Thoughts on borders?

February 13th, 2013
What's your thoughts on adding a frame or border to an image?
I like to add a frame to an image if I'm posting it on line because I feel that it finishes or completes the picture. I've noticed that no one else does it...or very few on 365 anyway. It's also been suggested that it's not a favourable technique and perhaps even a sign of an amateur ...which I am. :) What's your thoughts?
February 13th, 2013
like many many things, i think frames have their place, and if used thoughtfully can help complete the story the image is attempting to relate... but if used "just because" then may feel like they are boxing the image in... i rarely use them... and in general i don't think they add to images... but i've seen some uses where i think they help tell the story...
February 13th, 2013
My favourite border was Diane Arbus who used to print the ENTIRE photo including the holes of the film. Of course this is for manual film cameras. I saw the exhibit at the MET about her work and read that she totally believed in showing the whole story of the photo without edit.
February 13th, 2013
I only use them if the a black border helps bring the subject to life. Or in collages to separate and yet tie together the photos.
February 13th, 2013
I've never used one... I feel they don't add to my images - as in, my style of photography doesn't suit them. But I think it depends on your style and what you're trying to achieve with your photos :)
February 13th, 2013
As a designer, I'm not a big fan. It depends on the subject matter - if the photo is, for example, of a large landscape - a free flying bird, where 'space' is depicted ... then definitely not as it would cramp it. If used, they need to be used wisely. If in any doubt, my advice is don''t. :) But then again, it's your project - you should do what works for you.
Same goes for watermarks - in most cases, unless done with finesse, end up being a huge distraction and ruin the pic.
February 13th, 2013
I use them and quite a few of those I follow use them - depends on how I feel!
February 13th, 2013
I don't use them at all with my SLR pics and to be honest I often see photos with borders and it makes me cringe a bit. I do like a hatched edge type border or a retro photo style border when using the hipstamatic app on my phone and will sometimes use borders on instagram.
February 13th, 2013
I have to disagree with most on this subject. I don't do it much on here because of how the photo is viewed. But if you have an image that you would like to fade, why not put a faded black border on it so that when someone enlarges it, it has that effect when viewed with the black background.

I think that the dislike of borders must have something to do with the fact that we really don't display our photos anymore.

My guess is that most of the people that don't advocate a border use mats of some sort when they actually take the time to hang a photo in their homes but I could be wrong.

I say that if you like to put a border on it, go ahead. Many people feel the same way about putting a watermark on your photo. I enjoy doing it so I do it. I'm not a profession photographer but I would like to think that if anyone shares, pins it or just copies it, there is a chance that someone might wonder who I am?

Your photos, do what you like with them.
February 13th, 2013
Below is a photo I recently faved of @michelleyoung - it's wonderful in its simplicity but I also loved the frame she used. So I'm sharing it here just to show a different way to frame.
February 13th, 2013
@sianipops OK, I see the creative use of this border and like how it works with the image.

However, I don't like borders and do not use them. At camera club there is lady who uses borders on almost everything and she has been told by many judges that the borders do not add but detract from the image.
February 13th, 2013
Unless the photo has a polaroid feel to it with that matching frame, frames don't work for me. I happened to see the stunning picture from above a few days ago and immediately commented that it's beautifull but the frame kinda ruined it for me. But that is just my opinion.
February 13th, 2013
Well, I'm one of those folks who does happen to use borders a lot. Most are simple outlines just to "finish" the photo for omline display and I try to be aware of if it distracts or enhances and don't do it only because I can. Of course it's often very subjective. And I would almost never put a border on an image i'm printing for mat/framing.
February 13th, 2013
I don't mind borders and they can be effective, but looking back through my own project it seems I only use them in collages or when I'm trying to salvage a mediocre picture by throwing every bit of editing at it.

They do work well on some photographs though so I guess it's just what works and what doesn't for you.
February 13th, 2013
I add a very thin black frame to every photo that goes through post processing. I just like the look on our white background. Otherwise I don't really bother but would never say no to something more noticeable.
February 13th, 2013
Borders work well on somewhere like facebook or a card perhaps and I use them there, along with text and surreal editing, the general person seems to like them, but here I rarely use them as it is more about the photograph, visual message and technique. If I ever wanted to print and hang a photo on my wall at home I wouldn't want it to have a border already.
An interesting question, I think to border or not depends on the photos final purpose, for me anyway :)
February 13th, 2013
I use Instagram to upload my photos & each filter has the option for a border/frame, so depending on the photo, I will quite often use one.
February 13th, 2013
I haven't used borders mainly because I'm learning and haven't even thought about it, so much else to get a grip of! I like your photos and only really noticed your framing because of this thread - so I think they're fine. I do, however agree that a lot if photos don't need them. It's a personal project, so do what you feel reflects your own tastes x
February 13th, 2013
I only do it when the photo is mostly white and I want to define it against the background on 365
February 13th, 2013
I dislike frames and borders. They only exist to protect your photos when you hang on the wall. So, as long as your shots keep digital....
But hey, who am I to say. All my pictures are 'Hipsta' and have a border by default :-)
February 13th, 2013
I think I put borders on all of my photos in the 2011 project; no borders this time around... no particular reason for using them the first time or for not using them this time. I think it's just a matter of personal taste at any given moment in time.

What I don't like, for sure, are those gaudy artificial frames... borders, cool... frames, not so much.
February 13th, 2013
Don't do it, nuff said
February 13th, 2013
Thanks everyone for the responses. Everyone has opinions but it seems that borders are not so desired. I guess my reasoning is that if I were to hang a picture on the wall, it would probably be in a frame. Anyway, I'm really enjoying this 365 project ... it's re inspired me! :)
February 13th, 2013
Do want you feel looks good to you. It is after all, your project. I use them occasionally and so do many of my followers. With me it depends on the subject and my mood :-) Nothing wrong with it.
February 13th, 2013
I mean what not want (above)
February 14th, 2013
@jwn65 I did use curved edge boarders for a little while last project... but then when i printed the images they looked crap cause the edges were trimmed in... so i stopped. im to lazy to edit twice, once for here and once for print ;) LOL
I like boarders on instagram and i like them for collages.
anyhooooo just my opinion.
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