What is your favourite photo from 2011?

December 30th, 2011
After looking at some of the threads where people have linked to other sites showing the best photos of 2011 I thought it would be fun to see your favourite photo from 2011.

For me it has to be the photo below. I entered this photo in a competition and I won. The prize was $1,000 and I purchased a macro lens with my winnings. If I hadn't decided to participate in the 365project I would never have entered the competition.

December 30th, 2011
This shot of Vernal Falls in Yosemite is my favorite. I'm afraid of heights, so I was super proud of myself for going up high enough to be able to take it.
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
Its hard to choose just one, but I think I like this one best
December 30th, 2011
accidentally (as always) a great capture of my kids in bath.
December 30th, 2011
I'm going to go with this one, just because it is a bit of a different style for me, and because I shot it for myself (rather than for a client's brief).

December 30th, 2011

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child, there are seven million"
December 30th, 2011
Not really sure why, i guess its just one of my favourite ideas i came up with. :)

December 30th, 2011
i think this one for me... he popped up for a second & I caught his ears blowing in the wind..

December 30th, 2011
This is a VERY difficult question to answer...I have a few that I think are better "photography-wise"...others that are favourites because of the moment I captured or how I felt at that time...and others just because...

So. I've eventually gone for one that isn't really good photography as such, but it's the one photo of mine that the 365 community have given the most attention! It's also the only family photo I've taken (infact I've always been very reluctant to upload photos with people in) - and my family mean so much to me, so here they are, at their silliest!

December 30th, 2011
I think this one, ironically one of my least viewed shot's

December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
I guess it would have to be my elk.
December 30th, 2011
This one. Lincoln cathedral by night.
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
Tough one, but I am choosing this one. It was so simple, yet I love the results

December 30th, 2011
Tough choice, but this one

December 30th, 2011

December 30th, 2011
Too hard to pick so went with this one:

December 30th, 2011
Easily my most popular photo was one I just took this week:
December 30th, 2011
This is not the one with the most views or favs (it only got 59 views and 1 fav), nor did it make the popular page, but of all the photos I took in 2011, it is my favorite.

December 30th, 2011
it's a tough call, but i think i'd have to go with this one
December 30th, 2011

This would be my favorite photo this year
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
Until yesterday, my favorite was always my September 11th photo. I love them both, but this one is my fav at the moment :)
December 30th, 2011
maybe this one...

December 30th, 2011
Hard question, but I have to go with this one. I have a lot of personal reasons for choosing it, but basically it portrays how far I have come in the last year...
December 30th, 2011
This collage, because it was the last birthday for both Avery and Grandma before she died on Memorial day of this year....

December 30th, 2011
really liked this iphone shot and editing

December 30th, 2011

Hope Springs Eternal (part I) It represents so much of this year and the winding road that 2011 turned out to be...
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
The year ain't over yet, but this one has become one of my favorites. Although it doesn't have the views of some of my others (read it might not be as good), I think I like it the best.

I will decide for sure after the year is up.
December 30th, 2011
Different ones for different reasons - but this one ticks a lot of my boxes so it's probably my favourite. Great thread by the way.

December 30th, 2011
albeit it didn't get much recognition on 365, this is my personal fave pic i've taken for the year for personal reasons, which you can read about if you want to if you click on the pic.. Happy New Year, all!

December 30th, 2011
This one is one of my favorites over the past year! This site has definitely helped me to become a better photographer and I thank all of you for pushing me to new levels!! Happy New Year all!!
December 30th, 2011
Not the best technically...but personally after this photo I knew I had reached the point of no return. 365 is definitely helping me improve both technically and creatively...and I'm enjoying it to the core!

December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
my selfie... the most difficult and elaborated shot I ever took... also my first pic which made top 20.

December 30th, 2011

December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
@indiannie_jones you certainly are a super fan Annie! Oh Happy New Year!
December 30th, 2011
Wow, some awesome photos here! Hard to choose just one out of the year but for me I think it's a recent one. My favorite railroad bridge with a different view from my 10x24mm wide angle lens.

December 30th, 2011
what an amazing collection of photos!

id have to chose this self portrait, it was my one faved popular pic for the year and it was 100% inspired by all the other brilliant self portraits i have seen here on 365 and something I had never considered before starting this project!

December 30th, 2011
I took this all the way back in February on my little P&S before I got my DSLR. It brings back wonderful memories and although a posed shot the laughter is completely natural

December 30th, 2011
Easy choice, this one is my favourite for the year by a long shot. It's straight-out-of-camera here but I'm using an edited version on my business card -- LINK -- which I have also had printed to canvas and hung proudly on my living room wall.

December 30th, 2011

My favourite by quite a way, taken back in September at the start of my project.
December 30th, 2011
While there are still a few things I would change with this image, it is one of my favorites. I honestly can not choose just one. There are so many that mean various things to me. However I love the lighting the colors the expression and even the drool in this photograph.
December 30th, 2011

One of my favourites because it was a great end to a super day. The sun shining late onto the terrace bar overlooking the sea.
December 30th, 2011
This is my favorite!!!
December 31st, 2011

Finding a mama fox feeding her kits in my own backyard was pretty amazing.
December 31st, 2011
This is too hard to pick ONE! lol. Anyway, I love the stillness, solitude, and peace from this...

December 31st, 2011
December 31st, 2011
I started in June, so am selecting from only half a year. I am going with this one because it reminds me of good times with my mom, who passed away July 24. Also, I took it with my niece and she tried it too. And last, the "dear photo" type thing was one thing I wanted to try and I finally found the perfect photo/place to do it.
December 31st, 2011
For the light...

December 31st, 2011
I was so torn between two photos! I finally decided on this one because it was a real accomplishment to take this with my left hand, supporting Maggie with my right hand, and add the fact that the shutter button is on the right side of the camera which put my hand over the screen to get to the button and it is a wonder I was even able to snap a photo at all!
December 31st, 2011

I love this one - no editing but still looks beautiful
December 31st, 2011

I did this not long after I begun the 365 project and I was astounded by the reaction of the community.
December 31st, 2011

I guess this one. I couldn't pick one that dat day hihi ;p
December 31st, 2011
created for an album cover challenge, I just am amazed at how the picture turned out, no post processing other than cropping.
December 31st, 2011
Mine would have to be this one as there are so many reasons I love it - but the most important one is in the caption :)
December 31st, 2011

The day I went Pop Art!
December 31st, 2011
I think it would be this one.
December 31st, 2011
This photo was a #1 in Top 20 and for me was the most unique and unusual shot of the Empire State Building you will find - no photoshop - all real!

December 31st, 2011
This was our last walk together. We walked many, many miles and this picture reminds me of that.
December 31st, 2011
December 31st, 2011
I'm really enjoying this as I missed so many of these photos the first time around. Choosing my favorite is tough. A top five would be so much simpler. I think it would have to be this one. Never made the PP, but I really like it. We were on vacation, it was my birthday, there was a hurricane coming.... Lol

December 31st, 2011
December 31st, 2011

Tough decision, but this one from June 18th was a quite unexpected find and a turned out to be a great photograph (especially in focus and composition) overall. Also, this has the most amount of comments I have ever received on one shot this year: 7
December 31st, 2011

I think this is my fav but I have lots of favs and have learned so much from everyone that it is hard to choose.
December 31st, 2011
In some ways it seem silly to post my picture from yesterday as my favorite of the year...but in others it makes me realize how much I have learned this year. This picture ended up exactly how I hoped it would turn out ...which makes me happy. This will be the first picture I print and frame from the whole project!
Thank you to all of my followers and for all of the encouragement and comments this year.

December 31st, 2011
December 31st, 2011
Beijing, Tiananmen Square

December 31st, 2011
From January 26th, one of my entries for the Hope theme

December 31st, 2011
It's hard to pick a favorite... but looking back I think this one:

December 31st, 2011

I almost didn't upload this, but the reaction it continues to get amazes me!
December 31st, 2011
December 31st, 2011
December 31st, 2011
This is hard!! Different ones for different reasons but I'm plumping for this one, which was my 8th picture, because it wasn't really planned, wasn't processed in any way at all and has an intensity that I like. Great thread - it's really fun looking at these!
December 31st, 2011
def this shot for so many reasons..this was a moving moment for me.

December 31st, 2011
I think this one wud be my fav..
December 31st, 2011
Wow. There are some amazing photos here! It's difficult ot choose just one but I will go with this as it was a total surprise that this deer came into view when I was going to leave the area.

January 1st, 2012
January 1st, 2012

I really love the simplicity of this photo :)
January 1st, 2012
January 1st, 2012
So many of these photos just put me to shame, they are so excellent! But here's one of my "fuzzy" shots. =)
January 1st, 2012
January 1st, 2012
got a few that are my favourites but i will go with this one:
January 1st, 2012
This is my favourite photo of 2011. It shows Marina bay in Singapore, taken from the Helix bridge:


Sorry I can't get the picture up here!
January 1st, 2012
Pretty Star, for May 8, 2011

January 1st, 2012
it's hard isn't it.
one of my personal favourites is this one...

January 1st, 2012
January 1st, 2012
January 1st, 2012
Probably still this one, from Valentine's Day 2011 -

I know it's nothing special, but it was really the first time I'd tried any "proper photography" - actually thinking up how I wanted the shot to come out, getting the right equipment for it, and spending time setting it up and making it look OK, instead of just pointing my camera and something nearby, pressing the shutter, and accepting whatever result I got.
January 1st, 2012

This photo was taken from a bumboat on the Singapore River in April 2011. It's my favourite shot of the year.
January 1st, 2012
I have lots of favourites really, many of them are of my boys, a mushroom pic or two and quite a few flower shots. I am posting this one as it was the photo which sent me off on a 'flowers in vase' tangent.
January 1st, 2012
My best mate Tim ... Having a breather in the Pepsi Max Tent at Hard Rock Calling, during his day job as front man for 'Mike and The Mechanics' ...

7 hours wait for this shot ...

January 1st, 2012
I can't go past this one I don't think. My three loves all together! I recently got this printed on a big canvas so I can look at it everyday in our home :)

January 1st, 2012
Three months into the project I took this shot and it stayed on top 1 of my top 10 for seven months. It was an accidental success because I didn't know much about composition and editing back then but even after learning all that stuff I still like it. It shows that luck and a spur of the moment good idea are sometimes worth more than skill and planning ;).
January 1st, 2012
While some of my frog shots have been more popular, this Owl in my front garden made me giggle like a little girl when I got this shot. I may have pee'd my pants, not quite sure I remember now, the whole moment was very exciting!

January 1st, 2012
January 1st, 2012
January 1st, 2012
I love the colours and summerfeeling in this one:
January 1st, 2012
I guess it's still this one - "abundance" (in the unedited version, the flowers were the ugliest color; i love them this way)

January 1st, 2012
So many great pictures here!

Well, I think my favourite is still this one, from February 7:

January 1st, 2012
I'm still pretty new to 365 but so far I think this is my favorite.
January 1st, 2012
I have a few, but this one makes me happy...
January 1st, 2012
This was my first play with long exposure and I love how it came out:
January 1st, 2012
I just started this. I had to go through my Facebook albums to figure out which was my favorite. Then I had to figure out how to post pictures into the discussions. This pic was taken on sunset cruise in Key West. The sail lines in the setting sun look like an image out of an adventure to me.
January 1st, 2012
What an awesome thread! I'm loving all of these fabulous photos!!
Here's mine, taken just 1 day before the end of the year :)
January 1st, 2012
This is mine....daughter and grand-daughter. I like the rest and peace on they're faces.
January 1st, 2012
It's either this one I took durign the wonderful weather we had in April. It was unplanned and a complete fluke that I arrived home in time to get it. It stayed #1 of my top 10 for months but now has dropped off the list.

Or this one taken in June on a break whilst driving through France on holiday

Both were unplanned and I was lucky I captured them!

January 1st, 2012
Here is mine - although I found it hard to choose. I chose this because it was taken while we were on vacation and it's the only photo from the project I've had printed (and enlarged) to be framed. I love to look at this picture because the place where it was taken was so peaceful and beautiful.

January 1st, 2012
pick ONE??? :) well, I think this one. I actually printed & framed it and it hangs in my dining room. Was very meaningful to me :) I had quite a few photos that I loved though :)

January 1st, 2012
This is my favorite picture from 2011.

January 2nd, 2012
It's hard to choose, but this is one of my top favorites. :)
January 2nd, 2012
January 2nd, 2012
@nicolecampbell Congrats on your win and new-found passion!
For me, it was a hard choice between two selfies, but I love this one the best, becuse it is kind of unique:
January 2nd, 2012
This was a hard choice but today, it's this one...

Tomorrow, the answer may be different.
January 2nd, 2012
January 2nd, 2012
Yeah, hard question! I'll go with this...today!
January 2nd, 2012
wow. now that's what i call a capture! amazing!
January 2nd, 2012
January 2nd, 2012
January 2nd, 2012
January 2nd, 2012
What is funny is that I have this on my bedroom wall and was saying it was one of my favorites.
January 2nd, 2012
I have a few but think I will go with this one, Pooh is so wise:

January 2nd, 2012
I only posted it yesterday, but I freaking LOVE how this one came out. It wasn't what I was expecting. I have a huge fondness for a LOT of shots (some just for personal reasons) - but right now my love is going to this one:)
January 2nd, 2012
This is my favourite pic, It is one i took at a friends wedding and then photoshopped it black n white, It was just the best portrait natural shot i had done and it wa only after using and getting into photography for 3 months.

January 2nd, 2012
January 2nd, 2012
I took a break during Fall Quarter, but I'm trying to start the project back up. My favorite photo from 2011 was pretty easy to pick, though:

January 2nd, 2012
Probably this one.Because it reminds me of my dad
January 2nd, 2012
i would have to choose this one after a quick look through my albums ... it was just to easy, too picture perfect, and it has great memories :))

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