Will be in NYC, anyone around to say hello?

February 3rd, 2013
Hey guys,

Next weekend a friend and I will be visiting New York City for a few nights. We're celebrating our 26th birthdays and thought a quick trip across the atlantic would be a fun way to do it.

We wondered if anybody would be about to have a little meet-up while we're visiting. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, take a few photographs, maybe have a few beers.
(really we want to see all the cool local stuff we'd normally miss as lame british tourists haha)

If you don't know me already, I'm Ross and I "founded" this site. Stu can be seen in some of my shots… http://365project.org/Scrivna/365/2010-12-23 We're pretty average guys, just wanting to see the world and experience new things. :-)

We arrive on Saturday 9th Feb and are staying in Manhattan near Grand Central Terminal somewhere, we'll be around until the 13th. (celebrating being old on the 11th)

Totally open to suggestions, so if you are in the area we'd love to meet up and do something, experience some real new york lifestyle. So yeah, get in touch if you're about.
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott I believe you know NY quite well?
February 3rd, 2013
I would but... ...if you came to Sydney we could all celebrate our Aquarianishness. Have a great time
February 3rd, 2013
@Scrivna - Ross you know I'm a life-long NYer and I've done quite a few photo tours for visiting 365ers. Would love to meet up with you. You know my email address, but I'll will send you one so we can coordinate off-line.
February 3rd, 2013
@andycoleborn - Yes I've probably taken about a dozen 365ers on "insiders" nyc photo tours over the past year or so. Always a fun time!
February 3rd, 2013
@Scrivna - And just browse through my project and you'll see what you're getting yourself into and what may strike your interest to visit while here.
February 3rd, 2013
@Scrivna Won't be in NYC but will be in Fargo North Dakota on the 11th celebrating my 29th anniversary of my 26th birthday- Cheers.
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott awesome! that would be great.
@jannkc ooh enjoy yours too! N. Dakota might be a bit far for a diversion.
@andycoleborn we'll have to get together for another london event in the spring too.
@peterdegraaff thanks, must have missed you while I was there.
February 3rd, 2013
you will only be about 400 miles from where I live, in the northern part of N.Y. hey, that is a hop skip and a jump compared to the travel you will have already done. Too bad you can't get out of the city and see New York is much more than skyscrapers, and pavement. Hope you have a great time and be sure to check out the (metal drum) guys on the sidewalk. although they may not be there this time of the year one other thing, have a GREAT birthday
February 3rd, 2013
@rrt @Scrivna - metal drum guys? He's turning 26 he'll be checking out hot bars, nightclubs, and other things unspeakable here ;-)
February 3rd, 2013
@Scrivna @michaelelliott I'm in NJ about 45 minutes from NYC, but if you're arranging a photo meet up on Sunday the 10th, I would love to come into the city and meet both of you and anyone else who's up for some adventure
February 3rd, 2013
@jcarrollphoto @Scrivna - Ross I emailed you - yes Jim actually Sunday was the day that worked best for me.
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott ---don't forget to show Ross the bars in Greenwich Village ----!!!:)
February 3rd, 2013
@Scrivna Oh Ross- I wish I could get into NYC to meet you and thank you in person for this great site! I'm only an hour and a half away, but just can't make it into the city this time around. You'll have the best tour available though with Michael. But if you feel like heading out of the city into the Poconos for a day (a favorite day trip for some NYers) let me know- I can give you a tour of the country!
February 3rd, 2013
I'll be in NYC celebrating my birthday on the weekend of the 21st. All the best people are born in February and, apparently, celebrate in NYC. :-)
February 3rd, 2013
Ahhh....26! Happy Birthday! ...and remember to eat LOTS of cake!!!
February 3rd, 2013
I am a Jersey girl if you want to venture across the river from the city. Michael has the city covered, and Ann has the country. I'll cover the suburbs in between.

@olivetreeann @michaelelliott
February 3rd, 2013
Is it a boys only meet up? I might be able to make it in. I would like to try.
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott -- Oh Ross, you must meet Michael Elliott. I refer to him as MBA (Mr. Big Apple)! I meet and shot with him last July and it was one of my most snap happy days ever! He knows all the best places, I wish I could join in the fun! Snap and post please! :-)
February 3rd, 2013
@Scrivna - and if you are so inclined as to visit canada, toronto particularly, let me know. there's a strong contingent of 365ers here and i just might have nice cake for your 26th birthday! :-) @northy @shutterbugger @slang @russianblue @roth @eddyj
February 3rd, 2013
Oh, rats! I arrive in NYC on the 14th and your nyc photo outing sounds so enticing!

This does remind me, though, that I wish we could figure out a way to keep an ongoing map of where we are all located and indicate whether we are interested in local meet up photo walks . . . or when traveling. I know there was a discussion at the beginning of January where people were posting photos and saying hello from various parts but I've lost that thread.

February 3rd, 2013
Happy birthday Ross, and friend! Keep up the good work here and enjoy your stay in NYC.
February 3rd, 2013
Can I come too? =)
February 3rd, 2013
He better be coming here to Toronto.. Scrivy ..no Excuses DUDE.. or else
February 3rd, 2013
Winterlude (Feb 1 - 18) will be in full force in Ottawa, Canada. Lots of outdoor photo opportunities....only a 10 hour drive from NYC...hahaha! or a 1 hour flight.
February 3rd, 2013
Happy Birthday Ross! Have a great time in NYC, I'm sure you'll have a ball. You deserve a break for founding this fantastic site xx
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott An NYC meet up sounds great ! Do let me know if its open to all and if yes, the place and time. Thanks !
February 3rd, 2013
@saumyagopi - I'm sure it is as Ross sent out announcement. We're hopefully looking at Sun Feb 10. Will let you know.
February 3rd, 2013
@saumyagopi @michaelelliott @sunshinephoto5 @nadaa

Hey, so everyone is welcome to come along, it would be great to meet you. Sunday is looking like a good day to meet up. I'm open to suggestions for where / when.

Thanks everyone else for the kind birthday messages and offers.

@summerfield @eddyj @kathyo Canada sounds lovely, maybe next time ;-)
February 3rd, 2013
@Scrivna @saumyagopi @michaelelliott @sunshinephoto5 @nadaa @jcarrollphoto -

That would be great. We could meet up like maybe 11am by the main stairs to the Apple Store in Grand Central Station (since its near your hotel) and go from there. That would give us a good few hours of daylight when not as freezing and can grab lunch/drinks. Weather has been very cold here is I'd bundle up!

Hey Melissa you in? @melissapike
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott you can do that also, but to miss some of the raw talent on the streets od New York would be a sad thing. You, haviong being use to it probably overlook it, kinda like we take things for granted (in our own back yard) whatever you do, I am sure you will have a good time
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott @Scrivna my sister @mcdougall and I are interested. Not 100% definite we can make it but please keep us in the loop. Thanks!
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott @Scrivna Not sure if I can make it yet, but please keep me posted. I'd love to join you if I can!
February 4th, 2013
@michaelelliott @Scrivna I'm in. Please let me know the plans. Thanks.
February 4th, 2013
@Scrivna @michaelelliott I want to be there but won't know until Sat. afternoon if i can make it. Keeping my fingers crossed!
February 4th, 2013
@melissapike @egad @sunshinephoto5 Excellent, would be great to meet you all!
February 6th, 2013
@saumyagopi @michaelelliott @sunshinephoto5 @nadaa
@melissapike @egad @mcdougall @jcarrollphoto @Scrivna

Ross I just sent you an email re: Sun meet up along with some other info on bars/clubs things to see etc. Everyone - who ever can make it we are still looking to meet up on Sunday, Feb 10 at 11am by the stairs leading to the Apple Store in Grand Central Station. Just awaiting confirmation from Ross.
February 6th, 2013
@michaelelliott it's looking good for me although weather might be a factor, LIRR does not like to run when there is snow! Ross pack your snow boots!! @Scrivna
February 7th, 2013
@michaelelliott thanks for your email, looking forward to it!
February 7th, 2013
@sunshinephoto5 - the snow looks to be to the north and Sun forecast in city 40 and sunny.
February 7th, 2013
@lorihiro - thx Lori you're so sweet! I had a great time too :)
February 8th, 2013
@michaelelliott @Scrivna I still want to meet up but the forecast for long island is a bit scary. I got a blizzard warning on my phone this afternoon. Lots of trees & power lines expected to be out again. Already the gas lines are forming. So if my family has heat & electricity, and the LIRR Gods are with me, then I will be there with bells on!!

February 8th, 2013
@sunshinephoto5 @Scrivna - yeah I guess we'll have to wait and see. If there's lots of snow even subways may close to avoid flooding. Let's check in with each other Sat.
February 8th, 2013
@Scrivna No matter what happens weatherwise, and it is looking to be ghastly, I think it's VERY clear here that having you come to the US is lining up to be a great celebrity event! Hope you see (and I know you do!) what an overwhelmingly positive contribution the 365 project has been to so many people! And just turning 26. . .gosh, Ross, what's next in your grand entrepreneurial spirit? I hope your visit turns out to be grand in spite of blizzards and transportation issues and that you and your friend have the best birthdays ever. Enjoy visiting us and know that there are so many of us who would like to give you a big hug for all you've given each of us!
February 8th, 2013
@michaelelliott And the only thing I can imagine being more lovely than getting to meet Ross on our shores would be spending a day like that in New York with both of you. I'm STILL going to take you up on this visiting tour someday, friend!
February 8th, 2013
@lyno - Anytime Lyn :) But make it in the Spring, Summer or Fall! NYC beautiful then and easy to be outside. Winters can be brutal and this one has been!
February 8th, 2013
@michaelelliott @Scrivna Hi! Ross do you still have a flight into NY? My friend is in London now trying to get home and his flight is cancelled, he is hoping to get a flight out on Sunday. :{ Dang Nemo
February 8th, 2013
@sunshinephoto5 hey, yep, flight says it's on time and all is ok :-)
February 9th, 2013
@michaelelliott @Scrivna We got slammed up here in Connecticut so @mcdougall and I aren't going to be able to make it tomorrow. Totally bummed. Was really looking forward to meeting up with everyone. Have a safe flight Ross!
February 9th, 2013
@egad boooo!!! I hope everyone is digging out ok. As of now the LIRR has very limited service, i am hoping by tomorrow the trains will be running. I am still hoping to make it in. @Scrivna @michaelelliott
February 9th, 2013
@sunshinephoto5 @phillyphotos - Have not heard from Ross @Scrivna yet. He said we would email me when he arrived in NYC so we'd know he made it. Perhaps his flight got cancelled or delayed? Hopefully he gets in and we still to meet tomorrow Sun at 11am at staircase of Apple Store in Grand Central Station. Will let you know once I know.
February 9th, 2013
@michaelelliott I'll keep an eye here...I can be there just not sure of my transportation. Roads here are clear and i am sure the city is clear. i am thinking about driving in. so keep me posted. I don't want to count on the LIRR. I am going to post my email address in my info so if you want you can email me there,& i will give you my cell # too.
February 10th, 2013
@sunshinephoto5 @michaelelliott hey guys, arrived safely at our hotel thanks. Still very much looking forward to meeting you tomorrow!
February 10th, 2013
@Scrivna @sunshinephoto5 @phillyphotos - Excellent to hear! So lets meet up at the spot I mentioned as its close to your hotel - in main hall of Grand Central by the staircase to the Apple Store. You can't miss it. See you at 11:00 am and dress warm!
February 10th, 2013
@michaelelliott facebook messaged you my phone number with my rough plan for making it into the city. If I am running late, feel free to call and check where I am.
February 10th, 2013
@phillyphotos excellent, see you tomorrow!
February 10th, 2013
@Scrivna @phillyphotos @michaelelliott terrific!! looking forward to it!!
February 10th, 2013
@sunshinephoto5 lol it is crazy here. As of 9am Sunday our street still hasn't been plowed! There is so much snow and the poor plow drivers have been working for 3 days straight. I hope you were able to get out safely.
February 10th, 2013
@egad I am south nassau wasn;t hit as hard for a change. after the Be careful meeting people from the internet speech from my hubby I am driving in. Hope we get to meet another day when the weather is nicer. hope you get dug out soon!
@Scrivna @phillyphotos @michaelelliott driving in now hope to be there by 11!
February 10th, 2013
@sunshinephoto5 -Ok I'm here.
February 14th, 2013
Aaaw! I was 26 when I first came to America ....and I'm still here. :-)
Looks like you had a blast in NYC.
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