 500D.
January 3rd, 2013
Hello everyone! I'm returning for another project, finished my first in 2011. I shoot with a Canon 60D (daydreaming about the 5D Mark III). Criticism is always welcome since I want to continue to grow. I'm an introvert so the commenting bit is hard for me but I do look at everything posted by those I follow. Went Ace this time, too, so I can join in on themes and challenges in a separate album (not sure what to do with the third). I'm also being joined by a friend this time around, @mom2kamoaa so I have a photo walk partner :)

@myhrhelper Thanks for listing the challenges!

Happy snapping everyone!
January 3rd, 2013
@myhrhelper I plagarized from your suggestions, heavily, for the getting started guide....hope you don't mind!
January 3rd, 2013
Hi all, I'm just two weeks away from finishing my year one. . .I'd like to invite all of you to some recurring Discussion threads on the General discussions: Your Favorite Fav of Someone Else for the week of . . .
Your Favorite Picture of your own Project for the week of . . .
Your Favorite B&W for the week of. . .

These recurring threads become a favorite (imagine that!) stopping place for many of the 365 community. They are a wonderful place to find some of the best of the best gathered from all over the site. Come and join in! See you on Fridays. . .
January 3rd, 2013
Hello there! I'm Mel, started my project on Jan 1... I had a go last year but quickly fizzled out - we got care of partner's 3 year old in January 2012 and I gave birth to our son in March that year too, too much going on for this then, but I'm back with determination this time! I'm a primary school teacher currently on maternity leave until next year, loving being a parent but also excited to have this as a way for me to keep learning and thinking about something other than the beautiful kids... although there will be many shots of the children, I'm sure. I'm just working with a little point and shoot camera - but at least it fits into my pocket!
January 3rd, 2013
@shadesofgrey Not at all, please feel free to do so. I'm sure I missed a few challenges although new ones do pop up.
January 3rd, 2013
@myhrhelper I am just trying to hit the high points on challenges...so you pretty much nailed it! Thanks.
January 3rd, 2013
Hi everyone- I'm on day 3 of this challenge- I've popped on several of the entries here & am now following most of you- wow- some awesome inspiration from a bunch of newbies
April 7th, 2013
Hi Everyone - ok, im late starting but I have just found 365. I admit Im a complete novice but what a fab idea! Im hoping to spend many a happy hour on here now :)
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